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Chapter 1690 Khadgar is finally single

As long as Kil'jaeden remained on Argus, the wise trickster would not let down his guard against Illidan.

Fortunately, Sharlayan had already mastered Kil'jaeden's Achilles' heel - Velen.

Sarlayan could not understand the gay friendship between the two people that had been entangled for tens of thousands of years. In terms of results, as long as Velen was involved, Kil'jaeden would unconsciously lose his former calmness and wisdom.

Of course, this doesn't mean Kil'jaeden will lose his mind because all he sees is Velen.

To use Sharlayan's joking words to describe it, if Kil'jaeden in normal state is very wise and almost demonic, then Kil'jaeden who is attracted by Velen's attention will only have the wisdom of a mortal.

For the Burning Legion, which advocates a liberating nature, absolute rationality does not exist, and it is perfectly normal for the demons who represent chaos to act rationally.

Kil'jaeden the Deceiver, one of the three giants of the Legion, is no exception. After all, this is the bad start started by Sargeras, the founder of the Legion.

In order to ensure the success of the operation to seize the Sargerit Keystone, the best way is to transfer Kil'jaeden, who is based in Argus, away from the headquarters so that he cannot return in time to assist Mardon who was suddenly attacked.

As the saying goes, if you are reluctant to give up your children, you will not catch the wolf. In order to ensure that Sarlayan's follow-up plan can be realized as expected, he can only suffer from Velen first.

However, no matter how ungrateful Kil'jaeden is, he will definitely take warning from Archimonde's tragic experience, and he will not impulsively enter Azeroth himself immediately.

For at least the next year, Kil'jaeden should use various means to test the reality of Azeroth, and repeatedly pull back and forth with Sharlayan in various fields, who is also trying to calculate the opponent.

As long as Kil'jaeden couldn't help but move, Sharlayan would immediately go to the Black Temple and assist Illidan in attacking Marton as quickly as possible to obtain the Sargrith Keystone.

Valeera frowned and asked, "It might be dangerous to lure a wolf into the house like this, right?"

Sarlayan admitted frankly: "It will indeed be dangerous, but now that Malorne, the sea-fixing needle, has been resurrected, even if there is a head-on conflict with Kil'jaeden, we will not necessarily lose."

"As the saying goes, we can gain wealth through danger. As a weak party, we can only create precious opportunities to win in the extreme struggle against the Burning Legion by taking risks. Blindly pursuing stability is nothing but a slow death."

Valeera, Stellagosa, Jaina and others gathered together to discuss for a while, and finally decided to support Sharlayan's adventurous plan, taking the initiative to open the Nightwell to the eredar twins, and using Velen to defeat Kil'jaeden. Seduced from faraway Argus.

As for the legion fleet led by the remnants of Nasrezim headed by Tichondrius...

If Sharlayan's plan goes well, Azeroth or Draenor may not need to take action themselves at all, and the fraudsters who are eager to eradicate the problem will take the initiative to help them solve this problem.

Think about it, if Tichondrius and other Nasrezim executives suddenly learn that their home planet exploded with a fleet nearby, will they continue to obey Kil'jaeden, who already has evil intentions?

Because the stellar explosion affected Nazresa?

They are all thousand-year-old foxes. What kind of chatter are they talking about? Do you think Tichondrius will believe this excuse?

Queen Azshara's invitation disrupted Sharlayan's vacation plan. Although Sharlayan, Valeela and others had not had enough fun, they still had business to attend to.

Considering Queen Azshara's strange attitude towards her men, Valeera did not agree with Thalayan heading to the Broken Isles alone.

After some intense internal discussions, Jaina, who had not been home for a long time due to official business, won the final victory and was given the opportunity to follow Sarlayan to Nazjatar.

In order to avoid the situation of being biased, Sarlayan never participates in quarrels between women. No matter who wins in the end, he will definitely not lose anyway.

Jaina's victory was partly due to her relationship with Aegwynn.

That's right, Aegwynn did not leave the Tomb of Tomb frontline with Azshara's active retreat.

This stubborn former guardian of Tirisfal is still like a nail, firmly guarding the vicinity of the tomb of Sa, closely monitoring every move of the legion of demons.

When Jaina went to the Broken Islands this time, in addition to her work with the Shadow Family, she also had a commission from Medivh and Merry Winterwind. She needed to find a way to persuade Aegwynn to return to the Guardian Temple.

On the way from Suramar City to Nazjatar, Sharlayan asked Jaina with interest: "Medivine has returned from Karazhan?"

"Yes." Jaina playfully blinked her left eye: "Medivh, who has regained his peak strength, took action, and the hidden dangers in Karazhan were finally completely resolved this time. He also helped Khadgar find a girlfriend. "


Upon hearing this, Sarlayan immediately asked energetically: "Tell me in detail, who is the other party?"

Jaina couldn't help laughing when she mentioned this: "Actually, you also know this person. He is an old friend of Khadgar's in Draenor."

"Delaenei's current scholar archbishop - Onara."


After all, the name Jaina reported surprised Sarlayan somewhat.

But after thinking about it, this seems to be unexpected and reasonable.

The scholar Draenei refers to is actually a mage, also called an arcanist. They are both arcanists. Khadgar had had many academic exchanges with Onala when he was trapped in Draenor. Both of them learned from each other. They learned many unique spells and spell-casting techniques from their respective home worlds.

As an astral mage, Medivh has traveled to worlds that even he can hardly count, and Draenor is just one of them.

As early as when the draenei crash-landed in Draenor, Medivh had unconsciously traveled to Draenor.

At that time, the scholar-archbishop of the Draenei was Orthar, the Draenei traitor later known as Socrethar, and Onara was one of the assistants under Archbishop Orthar.

After Orsar's rebellion, Onara, who was under increasing pressure, fled to the temple of Karabor to cry alone in order to relieve the pressure. However, by some strange combination of circumstances, she received relief and guidance from Medivh, who traveled to Draenor again.

From this perspective, Onara can be regarded as Medivh's registered apprentice, coming from the same school as Khadgar.

With Khadgar's identity, there is currently no princess of the right age who can match him in all human countries.

Originally, Khadgar thought that he would continue to be a bachelor for several years or even decades, but his mentor Medivh, who had returned from the star realm, suddenly gave him a surprise.

As we all know, the Draenei are immortals, and like the high elves, they have an average lifespan of about 3,000 years.

Under normal circumstances, it would be impossible for a Draenei to consider choosing a short-lived human as a partner.

Humans only have a lifespan of a hundred years. Once they are combined with them, it means that the draenei will endure the torture of loneliness for at least several hundred years after the death of their lover.

But Khadgar's situation is completely different from that of ordinary humans. With his talent, it is only a matter of time before he breaks through the bottleneck and becomes a demigod, and the lifespan gap between him and Onala is not important.

After listening to Jaina's explanation, Sarlayan smiled with some emotion: "I didn't expect it. Sure enough, there is an old man in the family. If there is a treasure, Khadgar will no longer have to deal with lemons when facing Ronin in the future."

"So to say……"

Sarlayan touched his chin thoughtfully: "Among the five heroes of the expeditionary force that originally invaded Draenor, except for Sister Alleria, an immortal species who is not in a hurry to get married, the only one who has disappeared is Turayan. Are you still a bachelor?"

"Pfft~" Jaina couldn't help but laugh: "When you say that, it's true... But, Turayan has been missing for so many years, do you really think he is still alive?"

Sarlayan, who had his eyes opened, couldn't explain clearly. He could only shrug and said perfunctorily, "I'm not sure. I can only say that it's a high probability."

"Perhaps the next time we see Turalyon, he will be accompanied by a gleaming draenei wife."

Jaina couldn't help but roll her eyes at him: "Delaenei doesn't have a quirk of specifically looking for humans as partners. How could it be such a coincidence?"

"Besides, who knows where Turayan was thrown by the turbulence of space, and where did he go to find a Draenei woman to marry?"

‘Haha~ don’t believe it. ’

Sarlayan smiled noncommittally and jokingly discussed this topic with the barrage in his mind.

[In this timeline, Alleria did not disappear with Turayan. The possibility that Xiao Sa mentioned... is actually quite high. 】

[By the way, who are the female lightcast draenei with names in the Legion of Light? 】

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