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Chapter 1694: Fighting with the air?

Before leaving the Eternal Palace, Sharlayan and Jaina happened to meet Vashj, who had regained his night elf form.

As Azshara, the most valued palace maid of the party, although Vashj's appearance is not as good as that of Azshara, who is flawless in all aspects, according to Sharlayan's standards, even if she looks at the entire Azeroth Lars, she's at least in the top ten.

Compared with fellow night elves, only Maiev and Tyrande can compete with Vashj in appearance, but the temperaments of these three are completely different.

Although Sharlayan will always criticize Tyrande's ability to govern, her devotion to Elune is at least unquestionable, so Tyrande's temperament has a very obvious sense of sanctity.

In barrage terms, if Tyrande didn't speak, she would be like a clear high mountain flower.

Compared with Tyrande, Maiev's aura is more powerful, which always makes people subconsciously ignore her super fighting appearance.

Moreover, Maiev often hides her face behind the ugly helmet of the Watcher. There are very few people who are qualified to see her beautiful face... especially the opposite sex.

All members of the Watcher organization led by Maiev are women. These Watchers were once members of the Church of Elune. They were dissatisfied with Tyrande, the airborne high priest, and ran away with Maiev. This led to the establishment of a special Watcher organization. The Watchmen of Felons.

Sarlayan had heard a rumor that was true or false. It was said that most of the members of the Watch had abnormal sexual orientations, including Maiev herself.

Sarlayan was not sure and had no interest in delving into the authenticity of this rumor, but it was true that Maiev was still unmarried, and no matter where she went, she would always be accompanied by the adjutant named Nasa, and others could not help but wonder. Think more.

The barrage is very interested in the situation of Maiev's spouse. Some people think that Maiev is crazy about Illidan out of love and hatred, and some people side with Maiev x Nasa.

Vashj's temperament is somewhere between Tyrande and Maiev, striking a delicate balance between heroism and femininity, which will undoubtedly add extra points to her already capable looks.

Jaina narrowed her eyes slightly and looked at the familiar stranger in front of her with caution: 'Are there any masters? I didn't expect the real Vashj to be so beautiful. ’

I have to mention here that the Naga form will indeed interfere with people's correct perception of appearance to a great extent.

In fact, there is no obvious difference between Vashj's face and Naga form. The difference mainly comes from other aspects.

In the form of a naga, Vashchi has snake hair floating on her head, and her skin is covered with ugly blue fish scales. Since she is not exposed to the sun all year round at the bottom of the sea, her face looks very pale. It's a ghost if she looks good.

At this time, Vashj had jet black hair, and her skin had returned to the traditional night elf violet color. With the addition of clothing and accessories, she looked completely different from her previous naga form.

Through Valeela's warning, the Sharlayan family all knew that Queen Azshara had evil intentions towards their men.

If Azshara was really shameless (in Valeera) and sneaked into the family, her maids would naturally become Sharlayan's maids, and they might even be responsible for the bed-warming service.

And this is obviously unacceptable to the female members of the Deep Shadow family headed by Valeela.

In this regard, Sarlayan wanted to say that Valeela and the others were overthinking it, but she was busy with official duties and really didn't have the energy to pay attention to such trivial private matters, so she simply left it to them, treating it as a battle of wits and courage with the air.

There is a saying that Sarlayan cannot be regarded as an emotionally slow person, but due to the different angles of observing things, his sensitivity to certain things is indeed inferior to Valeela, a jealous little jar.

After respectfully watching Sharlayan and Jaina leave the palace, Vashj withdrew his interested gaze and quickened his pace to the audience hall where Azshara was.

"Your Majesty, Vashj is back."

"Yes, Not Bad."

Azshara walked down from the throne gracefully, lifted Vashj's round chin with her slender fingers, and nodded with satisfaction: "It looks much more pleasing to the eye this way."

"From now on, the internal affairs of this palace will still be left to you to take care of. I don't want to see people in the form of Naga appear in my sight again."

Vashj bowed his head knowingly and accepted the order: "I understand. I will distribute the ripe Arcandor fruits to other sisters as soon as possible. In addition..."

Vashj quietly observed Azshara's expression.

"Huh?" Azshara raised her eyebrows curiously: "What else? Go on."

"Yes." Vashj narrowed her gaze and asked in a businesslike tone: "Does Her Majesty the Queen have any other instructions regarding Sharlayan Deep Shadow?"

Azshara, who returned to the throne, looked at Vashj with a half-smile: "What do you think?"

Vaschi bit the bullet and gave her own suggestion: "I think... we should suspend the offensive and eliminate the hostility of our competitors bit by bit."

"Ha~" Azshara smiled noncommittally: "As you said, my dear chief maid."

"There's no need to rush, we still have plenty of time."

"Now, let's get down to business."

Azshara put away the smile on her face and gave Vashj a serious order: "The negotiations with the water element will officially begin in two months. Before that, I need you to formulate a comprehensive negotiation plan that can Can you do it?”

"Of course." Vashchi replied in a neither humble nor condescending manner: "Please leave it to me and the maids. This is our duty."

Azshara's maids are all selected from the noble families of the Dark Night Empire. They have received elite education from their families since they were young. There are talents in various fields, and no one is a true idiot.

Although they are said to be maids, their true position is that of the inner court ladies who assist Azshara in handling government affairs.

From a certain perspective, the authority of these maids is still higher than that of the ministers of the outer court headed by Xavius.

Times have changed, and the ministers of the outer court, including Xavius, have long become history.

During the 10,000 years of dormancy under the sea, Azshara did not replenish the Outer Court officials everywhere, but directly let her maids fill the various management positions vacated by the Outer Court ministers.

In the next ten thousand years, Azshara's maids used practical actions to prove the incompetence of the Minister of the Outer Court of the Dark Night Empire.

Even without them, the powerful maids can still keep the country in order. This is the fundamental reason why Naga has always been in a state of yin and yang.

After the Dark Night Empire returned to land, Azshara had no intention of changing this stable political system that had been in operation for ten thousand years.

After listening to Sharlayan's explanation, Jaina understood the true responsibilities of the so-called Maid of Azshara.

"In other words." Jaina rubbed her eyebrows with a headache: "They are not maids, but just senior officials of the Dark Night Empire who wear the name of maids?"

"You can't say that." Sarlayan shook his head and corrected: "As far as I know, all maids are proud of their status as the queen's personal attendants."

"Perhaps in their view, the status of a maid is more important than the so-called power of a high official."

"This is really..." Jaina smiled bitterly and spread her hands: "In your words, why do I feel that Azshara is engaged in pyramid schemes? Does she really have such a strong personality?"

Sarlayan smiled and patted Jaina on the head: "Don't let prejudice interfere with your judgment. Calm down and ask yourself, do you really think Azshara doesn't have that charm?"

After all, Gianna is only in her early 20s. The little princess who has been pampered since childhood can still be called young and energetic.

She herself may not have noticed that when facing Azshara, the legendary light of light, out of a confrontational mentality that refused to admit defeat, she always subconsciously resisted accepting the other person's strengths, and instead desperately tried to find them. each other’s shortcomings.

As Sharlayan said, as long as we abandon those personal prejudices, Jaina has to admit that Azshara's ability to lead an era depends on more than just her unparalleled beauty.

"Hey~" Jaina glared at Sharlayan with some sadness: "Why are you so good at attracting bees and butterflies? Even the self-admiring Queen Azshara has become interested in you."

Sarlayan shrugged nonchalantly: "It's just interest, don't be so nervous."

"Azshara had been emotionally hurt by Sargeras. For her, who has always been proud, the experience of being cheated online was undoubtedly a great shame."

"As the saying goes, one learns from every experience. I don't think she will fall into a new pit again as you are prepared to do."

Jaina rolled her eyes angrily: "It's not what you think, it's what we think."

"Anyway, don't ask anything about this matter. We have our own discretion."

Sarlayan smiled helplessly: "I hope so... Okay, that's the end of this topic. It's time for us to go to the next stop."

After transforming into a gryphon and carrying Jaina into the air, Sarlayan activated his eagle eye to look toward Stormfjord in the eastern part of the Broken Islands.

"Tolinir Storm Dragon...that guy Odin is really evil." (End of Chapter)

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