Live Streaming: Azeroth

Chapter 1697 Abby Xi’an is about to wear a yellow robe

Before that, the Tolinirs were still whispering about Nithogg's death.

As soon as Sarlayan said these words, the noisy Tuolimu Peak suddenly fell silent, and everyone looked at Sarlayan in astonishment.

"Ahem! Ahem! Ahem!"

Perhaps due to being too excited, Dormi, who was already in poor health, couldn't stop coughing.


The female storm dragon who took the initiative to maintain order hurriedly came to Dormi to check on her condition.

"Ahem...I'm fine, ahem! It's just...ahem, I lost my breath for a moment."

Dormi glanced at the daughter beside him with a weak breath: "Temjaris...cough! Let you negotiate with this adult on my behalf."

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Dormi's lifespan is coming to an end, and she is deliberately taking this opportunity to enhance the prestige of the heir.

‘Temjarris…it is indeed her. ’

Netizens have mentioned this name before. She is the successor of Storm Dragon Mother after Dormi in the original history.

Judging from the usual behavior of the top management of Torinir next to them, it seems that they have already accepted the fact that the Dragon Mother is about to be replaced.

Sarlayan had no intention of embarrassing the old dragon Dormi, who was already in his dying years, and turned his attention to Tamjaris, who had been authorized by his mother.

After settling Dormi, who was still out of breath, Tamjaris took the initiative to take two steps forward and confirmed to Sarlayan in a calm tone: "Your Excellency Deep Shadow, you said you are the... Speaker of Dragon Sleep Temple?"

"Although I, Torinir, have moved far away from the Broken Islands in Northrend, we still know something about the prestigious Wyrmrest Temple. I have never heard that the Dragon Clan has the position of Speaker."

Sarlayan smiled and nodded: "It's normal that you don't know. The position of Speaker was only officially established a year ago. You can simply regard this position as the leader of Wyrmrest Temple."

A trace of suspicion flashed in Tamjaris's dragon eyes: "As far as I know, since Deathwing betrayed the people, the leader of Wyrmrest Temple has always been Her Majesty the Red Dragon Queen Alexstrasza. Please Forgive me for being rude, Your Excellency...can you prove your identity?"

Tamjaris's suspicion is not surprising. This is the vigilance that a clan leader should have.

Sarlayan and Jaina were not grudged by Tamjaris's attitude. Instead, they were very optimistic about the future leader of Torinir who acted steadily.

"Ms. Tamjarris, you should have heard of the unique powers each of the five colored dragons possess, right?"

Tamjaris nodded slightly: "Of course, I was lucky enough to see the power of an adult black dragon in the High Mountain area."


Sarlayan and Jaina were both stunned for a moment, and after exchanging glances, they both looked surprised.

Jaina pursed her lips and chuckled: "I think I know who the black dragon you met is."

Sarlayan also smiled and shrugged: "Just right, let this old acquaintance you met explain it to you personally."

"By the way, he is now the crown prince of the Black Dragon clan. He only needs to complete the final inheritance ceremony before he will officially ascend the throne and become the new king of the Black Dragon clan."


Tamjaris' mind was a little confused for a moment. As far as she knew, the black dragon she accidentally encountered in the High Mountains seemed to be a lone black dragon living in isolation.

Sarlayan did not respond to Tamjaris' doubts for the time being, and conveyed some information to Jaina with his eyes.

Jaina has lived with Sarlayan since she was a child, and she has developed a deep understanding with him after many years of getting along with him.

Without any additional instructions, she immediately understood what Sarlayan meant and raised her hand to open a portal leading directly to the destination.

Looking through the portal from the perspective of Tamjaris and others, the other side of the door seems to be a volcanic area covered with lava. A familiar black dragon is lying on the lava and dozing comfortably.

Sarlayan flicked his finger and sent a blast of wind to the opposite side, hitting the black dragon's nose just in time.


Suddenly struck, the black dragon, who had not yet woken up, opened his eyes and looked around with a hazy expression.


"Ah this..."

The name Abisian blurted out made both Sarlayan and Jaina dumbfounded. This child must have been under Sinestra's strict supervision in the past few years.

"Abyssian, it's me, Sarlayan."

Hearing the familiar voice coming from the other side of the portal, Abyssian's remaining sleepiness gradually dissipated, and he looked through the portal with slight confusion.

"Brother-in-law? Do you have anything to do with me?"

"It's a long story." Sarlayan raised his hand and waved to Abyssian: "Come here, I need you to help me prove my identity."


Although he still didn't understand the whole story, the honest man Abyssian still got up and transformed into a tauren form, and crossed the portal maintained by Jaina in a few strides.

"This is……"

The sudden change in the environment made Abyssian somewhat uncomfortable. The temperature at Tuolimu Peak was much lower than the Obsidian Dragon Holy Land where he was before.

However, the change in temperature is not a big problem for the physically strong dragon clan. What surprised Aibi Xi'an was that he actually saw an old acquaintance on this snow-covered mountain peak that he had not seen for many years.

"Temgaris? Long time no see, so..." Abisian turned his head and looked around thoughtfully: "Is this the Torinir Peak you mentioned in your chat before?"

Tamjaris asked a series of questions with a headache: "Black Horn, why did you change your name to Abisian?"

"I heard from your Excellency...the brother-in-law in your mouth that you are now the crown prince of the Black Dragon clan and are about to ascend the throne?"

"What happened in these years? Where is Deathwing? Where is His Majesty Alexstrasza? What happened to Wyrmrest Temple?"

"Wait a minute!" Abyssian raised his hand in confusion and shouted: "Nothing happened in Dragon Sleep Temple. The Dragon Kings except Deathwing are all still alive and well. It's just that it happened to be updated. It’s time for a generational change.”

"As for Abyssian... this is my real name. Black Horn is the pseudonym I used when I lived in seclusion in the High Mountain tribe."

After recovering Deathwing's remains from Deepholm, Wyrmrest Temple has recently been attempting to separate the Earth Guardian from his body. This ritual is presided over by Spellweaver Malygos himself.

Because the progress was not going well, Sharlayan also applied for Azadas' help from Ulduar before leaving Wyrmrest Temple.

As long as the separation of the Earth Guardian Power is completed, the enthronement ceremony of the new king Abyssian will be close at hand.

Although Abyssian has a simple and honest personality, he is not stupid at all.

As the preparatory Black Dragon King, he had long known about the dragonborn expansion plan proposed by Sarlayan. The moment he arrived at Tuolimu Peak, he roughly guessed the reason why his brother-in-law invited him here.

Through some exchanges with Tamjaris, Abisian confirmed the identity of the new leader of Sarlayan Wyrmrest Temple, and used his old acquaintance to help persuade Tamjarris to lead Torinir to join the Dragon Clan.

Tolinir has lived in a corner for many years, rarely communicating with the outside world, and is not sensitive to changes in the world situation.

The large amount of blockbuster news that Abisian poured out like beans almost overloaded the brain of the Storm Dragon headed by Tamjaris.

As the saying goes, ginger is still spicier with age.

While Tamjaris was trying to digest the information provided by Abisian, Dormi, the mother of dragons, who finally caught her breath, took the first step to straighten out her thoughts.

Dormi bowed his head to Salyan with a fearful expression: "Dear Speaker, please forgive us for our previous rudeness."

Sarlayan, who has read many people, could tell that there was some showmanship in Duolmi's expression, but he did not say anything to expose it. He just waved his paws gently: "Don't be nervous, it's not strange for those who don't know. .”

"Now that my identity has been confirmed, I would like to ask Mother Dragon to carefully consider the suggestions I made before."

"This..." Dormi said with a wry smile: "From my true heart, of course I hope to be recognized by the Dragon Sleeping Temple and become a member of the Dragon Clan, but... the Torinir clan is guarded by Titans after all. I am worried that..."

Abyssian asked with a smile: "Are you worried that fully surrendering to the Dragon Clan will lead to the censure of Ulduar?"

"If His Majesty Alexstrasza is still in power now, your worries are indeed justified."

"My brother-in-law has an extraordinary relationship with Ulduar. He is a Guardian of Azeroth recognized by Grand Guardian Raiden and Chief Administrator Odin. He also has a deep personal relationship with the Titan Guardian."

"If you are still worried..." Abyssian shrugged: "Tholinir can unify the opinions within the clan first, and at the worst, ask my brother-in-law to go to Ulduar in person and invite your creator Thorim here. .”

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