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Chapter 1702 Sarlayan: Old friend, it’s only three things

"Ha~" Bwonsamdi sneered and complained: "Don't have such unrealistic expectations for Rastakhan today."

"Of course he took action. In order to consolidate his dominance, Zul, who was pushed to the forefront by him, was almost successfully assassinated by the dead soldiers he sent."

"If Gani hadn't used illusion magic to escape from the golden cicada, the grass on Zul's grave would have been several meters high by now."

"The slender jaw dragon Loagani..." Sarlayan nodded thoughtfully: "So? What is Zul's position now? He will not continue to pursue the strategy of recruiting feudal empires for Zandalari. The diplomatic strategy used, right?”

"Of course not." Bwonsamdi shook his head and explained: "Zul, who survived the disaster, completely saw Rastakhan's cold nature. After calming down and re-observing the international situation, he also realized that he was strong back then. How difficult it is to push a foreign policy."

"Now Zul hides his identity and has become the think tank beside Princess Talanji. After suffering a big loss, he is unwilling to come to the stage again and become the focus of thousands of people's attention. He just wants to continue to perform in this way. The residual heat can be regarded as atonement for my wrong decision that damaged Zandalar's national power."

"Is this so..." Sarlayan quickly considered the pros and cons of this matter: "It's good, as the heir of the Darkspear clan, Vol'jin will return to Zul'Gurub sooner or later, to the young and inexperienced Princess Talanji. She really needs an experienced think tank to advise her."

According to Bwonsamdi, Zul seemed to have achieved enlightenment after escaping from death.

In the general perception of Zandalar senior officials, Zul is already a dead man. In this case, he himself has no intention of jumping out and returning to the public eye.

As a death loa, Bwonsamdi can roughly tell Zul's remaining lifespan. Zul, who has suffered repeated blows, can live for at most five years.

And these five years... or even less time, are just enough for Princess Talanji to absorb the knowledge and experience taught by Zul and quickly grow up to become a qualified king of Zandalari.

As for Rastakhan?

From top to bottom, Zandalari has lost trust in the increasingly insane Golden King, and his lifespan, which should far exceed that of his kind, has also entered a countdown.

The god-kings of the past dynasties would sign a special contract with the kings Loalezan. Under the influence of the contract, the lifespan of the god-king is much longer than that of ordinary trolls. As long as they do not die in battle, they can usually live to about 500 years. .

Rastakhan is only over 300 years old this year. Logically speaking, he should have more than 100 years to live.

However, the replacement of King Loa inevitably had an impact on the contract. Although Bwonsamdi renewed the contract as the new King Loa in time, the damage that had been caused was irreversible.

Recently, Rastakhan could clearly feel that his strong body was aging rapidly, which was one of the reasons that made him increasingly anxious.

Under the guidance of Zul, Vol'jin, and Bwonsamdi, Princess Talanji determined to cooperate with the Zanchuli Council to overthrow Rastakhan's rule.

Princess Talanji did not want to see her father die. She only wanted to oust the increasingly mediocre Rastakhan and put him under house arrest.

However, the inexperienced Princess Zandalar still thought of the cruel political struggle too simply.

The three Bwonsamdi who were assisting them all knew that Rastakhan would not be able to survive once the Zanchuri Council succeeded, but they did not tell Talanji, who was still hopeful, of this fact.

Some things have to be experienced personally to be unforgettable. Rastakhan won't live long anyway, so let's just use his death to pay for Talanji's tuition.

After listening to Bwonsamdi's detailed explanation, Sharlayan had a more intuitive understanding of Zandalar's current situation.

"In other words, if nothing happens, the coup led by the Zanchuli Council will break out within a month at the latest?"

Bwonsamdi nodded: "Yes, if you can spare the time, you might as well go to Zuldazar Holy Mountain to witness that scene in person."

"Zundasa..." Sarlayan touched his chin thoughtfully: "If Rastakhan, the last old-era radical, dies, and the Zandalari Empire led by Talanji actively integrates with the world, I don’t mind helping the Zandalari Empire, which has turned around, solve a big problem.”

Bwonsamdi's expression changed slightly: "You mean... G'huun?"

"Yeah." Sarlayan narrowed his eyes slightly: "With N'Zoth being sealed, the three ancient gods of Azeroth have completely become history, but... the mess made by the Titans has not been cleaned up yet, so It’s time to deal with G’huun, the man-made ancient god.”

"Of course, the premise is that Talanji will not repeat the mistakes of Rastakhan and Zul, but choose to actively integrate into this changing era."

"Well..." Bwonsamdi rarely restrained his cynicism and solemnly promised Sharlayan: "I will try my best to persuade her to change her foreign policy of continued hostility with other countries and races in Azeroth, and use Tallan to Judging from Ji’s own political views, it shouldn’t be a big problem.”

After all, Bwonsamdi is the contemporary King Loa of Zandalari, and his interests are bound to be deeply bound to the Zandalari Empire.

From this point of view, he naturally does not want to see Zandalari continue to be the enemy of the world.

Bwonsamdi knew very well that the old friend in front of him had always been decisive and resolute in killing. Considering the strong national power of Zandalari, Sharlayan's many times of tolerance to them was considered the end of his kindness.

As the saying goes, once can never happen again.

Sharlayan can tolerate Zul and Rastakhan's repeated tricks. After all, these two are remnants of the old era, but he will never give Zandalar a third chance.

If Talanji, as a representative figure of the new era, continues to follow the old path of the past, the stubborn Zandalari Empire may not be far from destruction.

After sending Bwonsamdi away with a serious expression, Sarlayan changed his previous solemn demeanor, yawned and lazily returned to his bedroom, got into bed and started today's morning exercises.

Five days later, Sarlayan, who was dressed up majestically by his confidante, went out in person to the Azsuna coast to participate in the peace negotiations between the Dark Night Empire and the Water Elemental.

Since both parties knew each other's rough bottom line in advance, the negotiation, which was personally hosted by Sarlayan, went very smoothly.

After returning to land, Azshara did not miss the ten thousand years of life under the sea at all. Rather...she wished she could completely forget those ten thousand years of humiliation.

If it were not for the interests of the Dark Night Empire, Azshara would never want to have anything to do with the sea.

But after all, Azshara is the light of light that has been recognized by countless people, the destined queen of the night elves. She has not harmed the interests of the country because of her personal preferences.

The final result of the negotiations was that the Dark Night Empire ceded the deep sea area to the water element and retained dominance over all offshore areas of Azeroth.

As a third party participating in the negotiations, the sea giants received mutual permission from both parties, and they can freely settle anywhere in the sea.

As long as the sea giants don't take the initiative to initiate provocations, neither the water element nor the Naga will look for trouble to threaten their normal lives.

There are many reasons for territorial disputes, among which competition for resources is undoubtedly the most critical one.

Since elemental creatures do not need to eat, water elements will not compete with sea giants for food. The water element family without an industrial foundation does not need any industrial raw materials, so there is no way to compete for resources.

The Dark Night Empire is very interested in certain specialties in the sea, such as pearls, delicious sea fish, and even oil and minerals buried in the sea.

Under the guidance of Sarlayan, the sea giant agreed to collect resources in exchange for various supplies needed for life from the Dark Night Empire.

There is no way, the intelligence of the sea giants is really not very high, and Sarlayan can only teach them step by step how to make profits for themselves.

After all, the sea giants are also descendants of titan creations, so Sarlayan just treated Ulduar as a favor.

It has to be said that the powerful sea giants are indeed good at exploiting underwater resources. With their help, the labor loss of Naga...or shadow elves can be greatly reduced.

As for the floating oil collection platform, this is not a high-tech product that the sea giant can hold. Even the Dark Night Empire, which has advanced magic skills, will not be able to put its plan to collect seabed oil into practice for a while.

As for who the oil will be sold to after digging it out... Just look at the group of goblins in the Kezan Islands who are eyeing the oil fields everywhere. The greedy little greenskins have always been willing to accept oil.

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