Live Streaming: Azeroth

Chapter 1714 Turtle fighting tortoise

Chapter 1756 Turtle fighting tortoise

The Odile that Sarlayan and his party invaded is completely different from the Odile that had already been open to the outside world and "recruited talents" in the original history.

Due to the tens of thousands of years of internal and external blockade, there are no other void creatures in Uldir at this time except for the Titan creations that serve as jailers.

In other words, Sarlayan and others will be able to face G'huun himself next, and there will be no helpers around him.

The Virgin of Purity still has some doubts about Sarlayan's guarantee, but after all, she is a thigh that cannot be restrained by her arms. She cannot violate the authority of the Great Guardian. She can only obey the order and lift all restrictions on the road to G'huun's sealing hall. .

"You don't have to follow us on the next journey."

Arriving at the last defensive barrier, Sarlayan turned back to the four Loa whose expressions became more ferocious due to mental corrosion and said: "Your hard power is still insufficient. If you continue to go deeper, you may be defeated by G'huun's all-pervasive spirit." Corrosion affects the mind and will become an obstacle for Oni and me."

The number of followers of Loa Kagwa the Frog is extremely rare. He is the weakest among the four Loa present. According to Sarlayan's Eagle Eye Technique, his strength is only level 61.

Although Turtle Toga has the stable faith that the Ancestral Turtle continues to provide, the injuries he suffered in the previous war with the blood trolls have not yet healed, and his level is only 63 (61).

Not to mention Jibur and Akunda, both of whom have just returned to normal not long ago, and their conversion efficiency of the power of faith is not high. They are currently only level 62.

Sarlayan guessed that G'huun, who had not completely broken free of the seal, should be around level 63-64.

Although not much higher, the will erosion inherent in the ancient gods can cause additional bonuses to enemies whose strength is lower than themselves, especially those who do not have soul defense capabilities.

Unfortunately, the four Loa following Sarlayan at this moment can all be classified into this category.

Even with the constant dream protection provided by Sharlayan, there is a certain risk that they will defect on the battlefield because they cannot withstand the pressure.

In order to eliminate unnecessary risks, Sarlayan simply excluded all four of them from the final battle.

Coincidentally, the blood trolls who were eager to rescue their master should be frantically attacking the defense line jointly arranged by Hades Palace and the three tribes allied forces at the moment. After the four Loa went out, they could help stabilize the situation outside.

Their families knew about their own affairs, and before they officially entered G'huun's sealing hall, the four Loa had already felt increasing mental pressure.

They did not try to be tough, and returned honestly along the original path under the leadership of the Virgin Mary.


Sarlayan and Onyxia, the only one who was still with him, looked at each other, and both of them had wild smiles on their faces.

Onyxia pushed back her long straight black hair to her shoulders and tied it into a single ponytail: "The troublesome guy finally left, let me see how much the so-called artificial ancient gods are like real ancient gods. Just do it."

After the four Loa left, Sharlayan only had to bear the dream protection of himself and Onyxia, so that he could devote more attention to fighting and avoid being backstabbed by his allies at critical moments. possible.

After making the final preparations, Sarlayan stepped into the sealed hall with the open door first. The Virgin Mary, who was hiding behind the scenes to remotely control and observe the battle situation, had already turned on all the lighting equipment in the sealed hall.

Sarlayan and Onyxia could see the fat insect bound by invisible chains in the center of the hall at a glance.

Yes, literally a fat bug.

The shape of G'huun's body is that of a giant flesh insect with pale skin. Only the abdomen is bright red flesh tissue. The most eye-catching thing is the ferocious mouthparts on its head that occupy two-thirds of the face.

The invisible sealing chains that bound G'huun were severely damaged, with less than half still persisting in performing their tasks.


Before Sharlayan and Onyxia could take a clear look at G'huun's appearance with interest, the fat insect seemed to want to take the lead, raising its head and letting out a roar that contained the power of the huge void.

"What are you barking at?"

Under the continuous impact of the sound waves of the power of the void, Sharlayan and Onyxia remained as steady as a rock.

Princess Black Dragon waved her hands impatiently and complained: "Stop playing these useless little tricks. If you have any special tricks, use them as soon as possible. Otherwise, don't blame me for not reminding you later."

G'huun was angered by Onyxia's disdainful attitude, and he roared loudly as if breaking through his defenses: "Arrogant black dragon! You will sink completely in the whispers of the ancient gods like your miserable father! "

"Just you? Ancient God?"

Onyxia's heart wall was much thicker than G'huun imagined. Even the mention of Deathwing did not let Onyxia break her defense, but instead attracted a new round of cynicism from her.

"Come on, a mere experimental subject really thinks he is a member of the Ancient Gods?"

"Have you asked N'Zoth, Yogg-Saron, and C'Thun? Do you really think they will admit that you are their compatriot? Pfft~ Don't make me laugh."

"Oh, it's my fault." Onyxia shook her head angrily: "I forgot to tell you that the three compatriots you considered yourself to have been lost one after another, and you will never see them again."

Onyxia's venomous taunt made G'huun, who had completely broken his guard, furious: "Black dragon, you are looking for death!"

G'huun has survived far longer than Onyxia, but because he has been sealed in Uldir for a long time, his experience is far less rich than that of the Black Dragon Princess.

Just like Sharlayan's previous evaluation, this pitiful fat insect is no better mentally than a child. Of course, it is impossible to win Onyxia, who has gained the true inheritance of Sharlayan, in a verbal battle.

While Onyxia took advantage of G'huun first, Sharlayan finally determined the true strength of this fat insect that had not yet completely broken free of the seal.

On the panel observed by Eagle Eye, G'huun's level was 66 (64). The upper limit of his strength was a bit higher than Sarlayan's original expectation, but it was not beyond the margin of error.

Many years ago, Onyxia's strength was stuck at level 65 and could no longer improve. After a long period of hard work, she has now reached the peak of level 65.

Unless Sarlayan can find a way to repair the overdrawn potential caused by the dragon coming of age ceremony and reopen the dragon's locked strength limit, it is unlikely that Onyxia will break through again.

Seeing that Sharlayan, Valeela, Jaina, Stellagosa, and even little Tina are still making progress, Onyxia, who has stopped moving forward, is undoubtedly anxious in her heart.

As Onyxia's partner, Sarlayan specifically asked Freya, the guardian of life, about this matter.

Unfortunately, the answer obtained was not satisfactory.

Freya was unable to lift the upper limit of the dragon clan's strength. The advice she gave was no different from what Sharlayan had expected - to find the Titan. To be precise, she needed to find Eonar, the Mother of the Gods, to take action in person. .

Leaving aside the plan to rescue Eonar, it is not the right time yet before the construction of the spaceship is completed.

G'huun, who was dancing in shackles, had no advantage when fighting Onyxia. The ancient god's innate ability that he had high hopes for - Soul Corrosion did not play any role at all.

Sharlayan's enhanced version of Dream Blessing firmly protected Onyxia's soul, allowing G'huun to find no loopholes to penetrate it.

In a head-on confrontation on the physical level, Onyxia's powerful body derived from the black dragon clan and the solid earth shield covering the surface of her body made G'huun somewhat overwhelmed.

Even if he could find an opportunity to attack under the cover of countless void spells, his sharp mouthparts would be difficult to break through the shields and scales to cause substantial damage to Onyxia.

But the opposite is also true.

Onyxia has dual attributes of earth and shadow. As we all know, the earth element is inherently a force that is good at defense but not at attack. G'huun's defense is not weak either. If you want to rely on earth spells that are not aggressive enough to break through his defense, it will undoubtedly be a problem. very difficult.

And shadow... As a creature of the void, G'huun is extremely resistant to shadow spells.

Neither side was able to break through the other's defense. The battle was like a tortoise fighting a tortoise. It took a long time to fight in vain.

But in comparison, Onyxia's mentality is very stable, because she knows that she still has backup.

G'huun was not so calm. While scraping each other with Onyxia, a considerable part of his attention was focused on Sharlayan, who had not yet joined the battle.


Feeling G'huun's "eyes", Sarlayan raised the corners of his mouth with a faint smile: "Can't wait to die? Okay, I will give you a ride as soon as possible."

[Oops, what a pun-hell joke. 】

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