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Chapter 1722: Misfortunes never come singly, and blessings never come alone.

Obsidian Fortress Nesarus is located among the mountains in the western part of the Awakening Coast. Due to the large number of volcanoes in this area, covered with lava and flames, there is almost no green vegetation.

This environment is just right for an earth dragon like the Black Dragon to live, but unfortunately, Jaradin, a fire giant, also has a soft spot for this area.

Due to the insufficient number of vanguard troops, they could only fly in the sky to roughly survey the situation on the Awakening Coast, and were unable to recapture those important strongholds that had long been occupied by Jaradin.

Inspired by the excitement of the black dragons headed by Sinestra, Abisian, who was making final preparations to ascend the throne of the Black Dragon King, had no choice but to stand up and express his stance.

He decided to personally lead the elites of the Black Dragon clan to the Awakening Coast and recapture Nesarus Fortress from Jaradin as quickly as possible. He would hold his enthronement ceremony in this ancient fortress.

This time, even Onyxia, who had always followed the Shadow Family, was caught by the hysterical Sinestra and went to help.

If Nefarian hadn't had another important mission, as Neltharion's eldest son, he wouldn't have been able to escape his mother's series of life-threatening calls.

Alexstrasza, who was determined to restart the Ruby Rebirth Holy Land, did not let the black dragons go out alone. She also volunteered to lead some of the red dragon elites to go together.

Just as Longmian Temple was busy preparing to return to its hometown, bad news suddenly came from the cursed land far away in the southernmost tip of the Eastern Continent.

To be precise, this message was a distress signal from Draenor on the other side of the Dark Portal, sent by Illidan who was sitting in the Black Temple.

As we all know, Illidan has a strong self-esteem. If he hadn't really encountered a big problem that the Dark Temple...and even the entire Draenor could not solve with concerted efforts, he would not have put down his body and took the initiative to ask for help from Azeroth.

Even Illidan had the guts to do this, which meant that Draenor was facing a huge crisis that could be fatal.

Sarlayan guessed the reason as soon as he received the news. It should be that the legion fleet led by the Dread Lord elites headed by Tichondrius arrived.

Unfortunately, the Storm Fleet that was supposed to stay in Draenor as a sea-calming needle has already sailed for Azeroth in advance. Without the protection of the fleet, the Burning Legion can unscrupulously launch all-round air attacks on Draenor in space orbit.

"Tsk! It happens to be at this time."

Sarlayan, who stayed behind at the Longmian Temple, rubbed his brows with a headache: "There is no way, we have to operate on two lines again."

The arrow is on the string and must be fired.

Most of the dragon clan's main force has rushed to, or is about to rush to, the Dragon Islands. Such a big movement will certainly not be concealed from the remnants of the elements who are still hiding in the forbidden islands. They will inevitably speed up their actions under the pressure of the huge threat.

In order to avoid causing chaos in the plan to unblock the Dragon Islands, the Dragon Clan can only continue to increase troops to the Dragon Islands. It will be difficult to mobilize enough troops to rush to Draenor for reinforcements in a short period of time.

In desperation, Sarlayan had no choice but to turn to Ulduar for help, and soon received a joint reply from the great guardian Raiden and the chief administrator Odin.

Led by Odin himself, with Thorim and Hodir also dispatched, a joint force composed entirely of Titan creations will be assembled as quickly as possible, and the blue dragon clan, which has not yet started to take action, will join forces to surrender them. Sent to the cursed land.

In addition, Sharlayan also called on representatives from various countries in Azeroth to attend a joint meeting in Shandalar City in the name of the Dragon Clan.

It is related to the survival of Draenor, an outpost that resists the invasion of the Legion. The major mortal nations that have been resting and recuperating for several years have unanimously stated that they will send additional reinforcements to Draenor as much as possible.

Fortunately, Sarlayan had the foresight to build a complete defense system for Draenor. Under the joint resistance of the Black Temple, Shattrath, Mag'har Orcs, Awakened Will, Naga and other forces, the Dread Lords were completely defeated. It is unrealistic to rely on air strikes to tear apart the defense line.

Sharlayan believed that Illidan and the others could hold out until reinforcements from Azeroth arrived. With the persuasion of Valeera, Stellagosa and others, he temporarily suppressed his inner turmoil and continued to guard the two front lines of Wyrmrest Temple. Parallel remote control.

Just as countries began to mobilize urgently, another piece of good news came from the Dragon Islands.

After leaving the Awakening Coast, the first group of dragon pioneers successfully arrived in Thordrassus. They awakened the Titan creation guards who had fallen asleep and assisted them in lifting the super-large barrier that enveloped the entire Dragon Islands.

At this point, the Dragon Islands, which had been closed to the outside world for thousands of years, finally broke away from the magical fog and was completely exposed to the world.

However, at this stage, except for the Dragon Clan, all the tribes in Azeroth are focusing on Draenor and have no energy to pay attention to the situation of the Dragon Islands for the time being.

After the fog cleared, another group of dragon pioneers who stayed behind on the forbidden island soon discovered the latest movements of the remnants of the elements.

As expected, Sarlayan's prediction came true. With the intelligence provided by Deathwing, the Elemental Remnants chose to give priority to lifting Longsil's seal.

After waking up again after thousands of years, Longcier of the Fifth Battalion learned that Neltharion was dead, and an internal conflict broke out due to different ideas.

In the end, the Blackscale Battalion led by Scale Chief Kales broke away from Longcier's camp and joined the group of elemental remnants who began to call themselves Waste Worshipers.

With the assistance of Dragon Hill of the Black Scale Battalion, the Desert Worshipers have begun to try to lift the seal of Lysageth.

Unlike the other three incarnated dragons, the Thunder-Eating Dragon Lysajes was the first victim of the fallen Deathwing. She was personally sealed in the frost stone on the Forbidden Island by Deathwing using the power of the ancient gods. treasure house.

In Malygos's words, Lysajes's seal has no skills at all, it relies on pure power to crush it.

In other words, if you can find a mole who is familiar with Deathwing's spellcasting habits, it is not too difficult to lift Lysajes' seal if you gather enough strength.

With the rebellion of the Black Scale Battalion, these conditions are being realized one by one by the remnants of the elements who have been renamed the Desert Worshipers.

Under Sarlayan's repeated urging, the subsequent reinforcements rushed to the Forbidden Island as quickly as possible, but they were still a step too late.

With the full assistance of the Crowscale Battalion, which was trying to avenge Deathwing, Deathwing's unskilled seal was quickly loosened. The gradually awakening Lysajes and the Crowscale Battalion worked together to break through the already shaky seal in one fell swoop.

When Alexstrasza led the Ancestral Dragon, Thorinir and the black and red dragon elites to the Forbidden Island, they happened to witness the scene of this old acquaintance breaking free from the seal and stretching his wings in the sky.

According to what Onyxia said afterwards, the entire sky above the Forbidden Islands was shrouded in violent thunder and lightning.

According to her estimation, the strength of this thunder-eating dragon is probably not inferior to that of the guardian dragon.

It turns out that Onyxia's assessment is basically true.

Long before Neltharion's fall, the Black Dragon Legion and Dragon Hill led by him had been entangled with the Desert Worshipers led by Lesa Jess on the Forbidden Island for many years. Even Neltharion, the strongest among the Aspect Dragons, There is no guarantee that Ao will defeat Lesa Jess in a one-on-one match.

In the end, relying on the power from the ancient gods, the fallen Neltharion used his strength to crush and forcibly seal Lysajes.

As the saying goes, enemies are extremely jealous when they meet.

As the winners, it was inevitable for the Aspect Dragons headed by Alexstrasza to miss their old friendships, but as the losers, the Avatar Dragons were not so polite to this group of compatriots who had taken refuge with the Titans.

Before Alexstrasza could persuade him, Lesajes, who was still a little angry, took the initiative to attack Alexstrasza without mercy.

The high-level elemental ancestor dragon, which was unsealed from the frost stone treasury together with the Thunder-Eating Dragon, also followed the Dragon King in the attack without hesitation, and the sky above the forbidden island soon became a battle.

Alexstrasza might not be able to defeat Lysajes even if she tried her best. Despite her worries, she still couldn't keep Lysajes who gradually regained her sanity during the battle.

Lysajes was the first one to be sealed among the dragons incarnate, and she didn't know where the other three compatriots were sealed.

After leaving the battlefield, Lysajes happened to lead her men to escape to Thordrasus, south of the forbidden island.

Alexstrasza, exhausted both physically and mentally, stopped the red dragon and black dragon's pursuit: "Forget it, let her go first."

"Even if she can find the right place, it's not that easy to break the seal set by the guardian dragon."

"Right now..." The Red Dragon Queen turned her attention to the fourth battalion Long Hill who was still on the forbidden island and whose position was not yet clear: "Let's find a way to convince these little guys first. For the future of the Dragon Clan, we need to restart Ruby as soon as possible. A new holy place.”

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