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Chapter 1726 Long Xier fell into confusion

Sarlayan had learned from the barrage before that Longhir was divided into five major battalions.

According to the first-hand intelligence previously provided by Alexstrasza, the Blackscale Battalion led by Scale Chief Zakares could not accept Deathwing's betrayal of the Dragon Clan, and in confusion and anger, took the initiative to offer them an olive branch. The remnants of the elements... should now be called wilderness worshipers.

According to Sarlayan's understanding, Wulin Camp should have broken the jar after its Taoist heart was broken.

In the final analysis, their depravity is still to blame on Deathwing. After all, the upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked.

The Crow Scales Camp, which has left the Forbidden Islands with Lesa Jess, will not be mentioned for the time being. The remaining Black Guard Camp, Dark Claw Camp, Healing Wing Camp and Steel Vision Camp are all still on the Forbidden Islands.

According to Alexstrasza, although the four battalions of Longsil are not as extreme as Sacares, they will inevitably be confused in their hearts.

Deathwing...or Neltharion was once a hero in Longcier's mind, a leader worthy of their following.

But this leader of the dragon clan actually took the lead in betraying his own clan and turned to the camp of the ancient gods, who were mortal enemies of the dragon clan.

If you think about it from another perspective, even if Sarlayan stands in Longcier's position, confusion is inevitable.

Fortunately, Alexstrasza had already comforted the remaining Dragonshir first, and Lysajes also left the Forbidden Island with the Desert Worshipers and the Black Scale Battalion.

At least for a short period of time, they should not fall to the enemy due to inner confusion.

Considering the temporarily wavering stance of these dragonborn, Alexstrasza arranged for some dragon guards to detain them on the Forbidden Island, waiting for Sarlayan to come over and take over the subsequent persuasion work.

The area of ​​Forbidden Island is not small, but most of the area is a mountainous area with little residential value.

When the three of Sarlayan arrived at the Forbidden Island, the dragonshirs were concentrated and placed near the frost stone treasure house that was once used to seal Lesajes.

In the previous battle with the Desert Worshipers, many members of the Fourth Battalion Longhir were injured. The Dragonhirs of the Healing Wing Battalion were actively cooperating with the red dragons left behind to treat the wounded.

When Sharlayan, Onyxia, and Merinthra landed in front of the Froststone Treasure House, most of the Dragonsir seemed very indifferent to their arrival. This can be seen from this that Dragonsir treats his fellow dragons. Attitude - indifferent.

According to the information provided by Alexstrasza, among the four camps of Dragon Hill remaining on the Forbidden Island, the Healing Wing Battalion led by Scale Chief Velidia has the gentlest attitude towards dragon visitors.

Amposha from the Steel Vision Camp, Asuratai from the Black Guard Camp, and Hindeseth from the Dark Claw Camp all have ambiguous attitudes. If they are not handled properly, they may turn to the Incarnate Dragon, which claims to be the Dragonborn orthodoxy.

The person responsible for commanding the remaining dragon troops is Sarlayan's old acquaintance, the elite red dragon Krisstraza.

Kristaza was obviously relieved at Sarlayan's arrival: "You're finally here. Don't blame me for not telling you in advance. The atmosphere here... isn't quite right. You should try to be careful in your words and deeds."

Sarlayan nodded noncommittally: "Thank you for your hard work. You can continue to take care of the wounded. Leave this to me."

As Christasa said, the atmosphere on the Forbidden Island is very depressing. Most dragonshir are very confused about their future, and their negative emotions are almost visible to the naked eye.

Sarlayan is the only perfect colorful dragon in the dragon clan at this stage. His golden scales are very eye-catching. Even the Dragonshirs who are in the emo state are curious and look up silently to look at this unfamiliar dragon. dragon.


A male dragon Hill wearing gorgeous armor stood out from the crowd and asked Sarlayan in surprise: "Who are you? Why are your scales..."

"Asuratai! Please be polite!"

Another female dragon, Hill, whose status was obviously extraordinary, scolded in a low voice: "Didn't you hear? Christasa called him the Speaker, which means... he is the current boss of the dragon clan."

"Shut up! Ambersha!"

Asuratai, who was scolded by his colleagues, turned around angrily and shouted: "I don't need you to remind me! Take care of yourself!"


Sarlayan followed the quarrel between the Dragon Hill scale leaders with great interest. He could see that these scale leaders had a good relationship with each other, but due to the influence of some external factors, their emotions were very tense at this time. He is irritable and somewhat unable to control his words when speaking.

"Hello, four scale leaders."

Sarlayan introduced himself to the Dragonhirs present in a thorough manner: "I am the current chairman of Wyrmrest Temple, Colorful Dragon Sarlayan Deep Shadow. I am very happy to meet you, my fellow Dragonhirs. "

"Compatriot? Ha!"

The grumpy Asuratai twitched his lips sarcastically: "If you high-level figures really regard us as compatriots, why did you seal us here in the first place?"

Sarlayan smiled and said, "Of course it's to protect you."

"Neltharion...or perhaps Deathwing betrayed the dragons and took refuge with the Ancient Gods. As his creation, Malygos was not sure at the time whether there was a backdoor left by the traitor in your body."

"To be on the safe side, he temporarily sealed you on the Forbidden Island. He originally planned to wait until the truth was found out before unsealing you, but... the plan couldn't keep up with the changes."

Sarlayan calmly faced the mixed-emotion looks of Longciers and continued to explain: "You should have heard some news from Alexstrasza and Krisstrasza. A catastrophe led to the disintegration of the ancient Kalimdor continent, and the energy loss in the Dragon Islands was extremely serious."

"In order to protect this hometown of all dragonborn, the guardian dragons had no choice but to completely surround the entire archipelago with a barrier. You who are located on the forbidden island have suffered a lot because of this."

"Now the world situation in Azeroth has changed again. Thanks to the elemental tide set off by the ancient gods, the energy loss problem of the Dragon Islands has finally been solved, but new problems have also arisen."

Sarlayan smiled bitterly and shrugged: "The Titan creations left in Thordrasus to be guarded by the Aspect Dragons fell into slumber early and failed to play the role of 'lighthouse' originally given to them. It was not until recently that we Following the remnants of the ancient gods, we entered the Dragon Islands where there was a loophole in the barrier."

"Protect?" Hindeseth curled his lips and complained: "That sounds nice, but isn't it because you don't trust us, the direct descendants of traitors?"

Sarlayan shook his head and retorted: "Direct descendant? I don't think so."

"Let me put it bluntly, if you are really the direct descendants of Deathwing, he will not abandon you and run away alone."

This is indeed a bit heartbreaking to say, but it is crude but not crude.

This question also happens to be the key to Long Xier's confusion.

After being ruthlessly abandoned by Deathwing, they couldn't figure out the meaning of their existence for a while.

Since Neltharion abandoned them like worn-out shoes, why did he go to all the trouble to create them in the first place?

"About this question..." Sarlayan patted his chest with his dragon claw without hesitation: "I am the answer."

"The reason why Deathwing created you was originally to explore the future evolution possibilities of the dragon clan. After years of discussion and discussion, he and the black dragon prince Nefarian finally determined a new dragon species called the Colorful Dragon... Also it is me."

"It's ironic that I, the only perfect and colorful dragon, was not born from the hands of Deathwing and Nefarian."

"Deathwing didn't really come up with any reasonable research results until his fall. Whether it was research on colorful dragons or twilight dragons, he was only half-assed."

Sarlayan's speech, which sounded a bit like Versailles, made the Longciers present very unhappy. Even the mild-tempered Vilidia looked unhappy.

"Your Majesty Speaker, are you deliberately humiliating us?"

"Humiliation? No, no, no, why do you think so."

Sarlayan solemnly explained: "I am answering your doubts about the meaning of your own existence. No one can choose his birth, but we can choose what kind of person we will grow into in the future."

"As a creation of Deathwing, your existence is indeed not perfect in his opinion, but this does not mean that Longsil is a useless semi-finished product."

"Although Deathwing has died and you can no longer prove your potential to him, but... you can prove to yourself that Longsil can do better than Deathwing expected, and even... participate with your own hands. Into the great cause of saving the world.”

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