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Chapter 1731 Malygos’s difficult request

Alygos had no time to pay attention to Sharlayan's teasing at this time. He stared straight at the figure that was gradually condensing into shape.

Even though ten thousand years have passed, Arygos still remembers his mother's voice and smile when she was alive. Just like Malygos, he recognized this figure at a glance.


Senegos opened his mouth as if he had seen a ghost, and pointed at the translucent shadow that had transformed into a high elf with a look of astonishment on his face.

"Sindragosa?! How did you..."


Sindragosa's phantom turned its head upon hearing the sound, and immediately saw a familiar old face of a troll (incarnation).

"Senagos? It's true that we haven't seen each other for a while, but is it necessary to be so surprised?"

Senegos hesitated and turned his gaze to the side. Malygos was completely stunned: "I... you... this..."

"Ahem! Anyway, let your man explain it. I'm already old and can't remember things."

As an ancient blue dragon who was active at the same time as Malygos, Senegos, who has rich experience, is undoubtedly an expert. He knows that at this time, he, an outsider, should not take the lead.

The troll's figure was already a little rickety, so this old guy bowed down and lightly hammered his lower back with his hands. He pretended not to hear the greeting from Sindragosa's phantom, and slowly walked toward him with a joking look on his face. Sarlayan comes.

"Let's go!"

When passing by Arygos, Senegos, who had looked senile just now, unexpectedly launched a roundhouse kick, kicking the blue dragon crown prince, who had tears on his face at some point, towards Malygos and Malygos. Sindragosa.

Originally, Sarlayan wanted to hide behind and watch the show, but Nargos grabbed his hand and immediately activated the teleportation spell. When he opened his eyes the next second, the two of them had already appeared dozens of meters away from the Oath Stone. In front of a building.

"Let's go, little Sarlayan."

Senegos glanced sideways at his grandson-in-law: "Leave time for their family, let's get down to business first."

Sarlayan shrugged helplessly: "Okay, I'll listen to you."

The Azure Archives has been shut down for many years. Except for the expelling barrier that is still passively in effect, this blue dragon ancestral land is almost completely undefended.

The so-called repellent barrier is strictly used to drive away intelligent creatures and has no effect on ordinary animals.

Moreover, the effectiveness of this enchantment has its limits. Once the energy level of the intruder is higher than a certain level, the effect of the repellent enchantment will be automatically pardoned by it.

Fortunately, during the 10,000 years that the Dragon Islands were closed to the outside world, no outsiders invaded the blue forest sea. The local Iskara walrus people, furbolgs and jackals were unable to break through the effective range of the repelling barrier. .

Under the familiar command of Senegos, Sharlayan assisted him in restarting all the defense systems of the Azur Archives. A dazzling blue-purple arcane aura rose into the sky again after thousands of years. Even the dragons far away on the Forbidden Islands Hills can also see this light pillar intuitively.

The Azure Forest Sea is the energy supply center for the entire Dragon Islands. As the Azure Archives is put back into use, the ruby ​​rebirth magic pool that has been forcibly driven by the red dragons recently has finally entered a fully automated state.

Coincidentally, all strongholds across the archipelago, including the dragon city of Vardraken and Tire Fortress, entered a highly active state after being charged, and a large number of automated arcane puppets in the city of Vardraken also began to become active again. .

Under Senegos's persuasion, Sharlayan did not disturb the reunion of Malygos' family after many years.

Of course, everyone present knew that the Sindragosa who appeared in the Azure Archives was just the phantom left by her spells back then, and was not Sindragosa herself. The memory given to this phantom still stayed in the Dragon Islands and had not yet been destroyed. The long past of lockdown.

Even so, Malygos and Alygos were very surprised to see their wife (mother) again, especially Malygos.

The last time I saw the remnant soul of Sindragosa in Icecrown Glacier, the dragon queen who died in pain had already lost her mind and transformed into a terrifying wraith under the influence of endless regrets.

Malygos was not very sane at that time, and Sindragosana's questioning, which seemed to make him cry blood, almost drove him crazy again.

Although Sindragosa's resentment was successfully purified in the end and her bones were brought back to Dragonblight for burial, the experience at that time still remains deep in Malygos's memory, and she cannot forget it for a long time.

It was rare to see a Sindragosa who was still rational and as gentle as night. Malygos was like an aggrieved child, hugging the phantom of Sindragosa and complaining for a long time.

By the time Malygos and Arygos calmed down and appeared in front of Sharlayan and others again with the phantom of Sindragosa, it was already noon on the second day after the large army arrived at the Azure Archives.

"I have roughly figured out everything that happened in the past ten thousand years."

Sindragosa's phantom sighed softly: "I didn't expect that so many major events would happen in just ten thousand years. Thank you for your hard work."

In Sindragosa's phantom's memory, the blue dragon clan was still in its heyday, and she felt very sad when she saw the backbone of the blue dragons with only two or three kittens left in front of her.


Malygos looked hesitantly and asked Sharlayan: "This phantom retains all of Sindragosa's memories and personality... Can you use her as the core to resurrect Sindragosa himself?"

"Ah?" Sarlayan looked at the spellweaver with questions in his mind: "...Are you kidding? What is the situation with this phantom? As a blue dragon, you should know better than me, right?"

After all, a phantom is just a phantom. To put it more bluntly, the Sindragosa in front of her is just a remnant of her past. It is just the past and has no future.

Malygos, who reunited with his wife after thousands of years, was obviously not satisfied with this. As a spellweaver and doctor of magic who mastered all kinds of spells in Azeroth, he certainly knew the specific situation of Sindragosa's Phantom. , and he even knew the principle used to create this phantom.

But understanding the status quo is one thing, being able to accept it is another.

For Malygos, who has been desperate for many years, it is rare to catch the possibility of resurrecting his wife. Even if the hope is slim, he does not want to let it go.

"Hiss~" Sarlayan smiled bitterly and rubbed his eyebrows fiercely: "You... really give people problems."

There is one thing to say, if Sindragosa's soul is still intact, Sharlayan, who has both the power of life and death, can indeed reshape a body for her, and then use the power of death to reinsert the free soul into the new body. .

However, Sindragosa is not the wilderness demigod who bound her soul to Azeroth. During the thousands of years, her soul has always been lingering near her bones, and the worn soul has long been broken.

After Malygos brought her bones back to Dragonblight for burial and fulfilled Sindragosa's last wish, the last trace of the blue dragon Queen's consciousness completely died, and Sharlayan didn't even have the chance to extradite her remnant soul to the Shadows. Start a new life in the world.

Even if Sharlayan had the intention and ability to resurrect Sindragosa, he would not be able to resurrect Sindragosa.

The phantom in front of him is just a false thing created by Sindragosa using his own memory and magic. At best, it is just a remnant soul that has preserved part of his memory.

Even if Sharlayan could extract Sindragosa's DNA with the help of Inas and use the power of life to perfectly recreate an original body, it would be impossible for the remaining soul to match the new body unless... …

"Unless what?!"

Unwilling to give up, Malygos grabbed the last straw and kept asking: "If you have any needs, just ask them, and I will do my best to help!"

Sarlayan shook his head helplessly: "Don't get excited, I don't know if this plan is feasible."

"Although I have the power of death, I am far from proficient."

"When it comes to nourishing souls, the Shadow Realm is the best at it, especially the Arden Fairyland controlled by the Queen of Winter."

"I can use my identity as the Marquis of the Creator of Maldraxxus to help you contact the Shadow Realm, but if you want to send this phantom into the Shadow Realm... you must first find a way to get her out of a state similar to the Earthbound Spirit." (This chapter. over)

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