Live Streaming: Azeroth

Chapter 1733 Star Soul’s Trust and Blessing

Strictly speaking, all intelligent creatures in Azeroth should be counted as children of the Star Soul.

Of course, expatriates thrown over by the Pantheon like the Titan Guardians must be excluded.

Although the Titans of the Pantheon and the Star Souls of Azeroth are compatriots and colleagues in the future, to Azeroth today, they are just outsiders sent to provide assistance.

However, mortals such as dwarves, gnomes, and humans after becoming flesh can be classified as native species of Azeroth, and are regarded by the Star Soul as their own children.

Night elves are the evolved species of trolls, the earliest mortals in Azeroth, and what drives their evolution is the essence of Azeroth called the Well of Eternity.

There is no essential difference between high elves and night elves at the genetic level. They only have slight differences due to different living environments. In the end, they remain the same.

From this perspective, the elves are the direct descendants of Azeroth among the many mortal races.

The dragon family originated from the Archaeodragon, which is also a creature native to Azeroth, but it is mixed with some external power artificially given by the Pantheon - the so-called protective power.

Sharlayan has the blood of both high elves and dragons. No matter in every aspect, he is the son of Azeroth with integrity.

And because of the test given by Nozdormu back then, Sarlayan accidentally met the star soul who was still babbling in ancient times tens of thousands of years ago.

In the current Azeroth, only a very small number of people can directly communicate with the Star Soul. Except for Sarlayan, the spokesperson of the Star Soul, the other people who can communicate with the Star Soul are all expatriates of the Pantheon. It is what the world commonly calls the Titan Guardian.

There is a difference between closeness and distance in everyone's heart. Compared with the outsiders sent by his future compatriots to help accelerate his growth, Sarlayan will naturally be more easily trusted and valued by the planet soul.

After getting Star Soul's permission, Sarlayan raised the issue that had been bothering him for a long time.

"Dragon clan and the power of guardianship..."

After hearing Sarlayan's question, Star Soul pondered for a while before giving his answer.

"Your analysis is correct. The reason why the dragons you mentioned are stuck at a certain stage and can no longer progress is precisely because the so-called protective power and their blood are mutually exclusive."

Star Soul continued calmly: "Whether it is a dragon or an ancestor dragon, in the final analysis, they are all creatures born in Azeroth."

"And my compatriots were not present in person when they bestowed the guardian power on the Dragon Clan. They did not have a comprehensive understanding of the Dragon Clan's life forms. The method of granting blessings remotely was very simple and crude, and there was no detailed analysis based on the life essence of the Ancestral Dragon. Adjustment resulted in a slight conflict between the power of guardianship and their bloodline."

"Thanks to the Dragon Clan's strong physical fitness, this small conflict will not cause any harm to them, but it will subtly affect their upper limit. At a certain level, it will lock the Dragon Clan's room for continued improvement."

"After many generations of blood dilution, in your generation, the dragon bloodline... In your words, the effect of the gene lock has been very weak. In theory, there should be hope to break through the blockade through unremitting efforts. "

"But, the premise is that you cannot accept the Dragon Clan's so-called coming-of-age ceremony."

Xinghun said sarcastically: "According to your description, the Dragon Clan's coming-of-age ceremony is essentially about using the power of guardianship to accelerate the growth of an individual."

“This ceremony can indeed effectively speed up the maturity of underage dragons, but the protective power injected into the body through the ceremony has further strengthened the already loosened genetic locks, causing the young dragons who have undergone the coming-of-age ceremony to be the same as their ancestors. Eventually they will get stuck at a certain stage and never be able to break through.”

"So... that's it." Sarlayan smiled bitterly and rubbed his eyebrows: "Then, is it possible to let the dragons who have accepted the coming-of-age ceremony get rid of the constraints of the guardian power on their bloodline?"

"Yes, but it's difficult."

Xinghun gave the answer without hesitation: "This involves your second question."

"Yes, as a young Titan, I can also provide the children with protective power, and it is a native protective power that completely matches their physical conditions."

"But..." Xinghun smiled helplessly: "You also know that I am still growing. If too much power is used to transform the dragon clan, which is a large group, it will inevitably affect my growth rate. "

"Azeroth has long been surrounded by wolves. I must race against time to mature as quickly as possible. I cannot devote too much power to help you."

Sarlayan was not surprised by this.

After all, the current Star Soul is still in its infancy, and it is impossible for her to exert her protective power at will like the mature Titan.

"Dear Planet Mother, I can understand your difficulties, but what if you only need to devote the protective power of a dozen people?"

"More than a dozen people?"

After hearing Sarlayan's quota requirement, Xinghun was obviously stunned for a moment: "That's irrelevant, wait...what do you mean?"

"Yes." Sarlayan smiled confidently: "As you said, the Dragon Clan is a large ethnic group, and it is unrealistic to transform the entire Dragon Clan at once."

"But it is precisely because of the existence of the clan that we can gradually improve the problems that have plagued the dragon clan for tens of thousands of years in a top-down approach."

"Hmm..." Star Soul was silent for a while before speaking again: "I probably understand what you mean. Do you want to use the Oath Stone to subtly transform the dragon clan to be more suitable for the local guardian power of Azeroth?"

"That's right."

Sarlayan solemnly said: "The six Oath Stones are the source of the protective power given by the Pantheon to the Dragon Clan. If you can completely rewrite the nature of the Oath Stone and use these six media that can affect the entire Dragon Clan, we can use time to Change time."

This sentence sounds a bit difficult to pronounce.

The first time refers to the time required to slowly transform the Dragon Clan through the Oath Stone. It will definitely not be as immediate as Star Soul's direct action.

The second time refers to the time required for the star soul to mature.

As Star Soul herself said, what Azeroth lacks most now is the second time. It is precisely for this reason that she cannot use too much power at this juncture to reverse the life form of the entire dragon clan.

The meaning behind Sarlayan's words is that he hopes that Star Soul will output as little power as possible, without affecting her own growth, and use the time that the Dragon Clan is already lacking in exchange for the precious growth time that Star Soul needs most.

In addition to the six oath stones as a medium for promotion, Azeroth only needs to give the five dragon kings new protective powers, plus at most Sarlayan, the Ice-Hearted Dragon Willanoz and the Thunder-Eating Dragon Lysajes , it’s less than enough for 15 people.

Compared to the Dragon Clan, which has a population of hundreds of thousands, the power expenditure of less than three digits is just a drop in the bucket for Star Soul.

"If it's just like this, it won't have any impact on me."

Xinghun pondered for a moment before hesitatingly asked: "My spokesperson, are you sure this is enough?"

"That's enough." Sarlayan promised with a smile: "In the current increasingly severe situation, the dragon clan's truly high-end combat power is actually only the five dragon kings... plus me and a few of my friends at most. ."

"Instead of wasting your growth time to bestow blessings on a large scale, it is better to use the good steel on the blade and only strengthen the potential of the Dragon Kings for the time being."

"As for the other dragons... let's rely on the effect of the Oath Stone to slowly promote body transformation."

"I see."

Although Star Soul is powerful, her detailed understanding of the situation in Azeroth is far inferior to that of Sharlayan, who is sophisticated in the world.

Sharlayan has already reversed the outcome of major events that could cause serious damage to Azeroth more than once. All of this is seen by the star soul who can see through the essence of things across time and space.

Therefore, Star Soul is willing to give Sarlayan unconditional trust.

What surprised Sarlayan was that Star Soul not only fully agreed to his request, but also gave him several additional blessing quotas.

Yes, it was the partners that Sarlayan mentioned casually, including the black dragon princess Onyxia, who had been emo for a long time because of her insecurities. (End of chapter)

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