Live Streaming: Azeroth

Chapter 1737 Two peaches kill four soldiers?

After stuffing the blessing from the Star Soul into Onyxia's body, Sarlayan took two steps back and waited patiently for the follow-up progress.

The blessing poured directly into the body is much more intense than the energy slowly released through the Oath Stone. Onyxia, who originally maintained the dragon form, became very unstable, constantly switching back and forth between human form and dragon form. .

"What's this?"

Onyxia's face in human form was flushed... not because of shyness, but because of the strange energy rising in her body that made the blood in her body seem to boil.

Sarlayan: "This is a good thing given by Star Soul, please hold back."

Onyxia, who turned into a giant dragon again, finally couldn't help but raise her head and let out a loud roar. The scales on her body fell off one after another like peeling off a shell, but a new layer of fine scales soon grew back.

This process will definitely be very uncomfortable. The extremely enhanced metabolism makes Onyxia miserable. At this time, she can't even speak. After yelling, she can only suppress her moans as low as possible.

The new scales are lighter in color than the old scales that fell to the ground. As the new scales cover her body again, the restless power in Onyxia's body finally calms down.

Whether intentionally or unintentionally, the Black Dragon Princess finally chose to return to her human form. She leaned weakly on Sarlayan's left front paw and continued to pant. The clothes transformed from scales were almost completely soaked.

"Are you you have to take advantage of every opportunity?"

Sharlayan, dumbfounded, used the power of time to speed up the drying of Onyxia's clothes, and then flicked her aside with one of his fingers angrily.

"Stop acting, everyone is still watching, tell me how you feel."

"Feeling..." After taking a deep breath, Onyxia looked inside thoughtfully: "My body seems to have changed a lot, but after a while, I can tell where it has changed."

Nozdormu's expression changed, and his eyes were covered by the long-lost power of opening time.


Nozdormu, who was already sick, used his power rashly, which unsurprisingly caused some backlash. However, at this time, he didn't care about it, staring at the confused Onyx with bright eyes. Ya.

"Sure enough...your future has been greatly expanded."

"The future?" Onyxia tilted her head in confusion, but Bingxue was smart enough to react quickly and asked excitedly: "Could it be... that the gene lock has been lifted?"

"Gene lock?" Under the care of Anachronos, Nozdormu's rapid breathing gradually subsided, and he nodded thoughtfully: "This term describes it very appropriately. What troubles us to continue to progress is not Is it from the bloodline...or the shackles at the genetic level?"

Malygos, who knew the inside story in advance, smiled and said nothing. Abyssian, who had a gentle personality, also waited patiently for the knowledgeable elders to speak first. Ysera and Alexstrasza were not so calm.

Both queens also vaguely guessed the origin of the genetic lock, and Alexstrasza, who had a relatively short temper, raised the issue as a representative.

"Okay, stop playing riddles and explain in detail."

Sharlayan shrugged: "Actually, it can be explained clearly in one sentence. Nozdormu insists on customary riddles, and I can't do anything about it. Let Malygos explain it."

The four Aspect Dragons have known each other for tens of thousands of years. Both Alexstrasza and Ysera are well aware of the nature of Nozdormu's Riddler. They both turned their attention to the man who was watching the show. Spellweaver.

"Huh?" Malygos suddenly ate the melon on himself. Malygos helplessly glared at Sharlayan, who was throwing the blame. "You... forget it, I'll just say it."

"The new protective power given by the Star Soul can efficiently wash away the 'impurities' left by the Titans in our bodies. To use Sarlayan's previous words, Onyxia's appearance does not seem to have changed much, but she is The genetic level has really changed."

"That is to say..." Ysera looked thoughtfully and slightly enviously at the Black Dragon Princess who looked surprised: "Can Onyxia get rid of the restrictions of the genetic lock and continue to realize her potential? "

Malygos: "Exactly."

"Well..." Aibi Xi'an smiled honestly: "Brother-in-law, you wouldn't just leave such a good thing to your sister, right? What about us?"

The seemingly honest Ebisian hit the nail on the head while the others were thinking about it. All the big guys present, including Nozdormu, who was still very weak, turned their attention to his relationship with Star Soul. of Sarlayan.

[Let me clarify, the PY mentioned here refers to the relationship between friends. If you want to be crooked, consciously face the wall for ten minutes. 】

[Good guy, fishing law enforcement, right? 】

Sarlayan didn't have time to pay attention to the barrage of jokes. He spread his hands and readily agreed with Abisian's words.

"As Abisian said, excluding those new oath stones, Star Soul also gave me 8 guardian powers, as well as several additional blessings specifically used to improve my partner's physique."

"The blessing that was previously sent into Onyxia's body was the latter. As for the former, I plan to wait until the decisive battle with the incarnate dragon is over before entrusting Star Soul to distribute it all at once... fully automatically."

"Eight portions." Ysera looked at Sarlayan thoughtfully and asked: "Excluding yourself and five of us, the remaining two portions..."

At Ysera's reminder, Alexstrasza also recovered from his surprise: "You mean, you will select two people from the incarnation dragons to receive the protective power from Azeroth. ?”

Sarlayan did not intend to hide this, and nodded readily to acknowledge the speculations of the guardian dragons: "Yes, as for who will be handed over specifically... it will depend on their performance in the final battle."

【This is a lie. 】

Sarlayan: "Shh~"

Indeed, as the barrage said, Sarlayan, who knew the nature of the four incarnated dragons in advance, had already decided on the candidates for blessing. The so-called observation performance was just an excuse.

Among the four incarnated dragons, Willanoz, Philek, and Lysajes have very clear stances. They have always been loyal to the Ancestral Dragon's philosophy of keeping their bloodline pure, and refuse to accept Titan blessings from outsiders.

Among the three, the Ice-Hearted Dragon Willanoz and the Thunder-Eating Dragon Lysajes have a relatively mild stance. They just want to correct the "wrong choice" of the Aspect Dragon and get everything back on track. .

The idea of ​​the Dragon of Fire, Philek, is very radical. He believes that Azeroth, which has been polluted by the power of the Titans, is hopeless. He attempts to ignite this filthy world with purifying flames and start the civilization of Azeroth from scratch. Re-conceive.

As for Irudicon... Sarlayan has not known the true purpose of this stone scale dragon until now. Resurrecting Galakrond may be just one part of his ultimate goal.

Sarlayan doesn't have time to play a game of conspiracy with Irudikon. No matter what Ilvdikon plans to do, he can end all suspense as long as he is killed in advance.

Sharlayan only needs to know that Irudicon and Philek are hopeless, and this is enough. The other two guardian powers have long been determined to be reserved for Willanoz and Lysajes.

Onyxia, who had been reborn from the inside out, was like a child who got a new toy. She changed her usual lazy attitude and began to study her current new state with great interest.

Just like Malygos said, after careful inspection, Onyxia can confirm that the upper limit shackles that have troubled her for many years have been completely lifted.

Fortunately, Onyxia still remembered her responsibilities as the meeting secretary. After Sharlayan's reminder, she temporarily suppressed her inner excitement and continued to record the discussions of the big bosses dutifully.

Alexstrasza was a little dissatisfied with Sarlayan's intention to kill four soldiers. After all, she didn't know the inside story in advance like Sarlayan did.

However, this gift was originally requested by Sarlayan from Star Soul. Star Soul's willingness to give the Avatar Dragon two landing slots regardless of past grudges was considered an extralegal favor, and it was not Alexstrasza's turn to bargain.

Malygos and Nozdormu, who was also very smart, looked at each other, and they vaguely felt that there seemed to be a deeper meaning behind Sarlayan's move.

'Could it be that...' Nozdormu, who has seen many future trends in Azeroth and has extremely rich experience, flashed his eyes and silently guessed in his heart: 'Salayan has seen certain scenes of the future in advance and has already determined it. At least two of the Incarnate Dragons are not worth winning over? ’

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