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Chapter 1745 Iludicon: Make the Ancestral Dragon great again!

Since moving to Galakrond Basin, Sharlayan has been interested in the life of the First Dragon Father.

According to Alexstrasza and others, Galakrond is not only the ancestor of all dragonborn in Azeroth, but also the most powerful dragon in history. Even the Aspect Dragons in their heyday may not be able to attack together. He can take down Galakrond, who is also at his peak.

Galakrond died due to the cooperation between Tyr and the five ancestral dragon kings who had not yet obtained the power of guardianship. However, at that time, Galakrond had been burned away by some unknown corrosion, and his originally strong body was even damaged. Severely eroded, it is no longer in peak condition.

Regarding this, Sarlayan obtained the exact information from Kel'Thuzad's research.

Kel'Thuzad is a great lich. As an undead creature, his camp should be classified on the death side, and he is bound to be more sensitive to the power of death than other original powers.

When Kel'Thuzad detected the alien power of death remaining in Galakrond's bones, Sharlayan naturally dumped the blame for the corruption of the first dragon father on Denathrius, who was willing to cause trouble.

But Kel'Thuzad later came up with new research results. He detected a trace amount of the power of the void in Galakrond's bones, as well as another mysterious alien energy that was almost undetectable.

After receiving the updated intelligence, Sarlayan partially overturned his previous speculations and re-examined the entire process of Galakrond's fall and death.

After the Aspect Dragons successively provided some of the information they knew, Sarlayan basically came to the conclusion that there was a traitor among the ancestral dragons. It was this traitor hiding in the dark who single-handedly led the dragon father Galakrond's plan. Fall and fall.

There are not many people who have the ability to do this, they are just the big guys in the Ancestral Dragon Clan who are enough to be called Dragon Kings.

Considering that Neltharion had been in contact with the ancient gods more than 20,000 years ago, Sarlayan immediately placed suspicion on him.

But on second thought, this seems unlikely.

The reason is simple. Galakrond fell before the Aspect Dragons gained the power of guardianship.

When receiving the protective power granted by the Titans, Sarlayan did not think that the Titan guardians would let go of their strict inspection of this group of flesh-and-blood creatures who assisted Tyr in eradicating the threat.

In other words, at least before the point where he obtained the protective power granted by the Pantheon, Neltharion could not possess the power of the void.

Excluding the five guardian dragons, the only remaining targets are the four incarnation dragons who always adhere to the "pure bloodline".

Among the four incarnate dragons, the straight-faced Lesajes is obviously not the one who can hide secrets, so she can be ruled out first.

In the same way, in the original history, Willanoz passed the test of the Azeroth Star Soul, gained the guardian power of Azeroth, and became one of the six guardian dragons of the new generation. Her suspicion was also can be excluded.

Then, the final answer can only be chosen between Philek and Irudikon.

There is one thing to say. From the beginning, Sarlayan did not think that Philek, a stubborn man with a single mind, had such a scheming plan. The one he suspected the most was the Earth Dragon King Irudikon.

It turned out that Saryan's guess was correct.

Until Philek tried his best to die in battle, he did not reveal even a little bit of the power of the void.

After excluding all wrong answers, no matter how much Alexstrasza, Willanoz and others don't want to believe it, Irudikoon will definitely be the correct answer.

He is the culprit who has been hiding behind the scenes to plot against the ancestor Dragon Father.

After listening to Sarlayan's clear and detailed analysis, and the testimony of Willanoz and Lysajes that the extract from the remains of Galakrond was mixed with the unique power of Irudikon, everyone present unanimously said His eyes focused on the stone-scaled dragon with a gloomy expression.


The ironclad evidence was right in front of her. The straight-tempered Lesajes asked in disbelief: "Why did you unite with foreign enemies to assassinate Dragon Father?! What good will it do you to get rid of him!"

Irudikon, who still had a sense of luck, remained silent, obviously intending to deny it to the end.

Sarlayan glanced at the Earth Dragon King who closed his eyes and pretended to be dead with a half-smile: "Let me analyze it with my thoughts."

"First of all, it can be confirmed that the fall of Galakrond was not the plan of a single force. It was a plan jointly accomplished by the traitor of the Ancestral Dragon, Denathrius and the Ancient God."

"Let's talk about Denathrius's motives first. Based on what I know about him, this should be part of Denathrius... or the warden's early intervention in Azeroth's affairs."

Sarlayan continued calmly: "Galakrond is the most powerful dragonborn in history. No one should deny this, right?"

Whether it was the guardian dragon or the incarnation dragon, except for Irudikon, everyone present agreed with Sarlayan's statement.

"In other words, the sane Galakrond will be a big obstacle to those conspirators who try to do things in the dark and seize the dominance of Azeroth."

Using the digital template used by Sharlayan to compare, the strength of peak Galakrond is at least not lower than that of the strongest demigod Malorne, and may even be stronger.

Such a powerful and high-profile existence will undoubtedly be an eyesore to those who are willing to fish in troubled waters.

Therefore, under the secret pull of someone, Denathrius and the Ancient God, who were supposed to have no intersection with each other, reached a cooperation. Under the guidance of the traitor of the ancestor dragon, both parties began to subtly corrupt Galakrond's will and body.

As for how to achieve's not difficult at all.

Galakrond was not always mad. In the distant past, when he was still sane, Galakrond was very protective of his children.

Because Galakrond's body was so large, he naturally had a large appetite. He would often swallow all the food offered by children.

At this point, the method used by the traitor of the Archosaur Dragon to commit the crime is very clear - chronic poisoning through food.

It is not surprising that Denathrius and the Old Gods, who covet Azeroth, want to get rid of Galakrond. If Sarlayan were in their position, he would also take the lead in planning this matter.

So the question is, what is the plan of the Ancestral Dragon traitor who took the initiative to bridge the gap between the two forces?

Sarlayan has always believed that everything in the world must happen for a reason, and most conflicts are often linked to competition for interests.

The Dragon Father Galakrond is indeed powerful, but after the collapse of the Dark Empire, Azeroth is still in a state of waste, and the resources he consumes are far greater than the sum of the other ancestor dragon kings.

"Let me use an analogy." Sarlayan drew a circle on the ground with his finger: "Azeroth's natural resources are a piece of pie, and the Ulduar forces led by the Titan Guardians have divided 70% of it. The remaining 30% belongs to all native lifeforms in Azeroth."

"Galakrond took most of the 30% of the pie, which will inevitably lead to those creatures who hope to continue to progress not having enough to eat, and then become dissatisfied and even resentful of Galakrond who has devoured a large amount of resources on his own. .”

"To put it more bluntly, there is always a big brother above your head, and others who want to be the big brother will never be able to get ahead."

Sarlayan glanced at Irudicon with a sarcastic look: "So, in order to snatch more resources from Galakrond to improve his strength, someone began to secretly plan, hoping to kill the ancestor with the support of external forces. The Dragon Father, he himself will later replace the large amount of resources left by Galakrond and become the eldest brother of the new generation of dragons."

"It's a pity that God's calculations are not as good as those of man."

"The birth of the Aspect Dragon completely shattered his delusions. The Aspect Dragon that emerged from nowhere took away the peach that was originally destined for him."

"In anger, this traitor resolutely denied accepting the Aspect Dragon from outside forces, and used this as a political idea to promote."

"He used some carefully thought-out slogans... such as 'A quiet world for the sake of blue', 'Make the Archosaur great again', etc., to confuse and win over a group of Archosaurs who are close to him, including even Including the powerful Dragon King, the ancestor of the elements."

"Thus, the Desert Worshipers organization was born, and the traitor continued to openly use the banner of political correctness to make profits for himself, until today."

Lysajes, who was always chirping, stopped talking now. She stared at Irudikon, who had her eyes closed and said nothing, with very fierce eyes.

Willanoz, who has a calmer mind and more flexible thinking, sighed with a very complicated expression: "It turns out... that's the case. If the facts are really as you said, some of the questions I have never been able to answer before can be found. Here’s the answer.” (End of chapter)

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