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Chapter 1752 Malganis: I’ll vote and wait! I already said surrender!

Mal'Ganis, one of the elite members of the Nasrezim clan and the right-hand man of patriarch Tichondrius.

Of course, the so-called elite here does not mean how strong he is. After all, the Nasrezim race has never been good at frontal combat.

What they are best at is disguising their infiltration and using various conspiracies to manipulate people's hearts to undermine the enemy's will to resist from within.

Mal'Ganis, who transformed into a Stoneborn and infiltrated the team of the "head" of Fort Nathria, must be holding back some dark shit. He most likely wanted to sow discord and provoke an internal fight between the two waves of guards.

According to the intelligence collected by Sarlayan over the years, the entire Nasrezim clan only has two high-end semi-god-level combatants, namely Tichondrius himself and Mephistros, the second most powerful person in the clan.

Including Mal'Ganis, the other so-called elite members only have the strength of the epic peak, and are stuck in the last step before the breakthrough.

These big bats don't seem to care about this. In their own words, we are playing with intelligence. Even if our personal combat power is not enough, those demon demigods who can only wave their fists can only be played by us. .

And once this self-proclaimed resourceful person loses his camouflage and is exposed to the sun... the results are predictable.

If Sharlayan hadn't raised his hand to stop him, the enraged Stoneborn would have smashed Mal'Ganis to pieces on the spot.

Overwhelmed by Sharlayan's dragon power, Mal'Ganis was completely unable to move. The spell he used to maintain his transformation was dispelled by Jaina, revealing his true face.

"Nathrezim!" The Venthyr guard captain pointed his weapon at Mal'Ganis who was desperately trying to struggle with great vigilance: "You shameful exiles actually dare to return to Revendreth!"

The dark-faced Stone Guard Captain shouted angrily: "Your Majesty Shenying, please give the order! Let us get rid of this stinky bat immediately!"

"I know you are in a hurry, but don't be in a hurry yet."

Sarlayan persuaded calmly: "This guy is just one of the Dread Lords who infiltrated Nathria Castle. It would be too wasteful to simply kill him. Give him to me for torture."

Venthyr and the Stoneborn Guard Captain did not doubt Sarlayan's ability. They bowed their heads and saluted him respectfully: "Your will."

"Jenna." Sarlayan took out a strange-shaped short knife from the space package and threw it to Jaina: "You want to try it?"

Jaina calmly caught the dagger in the air with her mage's hand, and turned to look at Mal'Ganis with a grim expression.

Obviously, this well-informed Dread Lord has recognized the origin of this short knife.

Yes, it was the Blade of the Dark Empire that Sarlayan borrowed from Oni before setting off.

The Dread Lords are indeed good at manipulating people's hearts, but they do so by relying on their own innate wisdom and abilities.

If we talk about forcibly twisting the will, Nasrezim is still far behind the Void side.

His own family knows his own affairs, and Mal'Ganis is self-aware. He is not the kind of person with iron willpower who can insist on saying nothing under the torture of the ancient god's dagger.

"wait wait wait!"

Seeing Jaina getting closer and closer with a dagger in her hand and a teasing smile on her face, Mal'Ganis, who was panicking, decisively chose to surrender.

"I said! I will tell you all the arrangements of Tichondrius! Don't stab me with that damn thing!"

Although the Nathrezim were created by Denathrius, the ethnic group led by Tichondrius had long been immersed in the values ​​​​of demons over the long years.

To put it bluntly, they have no concept of using their lives to implement loyalty. Selfishness is an absolute creed engraved in the bones of the devil.

Mal'Ganis thought very clearly that even if he insisted not to tell, it would still be difficult to keep the secret under the twisted will of the Blade of the Dark Empire.

In this case, why do you have to go through that crime? It's better to say it directly and avoid some physical pain.


The corner of Jaina's mouth curled up in a strange arc: "Sorry, considering the reputation of the Nasrezim clan..."


Under Mal'Ganis' horrified gaze, Jaina mercilessly stabbed the Blade of the Dark Empire into his right chest: "I can't believe anything you say with your own will. It's better to be safer like this."

"What the hell..."

The remnant soul of Xal'atath that rushed into the body along with the dagger made Mal'Ganis very uncomfortable. He could feel the remnant soul running toward his head.

Before he could finish an extremely corrupt curse word, Mal'Ganis's originally bright eyes lost their sparkle.

Jaina: "I ask, you answer."

Mal'Ganis: "Yes..."

As expected, with the exception of Mephistros, all the top Nathrezim who fled to the Shadow Realm have infiltrated into Nathria Castle.

It is under their accumulated instigation over time that the conflict between the Stone Yi and the Venthyr will intensify.

The Shadow Realm is not a land of mortals. Although demigods are not a cabbage here, they are not rare creatures either.

Even the most powerful Tichondrius could not guarantee that he would escape unscathed after his identity was exposed. The Venthyr and Stoneborn demigods attacking in Nathria Castle could turn him into ashes in an instant. .

However, so far, even though they have stepped up their vigilance and interrogation of those around them under Sarlayan's reminder, the Stonesmith and Reinasol have still not caught any suspicious Dread Lord.

However, Sarlayan's reminder was not completely useless. The stonesmith and Reinasol's extensive interrogation made the Dread Lord also use rat weapons, and he did not dare to sow discord as unscrupulously as before, just in case his flaws were exposed and someone caught him... In Naslia Castle, which has no shortage of demigod-level combat power, the consequences are predictable.

According to Mal'Ganis' confession out of necessity, none of Varimathras, Balnazzar, and Dethelok had climbed high enough to have enough influence on the thoughts of Revendreth's higher-ups. .

Tichondrius is a relatively heavyweight. This guy actually sneaked into the Stonesmith's confidants without anyone noticing. He took over the identity of a certain unlucky guy and became one of the core staff of the Stonesmith. .

As for Mephistros, who arrived in the Shadow Realm not long ago, Mal'Ganis didn't know his specific situation. He could only roughly say that this guy was ordered to lurk in Reinasol's camp, and there was a high probability that he had already reached the top. .


Although he was prepared in his heart, the fact that Nasriya Castle was penetrated like this still made Sarlayan a little bit dumbfounded.

After casually cutting off Mal'Ganis' head, Sharlayan watched meaningfully as his disembodied soul fled into the Twisting Nether in panic, without taking any action to stop him.

Jaina returned the Blade of the Dark Empire to Sharlayan: "Why let go of his soul? Aren't you worried that Kil'jaeden will know our whereabouts through him?"

Sharlayan shrugged nonchalantly: "So what if I know? Taking advantage of Azeroth's empty defense to suddenly launch an attack?"

"Hmm..." Gianna lowered her head and considered it, then quickly shook her head in self-denial: "It's unlikely, the time is not yet ripe."

"Nowadays, Azeroth's defense is indeed empty due to supporting Draenor, but this is only relatively speaking. High-end combat forces, including dragons and titan guardians, are still in good condition."

"Besides, Kil'jaeden has not yet completely sorted out the factional struggles within the legion. The fraudster who always plans before taking action cannot leave hidden dangers behind his back before setting out on a large-scale expedition."

Sarlayan rubbed Jaina's head happily: "Good analysis. In addition, I deliberately put Mal'Ganis' soul back to test Kil'jaeden."

Jaina tilted her head in confusion: "What do you mean by this?"

Sharlayan smiled with deep eyes: "I want to see if Kil'jaeden would keep Mal'Ganis alive for some reason."

Jaina frowned and asked: "Didn't you say that Kil'jaeden was determined to completely eliminate the Nasrezim clan who deceived him? Why is this..."

"This time, that time."

Sharlayan explained calmly: "As you said, Kil'jaeden will definitely not miss the opportunity to explore the memory of Mal'Ganis' soul."

"Once it is known through Mal'Ganis that we are targeting the Dread Lord in the Shadow Realm, Kil'jaeden is basically certain that we will never let go of the Nasrezim elite headed by Tichondrius."

"In this case, it doesn't matter whether Mal'Ganis, a mere man who can't make any waves, dies or lives."

Sharlayan said with a half-smile: "If I were Kil'jaeden, I might consider keeping Mal'Ganis for fishing."

"You have to know that the Nathrezim who have mixed up with the Burning Legion are just one of this huge group. With Kil'jaeden's vengeful character, he will definitely not give up here."

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