Live Streaming: Azeroth

Chapter 1763 emotional damage!

As the saying goes, having an elder in the family is like having a treasure.

All joking aside, Velen may have experienced more things in his life than Sharlayan has ever eaten.

After all, it was worth tens of thousands of years, and it wasn't the watered-down experience of the Dragon Clan where most of them fell asleep. They really escaped all the way under the bloody pursuit.

Velen rarely uses intrigues, but that's not because he doesn't know how to use them, it's just because he doesn't like to use them because of his personality.

Having fought against Kil'jaeden, an old enemy known as the Trickster, for many years, Velen has seen countless schemes. Even if he doesn't use them himself, he can easily see through the enemy's strategies with his experienced experience.

Under the guidance of Danmaku's brainstorming, Sarlayan was definitely regarded as an amazingly talented person in Azeroth, a feudal era with relatively backward ideological education... Of course, he himself did have that talent, otherwise Kuchiki No matter how much it is carved, it is still just rotten wood.

However, compared to Velen, Sarlayan's experience is still far behind.

If he was given more time to think, Sarlayan would be able to figure out what Azshara and Valeela were doing behind the scenes sooner or later, but Sarlayan had no intention of focusing on the "palace" mentioned by the barrage. "Fight" on.

In fact, it is not that exaggerated. It does not rise to the level of palace fighting. At most, it can only be regarded as a small thought between women.

Velen is also experienced... This is not to say that he had a lot of fun when he was young, but because he has enough experience and has seen people who have experienced similar experiences to Sarlayan - especially those who have particularly good luck in love.

In fact, there is nothing special to be wary of. It's just that Valeera, the "empress of the royal palace" recognized by others, secretly reached an agreement to live in peace with the powerful challenger who tried to join the harem.

As the barrage said, as Sarlayan's status has risen, Valeela, who was once known as a jealous person, is also adjusting her mentality with the times.

The addition of Melinsela is a sign of Valeela's mental transformation.

To put it more utilitarian, in order to maintain the overall stable situation in Azeroth, it is not difficult to accept the sacrifice of Sharlayan's color to marry with other forces.

Moreover, Melinthera and Azshara... and even Calia Menethil's preference for Sarlayan was not just purely for political reasons. There was indeed emotion involved, which is better than the normal situation of blind marriage and mute marriage. The relationship formed by the political marriage has been strengthened countless times.

In this case, for the overall interests of Azeroth, it is not surprising that Valeera would choose to accept Azshara.

After listening to Velen's clear analysis, Sarlayan, who was obsessed with the authorities, finally breathed a sigh of relief. What he was most worried about was the secret fight between the Deep Shadow Family represented by Valeela and the Dark Night Empire.

However, if you think about it carefully, Stellagosa, who has always acted steadily, did not issue a warning, which means that the negotiation between the two people did not break out into a large-scale conflict.

Women have their own way of communicating with each other. Sarai'an's involvement may lead to misunderstandings. It is better to pretend that you don't know anything.

After roughly understanding the reason under Velen's guidance, Sarlayan was too lazy to delve into it, as long as those two people didn't cause trouble.

Anyway, when everything is settled, Valeera will always tell him the ins and outs of the incident.

This was Sharlayan's absolute trust in Valeera, his childhood sweetheart, and it was also the most fundamental reason why Stellagosa, Jaina and others were willing to recognize Valeera's leadership.

[If you think about it carefully, in China's thousands of years of history, the harems of the founding emperors of various dynasties have many products of this kind of political marriage. 】

[Indeed, those founding emperors who calmed down troubled times inevitably needed to stabilize the situation through marriage. Although this approach is very old-fashioned, it has to be said that it is indeed very useful. 】

[Now is the critical preparation period before the decisive battle with the Burning Legion. There is no room for any unrest in Azeroth, and we can only sacrifice Sharlayan to maintain stability as much as possible. 】

[God damn sacrifice, why don’t you give me this opportunity to sacrifice? ! 】

[That is Azshara, the light of light! The truly most beautiful woman in Azeroth. 】

[Ha~ Superficial, with Saraian’s current status and influence, if he really wanted it, what kind of beauty would he not be able to get? 】

[Pure beauty is like a cloud to him, the political significance behind the marriage is the most important. 】


The corners of Sarlayan's mouth twitched and he retorted: "Let me correct you, I'm not that calm."

"Since I come into daily contact with beauties like Valeera, Jaina, and Stella, my aesthetic sense has indeed been improved a lot, but... just like you said, that's Azshara."

Sarlayan's clarification immediately triggered a barrage of barrage.

【Grass! Where is the brother who swore so much in front? Stand up and take two steps. 】

[What does it mean to be slapped in the face? (tactical fallback)]

[Nothing wrong, Xiao Sa has not cultivated to the point where he forgets his feelings. What’s wrong with having an eye-catching wife? 】

[Even if the political factors behind this marriage are excluded, just looking at it will always be pleasing to the eye, effectively improving your mood and improving work efficiency. 】

Yes, Sarlayan dislikes ugliness and loves beauty.

You can use any kind of spiritual beauty to say that he only cares about appearance and is vulgar, but Sarlayan believes that this is the basic quality of a high elf.

You don’t even have external beauty, so why should you allow me to be patient enough to further explore your inner beauty?

【True, love. 】

The treatment for vinylon's wear and tear lasted for more than a month. Under Salai'an's persistent guidance, the old prophet's mental state improved a lot.

Using the dream power derived from the green dragon, Sarlayan selectively significantly lowered the priority of memories in Velen's mind that easily aroused negative emotions, and instead raised the priority of those good memories.

It needs to be emphasized here that Sharlayan did not seal any memories of Velen.

If Velen takes the initiative to retrieve it, he can still recall the tragedies that have happened.

However, under Sarlayan's repeated warnings, if it was not really necessary, Velen would not do such "self-mutilation" that might increase wear and tear.

The reason why the entire treatment process lasted for more than a month was because Velen's tens of thousands of years of memory was too heavy. Even with Velen's cooperation in screening, it took a lot of Sarlayan's time and energy.

Fortunately, the final result was not bad.

Sarlayan did not dare to pat his chest and guarantee that Velen could persist for tens of thousands more years, but as long as he learned to relax and relieve mental pressure, there would definitely be no problem until Yrel fully matured.

But when it comes to this issue, Barrage specifically reminded Sarlayan.

[According to the intelligence we have learned, there is one thing that may cause a further heavy blow to Velen's already unstable mental state. 】

[His son, Rakesh. 】


Sarlayan also had a headache when he mentioned this name.

As early as when he first came into contact with the Draenei many years ago, Sarlayan had heard about Rakish's name and life from the barrage, so I won't go into details here.

Thinking about it from another perspective, if Sarlayan were in Kil'jaeden's shoes, he would definitely prepare an "appetizer" for Velen as a surprise before the decisive battle begins, just as a token of hatred that has lasted for tens of thousands of years. Charge some interest up front.

This was Kil'jaeden's original intention of leaving Rakish alive and keeping an eye on his "growth".

After the failure of the Battle of Draenor, the Burning Legion had only one path left by Sarlayan to enter Azeroth - the Tomb of Sargeras.

As the saying goes, it is better to open up than to block.

If the Tomb of Sasha is completely blocked, the Burning Legion will not stop infiltrating Azeroth. Instead, it will make their appearance location more unpredictable. It is better to directly open a stable entrance to them.

Anyway, due to the continuous operation of the planet barrier, high-end combat power above demigods cannot enter Azeroth.

Rakish's strength... it can only be said that he seems to have not inherited Velen's talent at all, or his talent has not been effectively guided.

For example, if most of Lakish's talents are focused on Holy Light, forcing him to practice evil energy will naturally not result in the most efficient return.

Kil'jaeden didn't care about this. After all, his original intention of "training" Rakish was not to expect him to be as powerful as him in combat.

In barrage terms, Kil'jaeden just wanted to cause "emotional damage" to Velen.


"I am here."

With a solemn expression, Sarlayan said to the little star who opened the door and entered the office: "Strengthen the surveillance of people entering and exiting the Tomb of Sargeras. If the local intelligence personnel discover an Eredar demon named 'Lakish', the first Send someone to notify me as soon as possible.”

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