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Chapter 1768 Medivh: Are you looking for it? If found

Although Aegwynn's age is not as good as that of old monsters such as the Aspect Dragon, which often live for tens of thousands of years, for mortals, a lifespan of nearly a thousand years is already an exaggeration.

Aegwynn has seen countless careerists in her life. In order to monopolize power, those who are blinded by power dare to do any nonsense.

Compared with these miserable power slaves, Sarlayan, who is already in great power, is like a green lotus emerging from the mud and unstained.

According to Jaina, the boy even began to consider taking his family to leave their burdens and travel around after the crisis in Azeroth was resolved.

However, Aegwynn, who was a bystander, knew very well that things were not that simple.

If she were the star soul of Azeroth, she would never let go of such a perfect agent who was not greedy for power and whose own moral character was almost flawless.

Many partners? Personal life in chaos?

That's a minor moral flaw, it's just a man's nature, and Aegwynn has seen enough of it.

Moreover, Sarlayan did not go around searching for beauties, let alone plunder them.

It's interesting to say that, except for Valila, his childhood sweetheart who grew up with the "major empress", all of his friends and prospective partners were all sent to his door on their own initiative.

Even Aegwynn, who is a woman and has an independent personality, can only scold those women in private for not knowing how to love themselves. No matter how hard this blame goes, Sarlayan can't be blamed.

Putting other people's family matters aside, what Aegwynn is most worried about now is actually the life-long events of her precious son Medivh.

Sarlayan specifically investigated and found that at least in his timeline, the so-called Med'an did not exist from the beginning.

Even during the period when he was controlled by Sargeras, Medivh never had close contact with Garona. The relationship between Garona and Khadgar was closer than that of Medivh.

In other words, the Astral Mage still has no descendants, which is why Aegwynn is not worried.

She even once wondered if Medivh was crooked, which made Medivh dumbfounded.

As a member of the demigods, Medivh has an immortal lifespan. In theory, there is no need to rush to continue the family line.

But there is a kind of love that makes your parents think you should get married. Medivh had nothing to do with it. He could only keep repeating with a grimace, "I'm looking for you, I'm looking for you."

But is he really looking for it? If found.

Regarding this matter, Jaina secretly asked Medivh's XP behind Aegwin's back.

With his current status as a man, no matter what kind of beauty Medivh likes, Sarlayan has the ability to connect him.

However, Medivh's answer was... He didn't know, maybe he hadn't met the right person yet.

In this case, Jaina couldn't say much. She could only hope that he would meet a suitable partner for him during the astral travel that would resume soon.

Watching Jaina start to pack her luggage and prepare to evacuate Dalaran, the elderly Aegwynn sighed sadly: "It won't be as easy as it is now to see you again in the future. To be honest, I really can't bear to let you go." .”

Jaina rolled her eyes speechlessly: "Please, what age are we in, is it not easy to keep in touch? You can call my mobile phone at any time."

"Besides, Sarlayan won't prohibit you from visiting relatives and friends in Vadraken. If you want to see me, just come directly."

Aegwin smiled and shook his head: "I'm not that ignorant. I don't want to disturb your family's life, but... that's right. If anything happens, I will contact you through a portable communication device."

With Sharlayan's vigorous promotion and the active cooperation of aquatic races such as Naga, water elementals, and sea giants, submarine base stations all over the world have been basically laid out.

This means that the network required for portable arcane communication equipment can finally cover the entire planet. Even the residents of the Zandalari Islands, which are the slowest to start construction, are actively promoting the laying of land base stations.

Convenient real-time communication further enhances Azeroth's ability to respond to emergencies.

No matter where Kil'jaeden drops Rakish in Azeroth, he will be traced as soon as he appears, and intelligence agents from all over the world will pass the news to Valeera as quickly as possible. in hand.

In the same way, once the closely monitored eredar twins make new moves, Sarlayan can be ready to respond immediately and not give Kil'jaeden a chance to secretly launch a surprise attack.

"Speaking of..." Jaina was busy packing her luggage and asked Aegwynn curiously: "Magna, what are your plans after Medivh embarks on the journey again?"

Aegwynn showed a rare embarrassed expression and gently scratched his cheek with his finger: "Well... I want to ask Sharlayan to do me a favor and take me to the Shadow Realm."

"The Shadow Realm?" Jaina paused for a moment, but soon she said with a sudden look on her face: "Do you want to go to the Shadow Realm to find the soul of Nielas Ellan?"

"Ahem!" Aegwin turned away in embarrassment: "Little guy, you see through it but don't tell it off."

"Ha~" Jaina smiled knowingly: "Okay, I will help you mention this matter to Sharlayan, it shouldn't be a big problem."

At this moment, a sound suddenly came from the communication device in the mage tower leading directly to the entrance.

"Senior Proudmoore, I have something to report."

Both Jaina and Aegwynn could tell that this was the voice of the herald arranged by the Kirin Tor Council for Jaina.

"Marvin, just tell me if you have something to say."


The herald named Marvin reported in a short sentence: "Arch Mage Vargas has arrived at Violet Castle, and Chancellor Ronin is receiving him. You see..."

"I know, I'll go right away. Thank you for your hard work."

After hanging up the call, Jaina sighed with emotion: "Vargos has arrived, and it's time for me to say goodbye to Dalaran... Magna, please accompany me to the Violet Castle for the last time."

"Aegwynn wants to find a husband in the Shadow Realm?"

After learning the intention conveyed by Jaina from Stellagosa, Sharlayan couldn't help but smile and said: "No problem, it's rare for the always stubborn Ms. Aegwynn to take the initiative to ask for help. Of course I will solve this small problem." Satisfy her.”

"Nielas Ellan." Onyxia touched her chin thoughtfully: "By the way, didn't his remnant soul always stay in Karazhan? Are you sure you can find him in the Shadow Realm? "

Sarlayan shrugged and explained: "As you said, it's just a remnant soul. The Nielas Ellan in Karazhan is actually similar to Sindragosa's phantom, and is not the main body of his soul."

"The only thing that worries me is whether Mr. Ellan has been admitted to the Shadow Realm by Green. In short, I will entrust the Revered Voice to investigate the entry information."

"That's right." Sarlayan turned to look at Melinthra: "Are you ready for Sindragosa's gift?"

Melinsela nodded confidently: "Of course, I guarantee she will be satisfied."

"That's good." Sarlayan, who has been relatively relaxed at work recently, stretched his body happily: "There's nothing big happening recently. Come and go out with me for a walk, just in time to witness with your own eyes the new look of Vadraken after its reform."

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