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Chapter 1772 Turayan holding the protagonist’s script

The Green Dragon treatment team specially arranged for Aegwin was very responsible, and there were no problems with the diagnostic reports and treatment records they issued.

The only thing worth adding is the memory priority adjustment technique created by Sarlayan.

The green dragons who treated Aegwynn chose a relatively simple and crude treatment method. They temporarily sealed the sad memories that might cause Aegwynn's wear and tear to worsen.

But memory cannot be completely sealed. As time goes by and emotions fluctuate, Aegwynn will sooner or later recall those sealed past deeds. This is only a temporary treatment method, not the root cause.

And according to Sarlayan's estimation, the acute recurrence of wear and tear symptoms caused by the next memory burst may lead to more serious consequences.

With this in mind, Sarlayan personally helped Aegwin reorganize his memory priorities. This new method of mental treatment would be more gentle and less likely to leave hidden dangers.

Since there was only one successful case of Velen's treatment before, Sarlayan did not dare to teach this unknown treatment method to all green dragons.

Aegwynn, who came to the door on his own initiative, became Sarlayan's second experimental rat.

Although it sounds a bit unkind, the treatment effect is still very good.

After understanding the current situation through Sarlayan's detailed explanation, Medivh, who had been watching over him, breathed a sigh of relief.

Sarlayan smiled and patted his shoulder to comfort him: "You can rest assured now. By the way, I heard that you plan to continue traveling in the astral world in the future?"

"Hiss~" Medivh always felt that the smile on Sharlay'an's face was a bit malicious: "Don't smile like's a bit revealing. Let's be honest, what do you want me to do again?"

Sarlayan spread his hands helplessly: "It sounds like I am deliberately trying to trick you. I just hope to add a goal to your journey destination."

After listening to Sharlayan's series of explanations, Medivh raised his eyebrows in surprise: "Turalyon? That Anduin's heir? He is actually still alive?"

The Anduin Medivh spoke of was not Anduin Wrynn, the young prince of the Kingdom of Stormwind today, but King Varian's godfather, the last royal bloodline of the Arathi Empire, and the first Alliance Grand Marshal - Anduin. Lothar.

Lothar, Medivh, and Varian's father Llane were best friends who grew up together.

Although the three of them were once opposed to each other due to various objective reasons and were eventually separated forever, this did not really affect the relationship between them.

Anduin Lothar and Llane Wrynn have both passed away, and Medivh has also died once.

After getting rid of Sargeras' control, Medivh has always felt guilty for the mistakes he once made. This is also the source of motivation for him to spare no effort to help Thalayan kill Archimonde and repel the Burning Legion's invasion again.

After experiencing the tragic Battle of Hyjal, Medivh felt that his debt to Azeroth had been basically paid off, but he still felt guilty for the descendants of Lion and Lothar.

As a member of the new Tirisfal Council with a neutral stance, Medivh could not blatantly favor Varian and Anduin. He could only take care of them as much as possible in private matters other than state affairs.

As for Lothar's descendants... As we all know, Lothar had no offspring in his life, and Arathi's royal bloodline was truly completely cut off when he came to him.

The only person who can be regarded as Lothar's successor is Turayan, the second Alliance Grand Marshal who was personally trained by him.

When Medivh was brought back from the Twisting Nether by his mother and resurrected, Turalyon had been missing in Draenor for many years. Until today, Medivh had not received any follow-up news from him. He subconsciously thought that Turalyon had died long ago.

Sarlayan had only speculated that Turayan might have been picked up by Zela through the information provided by the barrage. Not long ago, he relied on Adal's contact with Zela again after many years to confirm that Turayan was indeed in the Legion of Light. .

It has to be said that Turayan's experience is legendary enough.

Turalyon's background was not prominent. Although his family was once one of the nobles of Lordaeron, their family fortunes had already fallen into decline.

When he was young, Turalyon joined the Church of the Holy Light and was fortunate enough to become a disciple of Alonsos Fao, the Archbishop of the Holy Light at the time, thus starting his legendary life.

As a member of the first generation of the five paladins, Turayan followed Lothar to fight in the north and south during the Second Orc War, and experienced many battles, large and small.

His military talents were gradually revealed during this war. Tula Yang, who had made many meritorious deeds in the war, naturally took over the position of Grand Marshal of the Alliance after Lothar died in the battle, and led the Alliance expeditionary force into Germany, the hometown of the Orcs. Rano tried to eliminate the root cause.

When everyone (except Sharlayan) thought that the missing Turalyon had long been buried, he unexpectedly crossed the star sea and was picked up by the Legion of Light who was fighting in the Twisting Nether. The battle continued in the void for thousands of years.

Due to the distortion of the rules of time, only a dozen years have passed for Azeroth during the thousand years that Turalyon has experienced.

As a human, Turayan only had a lifespan of a hundred years. The reason why he could live for more than a thousand years was because he had long received the infusion of holy light given by Zela himself, and became the first light-forged human in history.

It needs to be emphasized here that the failure rate of holy light infusion is very high. Once the person fails to persist in the ritual, the recipient will be burned to ashes by the high-purity holy light.

Adal did not approve of Zela's practice of brutally creating elite warriors regardless of sacrifice. This was also an important part of the ideological differences between him and Zela.

When Adal confirmed the news about Turalyon, the former Grand Marshal of the Alliance had already been promoted to the Archbishop of the Legion of Light by virtue of his many miraculous achievements on the battlefield. His status was only surpassed by a few elders such as Zela and Adal. Under the Naaru.

To put it in barrage terms, this guy Turayan has been taking the lead role since he became a disciple of Fao, and he has risen steadily to a height that many people can't even imagine in their lifetime.

Without the butterfly effect caused by Sharlayan, Turayan would most likely become the new leader of the Legion of Light in the future after Xera's death, just like in the original history.

...Of course, the Holy Light Legion at that time had already lost all its main force in the Battle of Argus, and there were only two or three kittens left. In fact, it was dead in name only.

This is not over yet. Turalyon, who returned to Azeroth, undisputedly became the regent leader of the Stormwind Kingdom and the Alliance when King Anduin Wrynn fell into confusion and self-exile. His wife and son also Still alive and well, a real winner in life.

By the way, Turalyon's wife in the original history was Alleria Windrunner, whom Thalayan regarded as a sister.

Due to the butterfly effect caused by Sharlayan, Alleria did not become associated with Turalyon in this timeline. At this time, she was still training her Farstriders in Quel'Thalas.

Sharlayan was curious whether Turalyon, who was still in the Legion of Light, had already gotten married and had children after thousands of years.

However, it was not easy for him to entrust Adal to mention this kind of personal issue in formal contact with Zeira. He could only find an opportunity to confirm it in person later.

Knowing that Turayan, the descendant of Lothar, was still alive, Medivh, who was originally quite resistant to Sharlayan's commission, suddenly became interested.

"Eonar Sanctuary, right? Okay, I will give priority to the coordinates you provided to check the latest local war situation. I will also be able to meet Lothar's heir and see if I can help him with some small favors."

In the small-scale war that broke out between Eonar, the Star Saint, the Legion of Light and the Burning Legion, Medivh's personal power was limited, and Sharlayan did not expect him to influence the direction of the battlefield.

Sharlayan positioned Medivh as the eye representing Azeroth.

Before the crisis in Eonar is resolved, the Astral Mage needs to use his special ability to travel freely between the stars to promptly report the latest battle situation on the front line to Azeroth so that Sharlayan can promptly adjust the priority of subsequent plans. .

"Hey~" Medivh sighed helplessly: "I knew that once you asked for help, there would be no good news. Now I will be tied up by you for who knows how long."

Sarlayan responded with a smile: "He who can do it should work harder. Only you can do this."

"As long as good news comes from the agents on the Marton side, we will be able to gain the ability to freely travel between the major strongholds of the Burning Legion by seizing the Sargrith Keystone."

"At that time, you will be able to escape from your responsibilities and truly travel freely in the star realm."

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