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Chapter 1775 The internal and external troubles of the Burning Legion

Xivalla is also an elder demon race that joined the Burning Legion when it was first established, together with Annihran (Lord of the Abyss), Ereduin (Doom Guard), Morg (Demon Guard), and...Nasth Together they formed the original Burning Legion.

Other races such as Man'ari (Eredar), Sayad (Succubus), Alanus (Spider Demon), Antarn (Giant Siege Demon) and other races were all developed later with the expansion of the Legion's power. Added gradually.

Even though Shivala has six hands, in fact, their physical fitness is not outstanding among many demon races. In close combat, they often rely on airtight six-handed combos to suppress the enemy.

To put it bluntly, Xivalla is a typical skilled warrior, and is far inferior to the physically powerful Annihlan and Ereduin in terms of absolute strength.

The Shivalla family also knows their own weaknesses. Unless necessary, they will not place all their hopes on close combat. What is even more difficult to guard against is their weird spells.

According to Shahras, the Shivalla family is positioned as a priestess in the Burning Legion. Their original purpose of existence is to spread the will of Sargeras in the Legion and even the entire universe. Their status is similar to that of priests in religious organizations. Priests and priests.

As we all know, professions like this that are linked to the clergy are often very fanatical, and the same is true for Xivalla.

Before the defeat of the Burning Legion, the Shivalra were the most extreme admirers of the invincible Sargeras.

However, as the Burning Legion fell into disgrace one after another in Azeroth, some noise began to appear among the Xivalla tribe, who considered themselves smart people.

A part of Xivalra gradually got rid of the initial fanaticism of converts and began to calm down and rethink the future of the ethnic group. The representative figure among them is Mother Shahras who took refuge in the Black Temple.

In the Xiwalla clan, the title of mistress is not something that can be claimed casually. Each matron represents a Xiwalla clan.

At this stage, matrons like Shahras, who retreated from the rapids and actively looked for a way out, were still only a minority in the general environment of the Xivalla clan.

But being called a crowd means that this faction of Xiwalla has formed a certain scale, but it is still unable to occupy the mainstream voice within the clan.

After experiencing the betrayal of Nathrezim, who was also an elder demon race, Kil'jaeden, who was already suspicious, would be the first to doubt anyone he looked at, with the exception of Xivalla.

The reason is simple. Even among the three giants of the Burning Legion, Kil'jaeden the Deceiver still has areas that he cannot control.

As long as the Witch Guild, an organization loyal to Sargeras, still exists for one day, the Fallen Titan will never allow anyone to attack the Xivalla family with the position of priest.

Sarlayan also became aware of this problem through the intelligence provided by Shahrath, and thus formulated a plan based on the existence of Xiwalla's opposition.

After Archimonde's death, the Burning Legion inevitably fell into a long period of turmoil, and the outbreak of the Nasrezim Rebellion caused panic within the Legion.

Ordinary demons do not know the specific mistakes committed by the Nasrezim family. They can only see that the Dreadlord family, as the veterans of the legion, was easily destroyed by the fraudsters.

Demons are indeed fearless of death, but only if they can return to the Twisting Nether and resurrect indefinitely.

Obviously, there is no possibility of the Nasrezim clan being resurrected after committing a heinous crime, so other demons cannot help but be afraid and worried about them.

Under this situation, a large number of demons originally stationed in Argus took the initiative to apply for external transfer, hoping to escape from the center of this whirlpool of internal strife as soon as possible.

Because of this, Shahras found a member of his own race and was able to successfully be transferred to the Broken World of Marton, the place where the Burning Legion was first established.

As the saying goes, the law does not punish the public, and this truth is even more golden in the already chaotic Burning Legion.

For those demons who took the initiative to escape Argus, Kil'jaeden, who was too lazy to carefully screen them, simply gave them the green light without distinction.

If you don’t want to do it, there are people who want to fill your position. The Burning Legion, which has a large territory, has never been short of manpower.

In the second month after Sindragosa's resurrection ceremony, Vardraken's city management was basically on track, and Sharlayan no longer needed to personally plan the development route.

After assigning his own work to Stellagosa, Jaina and others as agents, Sarlayan left the Dragon Islands alone, passed through the Dark Portal and came to Draenor again.

After defeating the Burning Legion's expedition fleet, war-torn Draenor has regained its calm, but in the eyes of insiders like Illidan and Adal, this situation is more like the calm before the storm.

Once the plan to invade Marton and seize the Sargerit Keystone is successful, not only Azeroth but also Draenor will need to immediately launch a full-scale war mobilization and be ready to deal with the massive invasion of the Burning Legion at any time.

While Sharlayan set off for Draenor, Valeela also informed the Grand Magister Elisande in Suramar through the communication channel she had maintained with Azshara...or the Dark Night Empire to start as planned. action.

Under Sharlayan's instruction, Suramar's top brass, including Elisande, began to secretly express their dissatisfaction with returning to the Dark Night Empire more than a year ago... Of course, it was staged.

There is an old saying that goes, it is better to be a chicken head than a phoenix tail.

After Suramar, who originally had independent power to govern, returned to the Dark Night Empire, the top decision-maker became Queen Azshara, who had been separated from the mainstream civilization of Azeroth for 10,000 years. Elisande, Thalyssra and others It’s normal to be dissatisfied, right?

After more than a year of planning, the Eredar twins who were already lurking in government agencies were naturally fooled by this top-to-bottom disguise. They really thought that Suramar had the intention to rebel against her mother.

Since the man is affectionate and the concubine is interested, it is logical for Suramar's senior officials to secretly collude with the Burning Legion.

With the Well of Eternity destroyed and the Sunwell difficult to capture, Suramar, who owns the Nightwell, is indeed very attractive to the Burning Legion.

Under the secret promotion of the eredar twins who were "deep behind enemy lines", Kil'jaeden, who learned of the matter, intended to further discuss the possibility of an alliance with Suramar's senior leaders.

The Burning Legion's appeal is simple... at least for the time being. They need a passage to enter Azeroth on a large scale, and the Nightwell is the most suitable choice under the current circumstances.

Of course, this kind of back-and-forth negotiation cannot be reached in a short time, and it can also be used to further draw Kil'jaeden's attention.

After successfully arriving at the Black Temple, Sarlayan didn't even bother to reminisce with Illidan, and went straight to the point and approached Shahras.

"What's the situation over at Marton? Can we start taking action?"

This is not the first time Shahras has dealt with Sharlayan, and he has gradually adapted to his resolute temper... After all, Illidan's behavior style is quite similar to Sharlayan from a certain perspective.

"No latest news has come yet."

Shahras, who was well prepared, explained calmly: "The last time I contacted Anya and the others was more than a month ago. They had obtained the fraudster's approval to transfer to Marton. Logically speaking, they should have arrived at their destination long ago. ”

"More than a month..."

Sarlayan lowered his head and pondered for a moment: "Don't worry, although not many people know about Marton's secret, there is no doubt about its importance, and the defense against newcomers will not be low."

"It should take some time for your insiders to gain a foothold locally and restore stable channels of communication."

"I will stay in Draenor during this period and wait for the latest information. Once there is news, I will send someone to Shattrath to tell me as soon as possible."

Shahras nodded solemnly: "I understand, I will pay attention to the latest contact at any time."

When he came to Draenor this time, in addition to wanting to get the news from Marton as soon as possible, Sarlayan also had other important matters that he needed to communicate with Adal in person in Shattrath City.

After bidding farewell to Illidan, Shahrath, Akama and others, Sarlayan rushed to Talador Forest without stopping. Adal, who had received the news in advance, was ready to welcome Sarlayan's arrival.

Don't get me wrong, the preparations mentioned here are not those formal welcome ceremonies, but that Adal has prepared the intelligence that Sarlayan needs in advance - the latest news about Turayan.

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