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Chapter 1786 Turayan’s exclamation

As Sharlayan knew in advance, the Burning Legion's spread across most of the universe was too large. Even if Kil'jaeden intended to unite his forces to launch an expedition, he would not be able to mobilize all colonial fleets to return to Argus to assemble.

Therefore, the real main force of this "last expedition to Azeroth" as Kil'jaeden calls it is still the elite direct troops of the Legion stationed in Argus.

But even so, when the Burning Legion's war machine is fully activated, it still poses a considerable threat to the entire universe.

The first person to bear the brunt of the pressure is the Holy Light Legion, which has been struggling to support... To be precise, it is the main fleet of the Holy Light Legion under Zera.

Kil'jaeden's anger always needs a channel to vent. Before the preparations for the expedition are completed, the Holy Light Legion, which is close at hand, naturally becomes the best target for venting his anger.

Sharlayan, who was far away in Azeroth, didn't know it yet. Turalyon, who was still resisting the attack of the Coven's special forces in Eonar Sanctuary, immediately received the signal for help from Zera.

Just when Turayan reflexively wanted to lead the fleet to rescue the main fleet of the Holy Light Legion, which was about to be destroyed, Medivh suddenly appeared in front of him and said something meaningful.

"Turalyon, have you forgotten the promise you made to Sharlayan?"


This basin of cold water instantly woke up the hot-blooded Turayan. Turayan, who already had an outstanding overall view, quickly figured out something.

"Could it be..." Turayan looked at Medivh in disbelief, who seemed not surprised by this: "Astral Mage, is this also part of Sarlayan's calculation?"

Medivh shrugged noncommittally: "This is your random guess. I never said that."

"In short, although Zera is your savior, you have already repaid the debt during the more than a thousand years of fighting for the Holy Light Legion in the Twisting Void. Don't forget the origin of your birth because of Zera. .”

Although Medivh's words are a bit of a misinterpretation of concepts, but if you insist on being true... there is actually nothing wrong with it.

Although Zela is one of the ancient saints born from the cosmic ordering period, her talent is not focused on the overall situation and command ability. At least now, the performance of this crazy Zela in terms of leadership ability is really worrying.

If it weren't for Turalyon's conscientious assistance, the single-minded Zera led the Legion of Light on an aimless rampage, and they would have been ambushed and wiped out by the annoying Kil'jaeden.

However, as the Holy Light Legion's victory became greater and greater, the demon-mad Zera also became more and more powerful. She ignored Turayan's dissuasion and suffered heavy losses from the Holy Light Legion, and insisted on attacking Argus, the Legion's home base.

To this day, Turalyon still doesn't think this is the right decision. Adal, also a veteran of the Holy Light Legion, also self-exiled to the remote Draenor because of his disagreement with Xera.

It is obviously impossible to say that Turayan has not thought about taking down Zera, who is prone to fainting, and replacing him with a more suitable leader for the Legion of Light...

However, Turalyon, who has an upright personality, would definitely not be able to do such a treacherous thing. In this case, Sharlayan and Medivh would not mind helping him make the decision.

There is no need to dirty Turayan's hands, he just needs to stand by and watch when necessary.

This time to reinforce Eonar Sanctuary, Turayan brought over all the direct descendants he had cultivated in the Legion of Light. Those who stayed behind in the main fleet were all Zera's loyalists, as stubborn as the Mother of Light. The devil is startling.

If the main force of the Holy Light Legion headed by Zera was wiped out, Turayan would definitely feel heartbroken, but his heartache was not for Zera, but for the Naaru warships and heroic soldiers that should have played a greater role.

With the pantheon titan and mother of the gods Eonar, who is more closely related to Azeroth, just around the corner, Xera's importance is no longer as unique as before.

Turayan was not an indecisive person, otherwise he would not have been the Grand Marshal of the Alliance and the Archbishop of the Legion of Light.

Even if he brought all his troops back for reinforcements, facing almost all the elites of the legion, this reinforcement would only be a drop in the bucket and would not change the overall situation.

The lesser of two evils, now that Zera's fate is doomed, what Turayan needs to consider now is how to retain the will of the Holy Light Legion to continue fighting against the Burning Legion. He will never give up.

"About this..." Medivh smiled meaningfully: "You should know that Adal and his direct descendants are all in Draenor, right? The Legion of Light should not be Zera's one-spoken palace. It's time to let this The ancient and sacred organization returns to the position in which it was first founded."

Turayan's expression changed slightly: "You Adal to become the new leader of the Holy Light Legion?"

Medivh smiled and spread his hands: "Isn't this natural? You don't think that as a guest general, you can get more support than Adal, do you?"

"Of course not." Turalyon shook his head without hesitation: "I will return to my hometown of Azeroth one day. The leadership of the Holy Light Legion should be left to Naaru, Adal. An impeccable choice indeed.”

Turayan is not stupid. Since Medivh has mentioned this, it means that Azeroth has already negotiated relevant cooperation with Adal.

As long as the news of Zela's defeat is confirmed, Adal, who had previously self-exiled due to ideological differences, can naturally return to the Legion of Light to assume leadership.

After all, Adal is also one of the original Naaru who was born in the same era as Zeira, with a positive root.


After figuring out the cause and effect of the matter, Turayan shook his head in amazement: "Did all this be planned in advance by Sarlayan?"

"If that's the case, I can only say... Azeroth is lucky to have him behind the scenes. This kid's vision is too far-sighted. Since when did he start thinking about getting rid of Zeira and helping A'dal become the leader? "

Medivh smiled noncommittally: "Who knows, I only met Sharlayan after I was brought back to Azeroth and resurrected. You should have known him much earlier than me."

"That's what I say..." Turayan smiled bitterly and rubbed his eyebrows: "When I came into contact with Sharlayan, he was just a young man who was just starting out."

"Although he had already begun to show his talents when he assisted the Alliance Expeditionary Force in defeating Ner'zhul, at that time he was far from as far-sighted as he is now. What has he experienced over the years..."

Medivh smiled and echoed: "I only know that he has barely rested since he left Quel'Thalas and officially set foot in the world. In his own words, this is called God's reward for hard work... Of course, the premise is He definitely has the talent.”

"Okay, let's stop talking about Sarlayan."

Medivh retracted his smile and said seriously: "That kid mentioned it many times before he sent me here. He wants to have a good chat with you face to face. If you have any questions, you can ask him in person."

"That is to say..." Turalyon's expression became solemn as he heard the string and understood the elegant meaning: "Is Sarlayan already ready for the expedition to Argus?"

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