Live Streaming: Azeroth

Chapter 1792 Confessions of the Light of Light

Just as Sharlayan expected, although Azshara has a proud personality, she is not a messy person.

As the Queen of Destiny who once...and even now controls the Dark Night Empire, she must have her own arrogance and self-esteem.

But just as Sharlayan didn't want to see her family fighting all day long, Azshara didn't want to waste the rest of her life on these meaningless things.

To put it bluntly, she needs a step down from the stage and cannot allow herself to compromise too ugly.

Sharlayan could tell from Azshara's words that she didn't really want to compete with Valeera for the stewardship. In fact, she had no interest in it. How could the management of a small family compete with that of a country? In comparison, she is just unwilling to submit to others easily out of her dignity as a queen.

Azshara tried her best to be as objective as possible and talked about her psychological activities during most of the major events she had experienced from her birth to today in an understatement.

It has to be said that although the barrage netizens often make jokes and go crazy, there are also some big guys who are good at guessing people's hearts. They have really guessed the logic of Azshara's behavior and inner thoughts. .

Azshara has been blessed with a pair of golden eyes that are extremely rare among night elves since birth.

In ancient legends, the night elves with golden eyes will surely make some earth-shattering achievements in the future.

Of all the night elf figures known to Sharlayan, only Azshara and Illidan have golden eyes. Among them, Illidan also used his own eyes to exchange Sargeras for the infusion of evil power.

From a certain perspective, the legend of unknown origin has indeed come true in Azshara and Illidan.

When Azshara was born, the night elves had just evolved from the form of the dark troll. At that time, the night elves did not have the concept of a country, and naturally there was no emperor to rule them all.

As Azshara grows up day by day, the major tribes of the night elves gradually "fight" to reach a consensus.

In Azeroth at that time, although the Troll Empire experienced a war with the Qiraji Empire and was severely weakened, they were still the undisputed overlord of Azeroth.

In order to deal with the powerful external threats, the major clans of the night elves took the initiative to unite to keep warm, forming the original prototype of the Night Empire.

Azshara has shown extraordinary talent since she was a child. She can do anything at her fingertips, and her learning efficiency is much faster than that of ordinary people.

As Azshara acquires more and more knowledge and experience, I don't know when the decision-makers of the Dark Night Empire have begun to unite in the hope that she will lead the people out of this precarious and turbulent era.

As a result, Azshara ascended the throne and became the first queen of the Dark Night Empire. She indeed relied on her own abilities to gradually develop and grow the Dark Night Empire, and even began to dominate the Troll Empire, which was constantly declining.

Of course, the help of the treasure of the Well of Eternity is inevitable.

According to Azshara herself, in her early days she always maintained a humble and studious attitude when facing any new knowledge. She was like a shriveled sponge, desperately absorbing new knowledge from various fields and applying it on the spot. use as you learn.

Azshara herself admitted that the rise of the Dark Night Empire had the advantages of the right time, place and people.

At that time, the troll empire had just experienced a traumatic war. The three feudal empires of Amani, Gurubashi and Drakkari, who had made great sacrifices and made great contributions in the war, were no longer satisfied with everything. They all followed Zandalar's instructions, and a fierce conflict broke out with the Zandalar central decision-makers who were sitting on Zuldazar's holy mountain.

It was during this turbulent period of internal conflicts among the trolls that many small and medium-sized clans, including the dark trolls, began to have their own plans.

In the end, the dark trolls evolved into night elves by virtue of the first-come-first-served opportunity, completely drawing a clear line with their former troll compatriots.

With the help of arcane energy provided by the Well of Eternity, they mastered a new spell system-arcane magic. With these powerful spells, they defeated all invading troll clans.

From this period onwards, Azshara received the title of Queen of Destiny of the Dark Night Empire, and the aristocratic system of the Highborne elves gradually took shape.

Under the unremitting pursuit of a large number of people, Azshara inevitably began to feel a little elated.

As the territory of the Dark Night Empire further expanded, with its new arcane magic system, the invincible Dark Night Empire successfully replaced the declining Troll Empire and became the new master of Azeroth.

Until this moment, Azshara had not completely floated into the sky.

By chance, the night elves discovered the Titan ruins left around the world. Azshara, who was so happy to see the hunt, ordered a lot of manpower and material resources to dig up the ruins everywhere, and obtained many precious ancient artifacts from these ruins. Knowledge.

Azshara's original conception of the universe came from these Titan texts.

Unfortunately, Ulduar at that time had already been completely closed due to Loken's betrayal. Anyone who dared to enter the Storm Peaks would be attacked mercilessly by Loken's steel army without exception.

Since this road is unavailable, Azshara, who has already secured her throne, can only turn her sights to the vast universe. She has lost interest in the mustard disease in the planet caused by the trolls.

"I'll tell you the truth." Azshara said with a bitter smile with a somewhat complicated expression: "When Sargeras first contacted Azeroth, I really thought that we could get rid of the shackles of our home planet and officially set foot in the universe by relying on our old friendship with the Titans. .”

Azshara shook her head helplessly: "I must admit that I was completely swollen at that time. I even thought that I had a chance to become Sargeras's partner, follow him to conquer the entire universe, and bring Azeroth to a new era. the height of."

"However... the subsequent developments gave me a hard slap in the face, which woke me up from the dream of reaching the sky in one step."

Azshara smiled and shrugged: "This part of the story should also be recorded in the history books that have been handed down to this day... although it contains a lot of private goods from the so-called 'Dark Night Republic'."

Azshara was not surprised by the revision of history. The Night Empire also revised history, and under the leadership of Azshara, completely deleted the fact that the night elves originated from trolls.

Just as the barrage analysis guessed, what the Burning Legion did was completely different from Azshara's original expectations, and their appearance was completely inconsistent with Azshara's position as an "envoy of the gods".

To put it bluntly, she is too ugly, and Azshara is also a face-conscious person.

Because of this, Azshara squatted in the Eternal Palace without saying a word after the war entered the middle stage, and all the dirty work was placed on Xavius ​​and Varoson, who were both civil and military. I got the most love from the scapegoat.

"The cooperation with N'Zoth is even better. I had no intention of sincerely surrendering to him from the beginning. I had to sign a contract with him only to protect the people who fell into the water."

Azshara's face showed a very clear look of disgust: "Judging from the results, I succeeded. In order to survive, I turned myself and my tribe into ugly Nagas."

"If you hadn't taken the initiative to lend a helping hand, I don't know how long it would have been before I could get rid of that twisted posture."

"Then..." Azshara chuckled and tapped Sarlayan's chest with her violet finger: "It's your turn to appear."

"By now, you should be aware of your own charm, right?"

Azshara commented without hesitation: "In the more than 10,000 years of life I have experienced, apart from the false image of greatness and righteousness painted by Sargeras, you are definitely the one that best fits my fantasy of my own partner. people."

"After actually coming into contact with you, I was surprised to find that you, who is already the second person in Quel'Thalas, can actually continue to stride forward. I once expected you to defeat the superior. The throne of Kael'thas...but you didn't do that because you had better options."

"The subsequent development did not disappoint me. The leader of the Dragon Clan..."

"Ha~ Although you are still unable to compare with Titan in terms of position at this stage, I am willing to believe in your future."

Azshara stopped smiling and showed a serious expression: "You are the one in my mind who can lead Azeroth to the top step by step. I only hope that you can continue to maintain this pragmatic style and don't be like me. He is also very high-spirited, trying to take shortcuts and reach the sky in one step."

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