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Chapter 828 Flexible Moral Bottom Line

Taresa is indeed kind by nature, and she is unwilling to fight with others.

But it is impossible to say that Taresa is purely silly and sweet to survive the hands of those mistresses who have no limit to competing for favor.

Living in the core area of ​​Durnholde Castle, Taresa has recently heard from worried castle guards that the Kingdom of Alterac is about to launch an attack.

After all, Taressa has not received any special cultural education. She just knows that it is all right, and has no concept of the strength comparison between the two warring parties.

Sharlayan's remarks made Taresa suddenly nervous: "You mean... the lord will be defeated by the Kingdom of Alterac? Dunholde Castle will also be breached by the enemy?"

Sharlayan shrugged: "This is what will happen, it's just a matter of time."

"Even with the mercenaries recruited in the last year, Durnholde's combat strength is only about 2,000 people. How could he defeat the 20,000-strong Gilneas and Alterac coalition forces?"

Don't think that things like city defense are invincible.

As Sharlayan has said before, times have changed.

As the maritime kingdom of Kul Tiras and the countries of the Anti-Lordaeron Alliance have become closer and closer, orders for new artillery from various countries to Kul Tiras can be described as an endless stream. Kul Tiras relies on this munitions The business is making a lot of money.

It is precisely because of these steady streams of income that Kul Tiras can be supported to face successive wars.

Daelin mentioned to Sharlayan before that after eating the Howling Fjord, it is time for Kul Tiras to calm down and enjoy peace, and digest the territory gained over the years.

The Howling Fjord, which is located relatively south, is theoretically the most affluent area in Northrend.

If the Night Republic can fully develop the Sholazar Basin, it should be more suitable for growing food than the Howling Fjord, but at least it will be decades away.

Once Ymiron's head is cut off and the Howling Fjord is completely taken down, Kul Tiras will no longer need to rush to expand its territory due to population growth for at least a hundred years in the future, and the Howling Fjord of Nuoda can be filled at least to say the least. Download several million people.

Far away.

With the continuous improvement of artillery technology, the traditional city wall can play less and less defensive role.

No kidding, a wall as thick as Dunholde Castle only needs about 50 new Quel'Thalas magic cannons, and a full-power salvo can basically destroy it.

With this in mind, Sharlayan first ruled out building a city wall when expanding Unicorn Town.

After the Battle of Alterac, Gilneas and Alterac each purchased 15 state-of-the-art artillery pieces from Kul Tiras.

Although the power of these cannons is still a bit short of the full-power magic cannon, it is more than enough to defeat the city wall of Dunholden.

With the city walls unable to play a defensive role, the 2,000 people in the city had no chance of winning against an enemy ten times their size.

Not to mention that Ravenholdt's thieves have already checked Dunholdley inside and out, and they even know which section of the city wall is the weakest.

There was no suspense in this battle from the very beginning, and it was only a matter of time before Dunhold was breached.

In order to boost morale, Blackmoore internally declared that Durnholde would win this battle. Taresa, who didn't know the inside story, really took his bragging seriously.

Not only Taresa, most of Blackmoore's mistresses have the same opinion, except for a spy who was once arranged by the Syndicate.

After the Syndicate was disbanded, this rootless spy naturally fell under Ravenholdt's jurisdiction.

If the combined forces of Alterac and Gilneas believe that beheading will help end the war as soon as possible, the spy will find an opportunity to do so.

At this stage, Sharlayan didn't know that Ravenholdt had placed someone in the center of Durnholde Castle, but even if he knew, the spy wouldn't have much impact on his plan.

After all, he doesn't intend to compete with Alterac for the ownership of Durnholde. All he wants is Thrall and Taresa.

" can this be done?"

Taresa had an unhurried attitude before.

After learning the real situation from Sharlayan, she began to pace back and forth in the house anxiously.

"No! I must act immediately!"

Sharlayan raised his hand dumbfoundingly to stop the chaotic Taresa: "Calm down, it's 11 o'clock in the middle of the night, and your parents have already gone to bed."

"Didn't you just run out of the castle in a hurry and announce to Blackmoore that you are a spy?"


Taresa scratched her cheek in embarrassment: "It seems... that's what it is."

"Well, my good sir."

Taretha's watery blue eyes looked at Sharlayan expectantly: "Can you help me find a way? I can't escape without my parents and Thrall alone."

'...Is this called natural charm? '

【Grass! Blackmoore's old dog is really lucky, admiration. 】



Sharlayan smiled and comforted him: "Relax, since I came to look for you, of course I was prepared."

"Go home tomorrow during the day and tell your parents about the crisis that Dunholde is facing now... Remember, don't say it was told by outsiders, but that you analyzed the information provided by the guards in the castle yourself. in conclusion."

Most of the people at the bottom do not have any firm stance, and have a flexible moral bottom line. Survival is their primary consideration.

The reason why the Foxtons are loyal to Blackmoore is because they can live a fairly stable and good life with Blackmoore.

Now that the big ship was about to capsize, of course they would find another way out, Sharlayan was not worried that Taresa would not be able to persuade her parents.

After leaving Taresa, who was still preoccupied, Sharlayan stood silently on the top bell tower of the castle, activated Eagle Eye in the night, and looked at the rolling hills in the northwest of Dunholde.

"Everything is ready, the only thing left is Dongfeng... Thrall, I hope you will not disappoint my expectations."


Antonidas' calculations based on mathematics were very accurate. On the third day after Sharlayan came to Dunholde's lurking, the Gilneas and Alterac armies finally approached the city and took down Dunholde Castle, which was also ready for battle. Surrounded by water.

The tension of the approaching war was felt by ordinary civilians in the city. The Foxtons, who had been skeptical before, finally recognized their daughter's judgment.

After all, in their view, their daughter has been serving the nobles in the castle, and the information she knows must be more accurate than their servants.

When the Foxton family began to quietly prepare to escape, Sal also saw that he would start to act.

After some consideration, Thrall no longer persuaded the orcs in the prison in the name of Blackmoore, but turned to lure them with freedom.

And Thrall didn't intend to let these fellow orcs go to the front to fight the soldiers of Gilneas and Alterac, he just wanted them to escape from prison and create chaos, so he took the opportunity to escape with the Foxton family.

Most of the orcs are single-celled organisms, and the same thing can easily be recognized by them with another rhetoric.

Fighting for freedom is a much better cause than fighting for Blackmoore.

Thrall showed the leadership talent inherited from Durotan for the first time. It only took him two days to convince most of the orcs in the city, and agreed with them on the meeting place after they escaped from the castle.

As for the rest of the orcs, they were completely exhausted, and they didn't plan to drag their tired and weak bodies to work hard.

According to the hypocrisy of human aristocrats, no matter which country occupies Dunholde, it is unlikely to execute them, a group of honest people who are sitting safely in prison.

It's nothing more than changing the boss and continuing to eat in prison. There is no essential difference from before.

Sharlayan has not been idle for the past three days.

In order to prevent the possibility of the historic meeting between Thrall and Orgrim, he made a special trip to Ravenholdt Manor and told Raven the news that the wandering orcs led by Orgrim had entered Hillsbrad Duke Howard.

Sharlayan had already proved the accuracy of his intelligence in the Battle of Alterac. Although Jorazzi didn't understand where he got the information from, he still chose to trust Sharlayan and let his subordinates immediately The thieves moved.

Regarding Orgrim's movement, Sharlayan didn't just talk about it. He transformed into a storm crow and captured the movement track of this wandering orc from high above.

In small-scale field ambushes like this, thieves can give full play to their professional advantages.

In the case of mental calculations but unintentional, Ravenholdt's thieves gained a lot, and they clearly warned Orgrim who was trying to go deep into Hillsbrad with practical actions-the road would not work.

In desperation, Orgrim, who was short of troops, could only turn around and return to the chaotic Arathi Highlands, planning to find another opportunity to find the Frostwolf Clan in the future, and perfectly missed the opportunity to meet Thrall.

Just when the war was about to start, and both sides were in a state of imminent preparation, a dark purple storm crow landed in front of the barracks outside Dunholde.

After falling to the ground and returning to human form, Sharlayan smiled and announced his family to the bewildered defenders of the camp.

"Please help me to inform King Jinn and General Haas that Salayan Deep Shadow, Marquis of Quel'Thalas, is taking the liberty to visit."

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