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Chapter 830 Haas can deal with this person


Genn, who was gradually getting into the mood, snorted dissatisfiedly: "The Battle of Dunholde has nothing to do with Quel'Thalas, right? Why, do you plan to participate in this civil war in Alterac? Are you stretching your legs?" Too long?"

"Where, where~"

Sharlayan replied with a smile: "My actions only represent my personal position, and have nothing to do with Quel'Thalas. Please King Jinn not to diverge too much, let's let the topic return to the current issue."

Not giving Jin a chance to continue to attack, Sharlayan turned his gaze to Haas who was aside.

"Your Excellency Marshal, I promise that my actions will not disturb your attack on Dunholde. I just hope that the soldiers of the coalition army will be merciful when they see the fleeing orcs and not cut them down directly."


Haas didn't want to listen to Gene's sour complaints, so he took the topic and asked in doubt, "Why are you an orc? Marquis of Deep Shadow, with your identity and status, you shouldn't be colluding with orcs, right?"

Haas's words sounded a bit harsh, but he deliberately used such slightly offensive words to block up the more outrageous accusations that Gene might utter, and he also reminded Sarlayan by the way to let him explain clearly , so as not to leave a pretext.


Sharlayan spread his hands helplessly: "It's too complicated from the beginning to the end. In a word, for the sake of Azeroth's future, I plan to recruit a group of orcs to serve as cannon fodder to protect Azeroth. "


Jin finally found a chance to speak, and questioned in a strange way: "Marquis of Deep Shadow, don't blame me for not reminding you, orcs are beasts that you don't know well."

"No matter what your plans are, please keep in mind your identity as a member of Azeroth. If one day in the future you betray your hometown and join the orcs... don't blame us for killing your relatives."

Sharlayan glanced at Gene with a half-smile: "Thank you for your concern and reminder, King Jean, I will always remember it."

Although the Alliance and the Horde have fought wars for several years, compared to the tribal chief Orgrim's understanding of the Alliance countries, the human side has little knowledge of the intelligence of the orc clans.

After all, the orcs are invaders from another world. Except for the expeditionary forces that went deep into Draenor, most of the countries in Azeroth's understanding of the orcs is limited to the battlefield.

The kings of the alliance countries, including Jean, at most know that the tribe is composed of a large number of orc clans, similar to the member states of the alliance, and they don't know much about the relationship and characteristics of different clans, and they don't have that interest. to understand.

Compared with the wolves and tigers on the battlefield, the Blackrock clan and the Warsong clan are feared, the Alliance has almost never heard of the Frostwolf clan, and Sharlayan is too lazy to waste time explaining his prejudice against Quel'Thalas in detail. Gene explained.

In the early days of the establishment of the orc shelter, several kingdoms, including Gilneas, advocated killing all the captured orcs.

However, a few years later, the impulse and hatred at the end of the war gradually calmed down, and Genn, who had calmed down, did not want Gilneas to bear the notoriety of killing prisoners.

Even if Sharlayan didn't mention it, as long as the orcs didn't take the initiative to attack the alliance army, the combined forces of Gilneas and Alterac would not specifically capture the orc prisoners in Dunholde.

After several years of captivity, today's orcs are no longer the fierce and cruel beasts of the past.

Apart from the fact that Orgrim, who has never drank the blood of demons and still has fighting spirit, is liberating the shelters, there is very little news of the orcs fleeing in riots in the shelters over the years.

Haas could tell that Sharlayan still wanted to say something to him in private, and purposely shouted haha ​​in order to distract Gene, who had been sneering and sarcastic all the time.

Although Gene is stubborn, he is not someone who cannot see the situation clearly.

Since the other party did not welcome him to stay in the main tent, Gene was not the kind of person who could pretend not to see it cheekily, and soon planned to leave with a dark face.

Before leaving, Jean specially put some eye drops on Sharlayan.

"Oh, right."

Gene, who had already reached the tent door, turned back with a sneering sneer: "Marquis of Deep Shadow, you should know Daelin's attitude towards orcs, right? For the sake of the friendly relationship between Quel'Thalas and Kul Tiras, you Don't play with fire and set yourself on fire."

Sharlayan frowned slightly, and responded with a smile still on his face: "King Laojin is bothering, but His Majesty Daelin is still leading the army in Northrend, so don't bother him with these trivial matters. I will write to him and explain the details."

"Thanks again for the reminder and have a great day."

After watching Gene strode away with a still gloomy expression, Haas shook his head helplessly: "The King of Gilneas has a stubborn temper and has always accepted death. Don't offend him too much. Be careful to be hated by him forever. .”

One thing to say, Haas is obviously a little shallow when he said this to someone like Sarlayan who met for the first time.

However, Sharlayan didn't care about this. Instead, he thought that Haas was a straightforward person who dared to remind some taboo things, and he could deal with it.

"Heh~ I didn't offend him that much, it's just that he's always finding fault."

"Moreover, the Greymane family has always pursued isolationism. Gilneas is afraid that he will seal himself within the Greymane Wall soon, so he doesn't have to worry about King Jean's vengeance."

Haas patted Mediterranean's head and laughed loudly: "Haha! That's true."

The majestic Greymane Wall had been built last year, because the domestic lords of Silverpine Forest, headed by the Crowley family, opposed it one after another. Prince Liam also expressed disapproval many times. Jean has not yet made up his mind to close the country.

Haas had been with Marshal Lothar for a long time during the Second Orc War, and his understanding of orcs was far higher than those kings who were as high as the emperor.

Without the shit-stirring stick of Jean, Sharlayan was finally able to tell Haas about his true purpose in depth.


"Cultivate a dove tribe warchief who is close to Azeroth?"

Haas touched his furry chin with a changing expression: "Sounds good, but is this plan really reliable?"

Sharlayan shook his head: "The plan has just begun, and I can't tell what changes will happen in the future."

"As I said, Thrall...or Goel, he is the only orc clan that has not participated in the war between the tribes of the Alliance - the only son of the head of the Frostwolf clan, Durotan, and legally has the legal right to inherit the Frostwolf clan."

"You must also know that after the disastrous defeat of the Second World War, most of the orc clans have been devastated."

"The Warsong clan is still wandering outside under the leadership of Chief Grom Hellscream, while the Blackstone clan is controlled by two incompetent cubs, shamefully taking refuge in the Black Dragon under Deathwing's command."

"General Haas, I'm here to tell you the truth."

Sharlayan said solemnly: "Within 2 years at the latest, Nefarian's faction of black dragons entrenched in Blackrock Spire will definitely be wiped out. Without the support of the black dragons, it's not too much to clean up just relying on Red and Maim. easy."


A mysterious smile curled up on the corner of Sharlayan's mouth: "Perhaps we don't need to call for an expedition from thousands of miles away, and the 'good neighbor' of the Blackrock orcs will send us a surprise."

Haas pondered for a moment: "You mean, the black iron dwarves? You also have a plan with them?"

Sharlayan smiled and nodded: "That's right, but it's not the time to launch it yet, so I ask General Haas to help keep it secret."

"Haha~" Haas smiled emotionally: "Your vision is too wide, old man, I can't keep up with the rhythm."

"Don't worry, I won't jump in on things I don't understand. Before the situation in Black Rock Mountain officially breaks out, the news I heard today will rot in my stomach."

Haas doesn't know much about the disputes within Blackstone Mountain, so he doesn't plan to comment on it.

As the saying goes, knowing yourself and the enemy is the only way to win a hundred battles. As one of the subordinates trusted by Marshal Lothar, Haas has also studied the clan composition of the orcs in detail through the captives captured by the alliance.

The Blackrock Clan headed by Warchief Orgrim is undoubtedly a serious threat to the alliance.

According to the latest information obtained by Haas, Orgrim Doomhammer, chief of the Blackrock clan and Warchief of the Horde, had appeared in Hillsbrad before.

However, because of the ambushes of the Ravenholdt thieves, Orgrim, who was short of troops, retreated to the Arathi Highlands helplessly.

In other words, there aren't any powerful orc clans in the Hillsbrad Foothills today.

If Sharlayan's plan can be carried out smoothly, maybe the young chief of the Frostwolf clan can really be relied on to guide a new tribe that is more friendly to Azeroth.

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