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Chapter 837: The Big Picture Difficult to Change, Fine-tuning the Details

According to the barrage, Goel's legendary story runs through the first half of the Azeroth epic.

In almost every major event, he can be seen on the front line carrying the Hammer of Doom inherited from Orgrim, dedicating his power to protect Azeroth.

This situation continued until after the version called the Great Cataclysm by the barrage.

Starting from the so-called Mists of Pandaria version, Goel, who got married and had children, has entered a semi-retired state, giving up the opportunity to perform on the historical stage to the successors of the tribal great chiefs who have emerged one after another.

However, none of these successor chiefs could match him, either because they lacked combat effectiveness and were killed by miscellaneous soldiers, or because they liked to mess around and made the tribe a public enemy of Azeroth.

Sharlayan had no intention of commenting on the incomprehensible things such as the infighting in the glass slag office mentioned by the barrage.

At least in the history known from the barrage, Goel has been fighting on the front line since he was elected as the chief, working hard to protect the peace of Azeroth.

What Sharlayan needs to do is to prolong Goel, the dove orc's ruling time as long as possible, and find a way to suppress those successors who may threaten his ruling power and the safety of Azeroth.

That's right, it's you, you idiot.

The new tribe had a total of 4 great chiefs. The first great chief, Goel, had made outstanding achievements. Even after he abdicated for some reason, he still had a large number of fans.

The second-generation warchief is the new generation of pure-blood orcs that Goel retrieved from Draenor. He is the son of Grom Hellscream who redeemed all orcs with his own life, Garrosh Hellscream.

During the reign of the hero's son, he continued to perform tricks, and was "kindly" given the title of Brainless Roar by the barrage.

Under the demented leadership of Brainless Roar, the tribe once fell into a crisis of fragmentation.

Although Vol'jin, the third-generation chieftain, lacked ability, he perfectly inherited Thrall's will and led the tribe that had experienced a large-scale civil strife back to the right path.

It's a pity that before his death, Vol'jin mistakenly believed in Muer'zala's whispers, and entrusted him with inhumanity, so that the Queen of the Banshee, who had already been driven crazy by obsession, inherited the position of great chief, and thus brought the tribe into another period. of dark times.

After the Banshee Queen escaped from Azeroth, the tribe learned from the painful experience and completely abolished the great chief system where one person is king, and changed the tribe to a republic.

The leaders of all tribes who joined the tribe jointly formed the tribal council, and when they encountered important events, they would vote to decide how to deal with them.

Because of Sharlayan's changes in history, the Banshee Queen is destined to never appear again, and Sylvanas is still serving as her Ranger General in Quel'Thalas.

Sharlayan could not have just watched Quel'Thalas fall to the Scourge and Sylvanas die in battle.

Moreover, with Kel'Thuzad as the internal support, it is still unknown whether the Scourge will attack Quel'Thalas.

As for the second Great Chief Brainless Roar, this guy is more difficult to deal with.

Garrosh's position was well-received, and he represented the young radicals among the orcs.

From the day Go'el brought back a large number of Mag'har pure-blooded orcs headed by Brain Howler, Jolin Deadeye, and Dranosh Saurfang from Nagrand, his abdication basically became foregone conclusion.

The original Horde orcs were all veterans of the Second and Third World Wars. They witnessed the harm caused by the Burning Legion to Draenor and Azeroth, and they also experienced the darkest moments of being used by demons.

After the war, these veterans all agreed with Goyle's dovish style of trying to recuperate. During that time, the Alliance and the Horde struggled to maintain a semblance of peace.

Although there were occasional frictions between the two sides due to conflicts of interest between them, Gouyle and the leaders of the alliance countries who were also recovering at the time would work hard to limit the scale of the conflict to a minimum and avoid another large-scale war as much as possible.

The Mag'har orcs who came to Azeroth from Nagrand did not experience these things, and they still maintained the most primitive barbaric and warlike style of the orcs.

When the numbers and voices of these young radicals gradually overwhelmed those orc veterans, Goyle, who was a dove, naturally couldn't sit still.

After several ideological conflicts with Garrosh, in order to avoid civil strife among the tribes with different opinions, and also happened to encounter a lot of chaos caused by the return of the four elemental worlds, Goel could only send The position was given over to Brainless Roar, the recognized leader of the young faction.

He himself travels around the world as a shaman, quelling the turmoil caused by elemental riots.

It can be said that Garrosh's position was not determined by his own will, but by those young orcs who had not personally experienced the dark days of the old tribe.

The best way to put an end to Garrosh's supremacy is to prevent the orcs of Draenor from returning to the Horde.

But this is obviously unrealistic.

Go'el's grandmother, Gaiaan, still lives in Nagrand, and it was she who raised Garrosh, Jorin, and Dranosh.

As a junior of the Frostwolf Clan, once the Portal of Darkness is reopened and Goel learns that there are still relatives of his own alive in Nagrand, he will definitely cross the Portal of Darkness himself, go to Nagrand to visit Grandma Gaiaan, and It is inevitable to meet the young orcs.

Since the joining of young orcs is an irreversible trend, Sharlayan can only consider how to suppress these restless young cubs.

The barrage also put forward a lot of suggestions on this matter.

[With the strength of Thrall alone, it is difficult to suppress those young orcs who entered Azeroth from Draenor in large numbers. 】

[In short, Thrall needs allies who can give him enough support. 】

[The tribe is a large-scale military organization with a franchise system. Although the authority of the great chief is supreme, at least when Thrall is in power, he will listen to the opinions of leaders of other races with an open mind, and will not act arbitrarily alone. 】

[To suppress the radical stance of the young faction, Thrall must expand the dovish camp that agrees with his ruling philosophy. 】

[It just so happened that Xiao Sa won over the tauren from Kalimdor and the Darkspear troll who settled in Stranglethorn Vale in advance. These two races were the elders of the tribe in the original history. 】

[I suggest that the tauren and darkspear trolls join the tribe according to the original historical trend. 】

[Because of Sharlayan's operation, the tauren got rid of the harassment of the centaur ahead of time, and moved to the Mulgore prairie to recuperate a few years ago. 】

[The Darkspear troll also changed its tragic experience of being driven out of Stranglethorn Vale in the original history, and gained a firm foothold in the cape area, and is still advancing step by step to Zul'Gurub in the north. 】

[If these two races join the tribe as internal members, with their strength far beyond the original history, they should be able to effectively suppress the voice of the young orcs. 】

[If you add the Forsaken who are likely to appear in the future, and the three major races support Thrall together, I don't believe that a mere brainless roar can turn the world upside down. 】

The birth of the Forsaken was born of the enfeeblement of the Scourge of the Undead.

The Frozen Throne was cracked by Illidan Stormrage with the Eye of Sargeras, and the Lich King's soul essence leaked out, causing his control over the Scourge to drop sharply. undead, who call themselves the Forsaken.

After the death of Xavius, the ancient gods gave birth to a second generation Nightmare King.

Salayan still does not know the true identity of this person, and the other party has always been hidden in the darkness, making it impossible for Salayan to attack.

Having learned this lesson, Sarlayan no longer intends to violently change history. He will use the prophetic ability obtained from the barrage to steer the situation in a direction that is more beneficial to him as much as possible.

The existence of the Lich King is inevitable. This is the wedge that Kil'jaeden the Deceiver planted in advance for the Burning Legion to invade Azeroth again, and it cannot be missed.

Even if there is no Ner'zhul, Kil'jar will let others replace him as the Lich King, leading the Scourge to disrupt the situation in Azeroth first, and prepare for the massive arrival of the Burning Legion.

Sharlayan would not kill Ner'zhul ahead of time, that would only cause Kil'jar to parachute someone unfamiliar with the barrage to replace him, adding a lot of variables.

In order to keep abreast of the latest trends of the Scourge, Sharlayan gave up beheading Ner'zhul and instead entered into an internal response to his Scourge.

There is a high probability that large-scale turmoil caused by the undead of natural disasters will still occur, otherwise Kil'jaeden will definitely not let it go.

Today's Sarlayan is not an opponent of Kil'jaeden and Archimonde, and his ability is not enough to leverage the overall situation. He can only make some fine-tuning of the details of the situation in advance through the layout in advance.

Where will the Scourge choose to fight?

In fact, there is no need to think deeply about this question. Ner'zhul will definitely choose which country has the largest population.

[That’s right, it’s you, Lordaeron. 】

[Poor Lordaeron, in this timeline, there may still be a wave of undead stealing home. 】

[However, with Xiao Sa's layout, the scale of the natural disaster snowball cannot be as abnormal as the original history. 】

[I don’t know if Princess Jialia can survive the invasion of natural disasters. It’s a pity that such a lively beauty died like this. 】

[After you die, you can ignore the lifespan limit of human beings, and your body is cold and comfortable, isn't that better? 】

[? ? ? 】

[Brother, something is wrong with you. 】

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