Once Magmanda died, the fighting spirit of those sons and grandsons under its command plummeted like a cliff.

In the past, under the encouragement of Magmanda, they were able to attack the coalition army crazily, but now they didn't even have the strength to fight back, and they all wanted to turn their heads and run for their lives.

"Got it! I'm working hard!"

Lyras pulled out a aimed shot and sniped the last large lava dog that was still struggling.

Under his command, the paladins and black iron shield warriors who had been sticking to the front line finally put down their shields and began to move forward.

The coalition forces have blocked the entrance of the cave long ago, and the lava dogs who are still running around are doomed to have nowhere to escape.

In order to ensure the smooth operation of the raiding team, Sharlayan only left 500 elite Dark Iron dwarves behind for Moira. He was worried that Moira, who was new to the battlefield, would not be able to hold the line of defense for a long time.

"Stella and I will go first, Sylvanas, Liadrin, you stay and watch Lilas, and help him clean up the mess if necessary."

Cirvanas nodded: "No problem, we will rush there as soon as possible after the remaining lava dogs are dealt with, so you must be careful."

Since he said that he would temporarily hand over the command to Lailas, Cirvanas would not intervene.

She and Liadrin are also two powerful legendary combat forces. After the two joined the battle, the speed of the coalition's harvesting of the enemy was significantly accelerated.

Sharlayan and Little Xingxing glanced at each other, without saying a word, the two rushed out of the cave along the way they came.

To get to Magmanda's lair, you need to go through a closed lava cave with twists and turns inside. It was in this lair that Sharlayan was attacked by flame goblins before.

Due to the existence of this closed lava cave, the coalition forces isolated on both sides by the cave could not hear the battle from the other side... unless they could have Magmanda's resonant voice.

After quickly passing through the unguarded lava cave, Sharlayan and Stellagosa were presented with a fierce battle scene.

All kinds of fire elemental creatures are madly attacking the defense line built by the black iron dwarves. At least in the middle of the thousands of fire elemental army, a tall fire demon giving orders can be clearly seen.

[That guy should be Gehenas, how dare he jump out so blatantly to show his presence, let him go! 】

Sharlayan twitched the corners of his mouth, and smiled without warmth on his face.

"Heh~ Gehennas, thank you for taking the initiative to come and give away the head. It also saved me the time to search everywhere."

Perhaps Gehenas is full of confidence in Magmanda and Luciferon, thinking that his two colleagues can easily deal with the black iron traitor who broke into the lava cave.

This guy has a confident attitude, and he is very ostentatious among the army of fire elements, dancing and giving orders.

Since Gehenas wanted to seek death, Sharlayan, who had suffocated his anger at the thick-skinned Magmanda, would of course fulfill him.


"give it to me."

Without further words from Sarlayan, Stellagosa consciously began brewing large-scale spells.

As a member of the blue dragon family, Stellagosa's total magic power is much more than that of a mortal archmage of the same level.

Although she has just experienced a tough battle, she is not the main attacker in the strict sense after all, and she still has a lot of strength left.

As Stellagosa stopped in place and began to chant a lengthy incantation, a large number of blue and white meteors gradually gathered over the Molten Core.

Moira, who was battling to direct the battle, noticed the strangeness above her head, and looked back towards the entrance of the melting cave as if she had realized something.

"Thank you, Your Royal Highness, leave the rest to us."

Sharlayan, who passed by Moira, left these words and continued to charge forward.

At the same time, the arcane meteors that covered the battlefield began to fall one by one, and each meteor that fell into the army of fire elements would trigger a magic explosion in a small area.

With Stellagosa's current strength, he couldn't easily destroy the army like a demigod-level adult blue dragon, but he could still disrupt the battlefield situation and gain an advantage for his own soldiers through large-scale spells.

The fire elementals who fell from the arcane meteor falling all over the sky were dizzy, and Gehenas also realized that something was wrong, and this group of traitors had high-end combat power to make a move.

However, the properties of these spells puzzled Gehenas.

As far as he knew, the black iron dwarf who was enslaved by the fire element was practicing fire spells, which happened to be an attribute that could not cause damage to the master of the fire element.

Fire elementals have always strictly controlled the development of Dark Iron dwarf spellcasters, and they are not allowed to learn any kind of spells except fire elementals.

"Could it be..."

Gehennas was not stupid, he quickly guessed why.

"An outsider is assisting the Black Iron traitor?"

"The answer is correct, but unfortunately there is no reward."

The bantering sound that was close at hand made Gehenas's body scales widen. He slid the snake back and retreated, while looking in the direction of the previous sound with horror.

There was nothing, Gehenas could only see his subordinates who had been smashed into a dazed state.

"Pretending to be a ghost, get out of here!"

Gehenas, who was ashamed and angry, raised his hands high, and with himself as the center, a large-scale rain of flames fell from the sky.

This spell cannot cause any damage to the fire element that is immune to fire. The purpose of Gehenas is to force out the uninvited guests who invaded his side.

Of course, Sharlayan would not foolishly maintain his human form and rush directly in front of Gehenas.

Maybe one day in the future he will be able to behead the enemy general regardless of the army's obstruction, but at least not now.

When passing by Moira, Sharlayan transformed into a panther form and started to sneak.

Taking advantage of Stellagosa's meteor spell with amazing light and shadow effects to attract the fire element's attention, Salayan approached Gehenas who was thinking about countermeasures without anyone noticing.

Sarlayan, who is well versed in psychological warfare, deliberately approached Gehenas to tease him, and then immediately withdrew from the spell coverage area estimated by the barrage.

Just like the information provided by the barrage, Gehenas' instant fire rain technique is powerful and has a wide range.

If you stay by Gehenas's side and fight him close to him immediately, the falling fire rain will not hurt him, but it will cause a lot of trouble for his enemies in the battle, reflecting an absolute advantage environment for Gehenas.

However, such a large-scale spell will inevitably have a strong spell recoil, which is the skill CD mentioned by the barrage, which cannot be used continuously in a short period of time.

Sharlayan tricked Gehenas into using his big skills, kept sneaking and hiding outside the spell range, and waited until the fire rain was over before attacking like a cheetah preying on it.

Go deep into the enemy's formation to assassinate the enemy's general, and you must ensure that you will run away immediately after a one-hit kill.

Once the action is not fast enough and the army is left behind, it will not be so easy to break through.

Gehenas was not stupid, the fire rain failed to hit the target, he immediately realized the opponent's plan, and wanted to hide under the protection of his fire demon guards before the fire rain ended.

However, for Sharlayan, who had already locked on the hunting target, Gehenas' sense of urgency was useless, or in other words, he moved too late.

In order to give orders in the center of the army more conveniently, Kehenast deliberately stood on a high raised scorched black rock, separated from his guards by a short distance.

The appearance of the fire demon is similar to that of Naga to a certain extent. They have the upper body of a humanoid creature but no feet, and their bodies are supported by a long snake tail.

The special body structure makes it very convenient for the fire demon to walk through the hot lava, but in contrast, it is very inconvenient for the fire demon that has landed on the shore to move around in uneven environments.

It was easy to climb up the rock, but it was not so easy to get down with Gehenas' bulky snake tail.

When Gehennas was about to run away, Sharlayan's transformed black panther suddenly ejected and jumped behind Gehennas before breaking out of stealth.

"Thank you for your overly strong desire to express, and then... farewell."

Fire Demon Lord Gehenas is a pure spellcaster, if there is a meat shield in front of the enemy, he can hide behind and act as a heavy spell turret.

But because of his own death, the fire demon guards did not follow him, and Sharlayan seized this fleeting opportunity.


Gehenas, who was extremely capable in melee combat, was easily bitten by the black panther's neck.

Before the startled fire demon guards rushed over to protect the lord, Salayan let go of the dead Gehenas and took a step back, just in time to enter the temporary space that Stellagosa had prepared for him in advance. aisle.

When Sharlayan returned to the rear of the battlefield through the tricky folding space, Sylvanas and Liadrin just rushed over with the army.

Without Gehenas, the flame lord, in command, the fire elemental army, which was still imposing before, suddenly became a mess, and there was no suspense in the next battle.

This was the first time that Moira had been on the front line to command a battle in person, and she had confirmed with her own eyes that the fire elementals were beginning to be defeated, and only then did she let go of her tense nerves.

Seeing Sharlayan and Stellagosa walking together with concerned faces, Moira shook her head at them with a wry smile.

"Now I know the difficulties of my father and Uncle Muradin. It's really not that simple to command an army to fight."

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