Live Streaming: Azeroth

Chapter 854 You are a bomber, facing the sunset... run away from your sister!

Although Moira was raised in a greenhouse since she was a child, due to her strong personality and the strict training of her three fathers, Moira has completed all the work without any compromise, with quality and quantity guaranteed, ten years as a day.

To put it simply, Moira's actual combat experience is insufficient, but her theoretical combat effectiveness is not bad.

Sharlayan also didn't expect to let Moira, a novice on the battlefield, charge with her on the front line. He only needed a backup support.

Moira was a priest when she was a princess in Ironforge.

After obtaining the title of Iron Queen, Moira also took up the new profession of conjurer.

Although Moira worked very hard, she hadn't studied conjurers for a long time after all, and she would habitually use the priest's ability to help her comrades when encountering battles.

And what Sharlayan needs is her priest ability.

As the temperature in the cave ahead rose sharply, the Black Iron scouts had already evacuated one after another under Sharlayan's order.

Not long after, a huge fire elemental that almost reached the ceiling of the cave got in. Needless to say, it was Baron Geddon who was carrying the other half of the Wind Chaser's Imprisoned Skull.

According to the barrage, Baron Geddon has a very disgusting skill called Living Bomb.

People who are hit by living bombs will be ignited by fire elementals, and these possessed fire elementals will automatically explode after a few seconds.

The explosion will cause a lot of damage to all creatures within a certain range, and the person who is hit by the bomb will also be lifted into the sky by the impact, and one who is not careful may be thrown to death.

The priest's power word shield can effectively reduce the damage suffered by the unlucky ones named by the living bomb, and the levitation technique can also ensure that the comrades in the sky will not fall to death easily.

On the premise that Sharlayan was the only one who entered the melee range to be the top monster, Baron Geddon would definitely target him.

And in order to withstand Baron Geddon and prevent him from rushing into the crowd to kill and kill, Sharlayan, who is a main T and output task, can't move out of position, so he can only stand still and take damage.

At this time, Moira's assistance will be particularly important.

There are three high-end fighters of the same level as Shaslar, and they should be defeated soon.

Sharlayan's goal was to drag Baron Geddon in place, wait for other reinforcements to arrive, and then work together to take him away.

The first time Sharlayan caught sight of Lord Geddon, he knew he was a formidable foe.

【After all, he has a big number 58 on his head...】

The digitization of strength given by the system is not absolute. The level can only represent the theoretical strength of the character, and combat experience and combat wisdom cannot be counted.

Baron Gaddon didn't give Salayan a chance to speak, and sent him a living bomb as soon as they met.


Seeing Moira leave his side in a hurry, Sharlayan also felt a bit pained.

After a little movement of his hands and feet, it was confirmed that his injuries had fully recovered, and Sharlayan launched a heroic jump without saying a word, and a big jump fell in front of Baron Geddon, just blocking his progress.

After all, it was Moira's first time fighting with Sharlayan, and she was not used to the fighting style of rushing up without saying hello to him.

After reacting, Moira immediately put the Power Word Shield on Sara'an, and the living bomb exploded just at this moment.


With a loud bang, Sharlayan was sent into the sky by the impact of the fire elemental detonation.

Just as Baron Geddon was about to ignore this little guy and continue to charge forward, Sharlayan stepped on the air in midair and launched a charge.

Baron Gaddon's fire elemental body was stopped by Sharlayan's iron shoulders before taking the second step.

Being blocked by the same person twice in a row, Baron Geddon, who had previously ignored Sarlayan, settled down to re-examine this annoying little bug.


A series of incomprehensible words came out of Baron Gaddon's mouth. Judging from his tone, he should be swearing.

The Fire Lords, including Baron Geddon, have lived in Azeroth for many years, Sharlayan does not believe that they cannot learn the language of the Dark Iron Dwarves.

Deliberately not using a language that Sharlayan could understand, obviously looking down on him.

This strange language gave Sharlayan an inexplicable sense of familiarity, as if he had heard it somewhere before.

But right now he didn't have time to think about it carefully. Baron Geddon had already stretched out his left hand that was burning with raging flames and gave him a mana burn.

Mana Burning is a rather sloppy skill, the more effective it is on enemies with more mana slots, it can burn the enemy's mana and at the same time cause magic backlash damage to them.

However, this skill also has great limitations. When facing physical occupations such as thieves and warriors, mana burning cannot play any role.

Although Sharlayan hadn't dabbled in the mage profession in depth, as a Thornwhisperer who could change the weather and change the weather, the blue bar couldn't be shorter.


Baron Geddon's extremely fast mana burning made Sharlayan feel the pain of mana backlash from the inside out, just like a phantom limb being burned by someone with fire.

Sharlayan, who grew up fighting since he was a child, can endure pain much better than a pure spellcaster, and this little bit of pain won't make him lose his fighting power.

In order to resist the high temperature naturally emitted by Baron Geddon's body, Sharlayan did not transform into any kind of long-haired animal, but covered his body with a layer of golden scales, which can insulate the flames to a certain extent. All-round enhanced resistance.

Coupled with the fact that Liadrin next door deliberately expanded the scope of the piety halo, with the superposition of the two, Sharlayan can almost ignore the high temperature of Baron Geddon's body surface under normal conditions.

Of course, it's just normal.


After activating the mutually exclusive power of light and darkness in the twin swords of Valagar, Sharlayan slashed an extremely unstable gray knife light at Baron Geddon through the air.

The saber light exploded automatically when it came into contact with Baron Geddon. Since the two natures were opposite to each other, they caused considerable damage to Baron Geddon.


He yelled incomprehensible gibberish again, Sharlayan didn't bother to think about what this guy was trying to force him to do, and without hesitation he waved his two swords and cut rapidly on his elemental body one after another.

Ordinary weapons would burn red when they came into contact with Baron Geddon's fire elemental body, and after repeated repetitions, the internal structure would be easily destroyed by the high temperature.

There is no need to worry about this when using artifacts. The sturdy material of the artifact itself can withstand extreme temperatures to a certain extent, and attacks that use the artifact boost can easily hurt the arrogant flame lord.

After being hacked by Valaghar's double swords at high speed, sparks flew all over his body, and the furious Baron Geddon finally gave up the arrogance he had maintained all along, and began to yell in human language.

"Weak mortals! Surrender to the mighty flame!"

Just after the skill recoil time ended, the angry Baron Geddon planted a living bomb on Sharlayan again.

Sharlayan didn't stop the attack in his hands, and twitched the corners of his mouth with a half-smile: "That's it? Don't you have any other jobs?"

[Hint: You are a bomber, run towards the sunset. 】

【Grass! Human flesh dbm is okay. 】

[Run ass! There was no friendly army within 30 yards, and they couldn't bomb anyone anyway, so it was hard to stand still. 】

Sharlayan did exactly that, and he even activated the Bladestorm to circle Baron Geddon happily.


When Moira made up for the second Power Word Shield in time, the impact sent Sharlayan high into the sky again.

Sharlayan, who was still in a spinning state, gave Baron Geddon a lot of styling during the lift-off, and Baron Geddon, who was full of bumps, was shouting angrily to give "comment".

"Poor mortal! I'm not that mindless bastard Magmanda! Don't think that this little damage can defeat me!"

Perhaps the centrifugal force of the rotation played a role. Sarlayan, who was flying in mid-air, did not descend very fast, allowing him to wait with ease until the recoil of the charge skill ended.

Just as Baron Geddon was about to bypass this annoying guy who had been beaten into the sky again, Sharlayan charged him again and stopped him.

As the titan under Ragnaros, Baron Geddon has never seen such a stalking mortal.

Just as he was about to concentrate all his energy on burning this guy to ashes, Shaslaar suddenly yelled harshly.

"No! I can't be defeated by mortals! Geddon! Save..."

Before Shaslaar finished speaking, Stellagosa with a stern expression clenched his right fist mercilessly.

Based on the penetrating wound on Shasrael's left abdomen, an inconspicuous little singularity suddenly released a huge suction force, completely sucking Shasrael's huge body into it within a second, without any residue Leave.

Baron Geddon: "..."

Looking at the malicious eyes of those mortals who had dealt with Shaslar, Baron Geddon panicked.

'No way? Could it be that I will also overturn in the hands of mortals? '

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