As soon as the distribution of the loot was over, Moira couldn't wait to take the equally emotional Dark Iron Dwarves and leave before she even had time to calculate the value of the loot.

Sharlayan slowly followed behind the Dark Iron Dwarf army, preparing to return to the rune circle that sent the Quel'Thalas army before, and those who returned the same way sent all these soldiers back.

Stellagosa has already passed the news to the Tower of Sunfury in Silvermoon City in advance, and it will take a lot of time to prepare such a super-large portal.

Sharlayan himself was not in a hurry to leave, he hadn't received the most important prize for this operation from Dagran, and Valeera and Onyxia's infiltration mission hadn't been completed yet.

After beheading Ragnaros's clone, Sunderland's spirit was no longer the sluggishness when he just got out of trouble, and became obviously much higher.

Those wind elementals who followed him to participate in the Molten Core raid were also more cohesive. Exotus, who had just changed his employer, mixed in with these wind elemental teams, and he was good at wooing those officers who seemed to have more potential.

So far, Exetus has not officially gained the confidence of Sunderland.

It is not so easy for elemental creatures to switch camps. Now Exotus is still full of a single fire element.

If he wants to jump to the side of the sky wall, Sunderland must first infuse a large amount of wind elements into his body, so that this guy can truly become "one of his own".

Just like Gulegman and Gal who received the fire element infusion.

The Molten Core has turned into the dust of history, and the Black Rock Volcano, which has been highly active, will gradually cool down. Sunderland's goal of participating in this battle has been successfully achieved.

As they strolled out of the Molten Core together, Sharlayan chatted with Sunderland about his future plans.

"What are you going to do next? Do you have a complete plan?"

Sunderland deliberately shrunk his size and became about the same height as Sharlayan and shook his head with a wry smile.

"There is only a rough outline of the plan, and the details have not been filled in yet."

"In short, we must first find a base, a site where the wind element is highly active."

"The base...?"

Sharlayan rubbed his chin thoughtfully: "I have two suggestions here that are worthy of reference. It is up to you to decide whether to adopt them."

Sunderland: "Tell me."

Sharlayan snapped out an index finger: "One, it's the barren land where you stayed briefly before."

"The Kingdom of Khaz Modan temporarily develops the eastern and southern parts of the barren land that are not planned to be developed. If I come forward to negotiate a peace, they should agree to your settlement."

Sunderland thought about it with his chin in his hand, and shook his head after a short while: "Forget it, I am a thorn in the side of the sky wall. If I stay in a densely populated civilized area, the possibility of my whereabouts being exposed is extremely high. It will bring a blow from Al'Akir."

"I don't want to implicate those innocent mortals who kindly took us in. Let's put this choice aside for now. What about the second one?"

"The second... is farther away."

Sharlayan pointed to the west: "I don't know if you know the current geography of Azeroth. The ancient continent of Kalimdor in ancient times has long been split into multiple continents and countless islands, which is the same as it was 10,000 years ago. It's very different."

Sunderland complained angrily: "Don't think that I'm a caged bird who doesn't hear anything out of the window. I still know that the ancient Kalimduo split."

Sharlayan smiled and shrugged his shoulders: "That's easy to say, the continent we are in today is called the Eastern Kingdom, and its main inhabitants are humans, dwarves, gnomes, forest trolls, and high elves."

"On the other side of the endless sea, there is another continent called Kalimdor, which is managed by races close to nature such as night elves, tauren and furbolgs."

"The second base I chose for you is in the southernmost part of the Kalimdor continent, a huge desert called Uldum."

In order to ensure that they can absorb enough wind power at any time, wind elements usually choose to settle in relatively open places, and the most suitable ones are undoubtedly those endless deserts.

Considering that Sunderland does not want to have in-depth contact with the civilized society of Azeroth, Uldum, which is suitable for seclusion, has become the best choice.

There are only two entrances to Uldum. As long as these two gates are guarded, no outsider can enter Uldum from land.

The tol'vir in Uldum have guarded the secrets of the Hall of Origin for generations. Even though the internal struggles of Ramkahen, Neferset, and Osis have been solved, they still instinctively reject the outside world.

If it were not for Sharlayan to act as a bridge, the trade route between Uldum and the southern seaport of Silithus would not be established.

Even today, foreign caravans need to be strictly inspected by the tol'vir when they enter Uldum, and strangers who are not familiar with them cannot get permission at all.

In the original history, after the cataclysm began, the sky wall will be suspended over Uldum.

But this is not because the Wind Elemental Realm can only appear here, but because N'Zoth and his men coveted the Furnace of Origin, and specially asked Al'Akir to lead the Wind Elementals in a large-scale dispatch to defeat the Titan Guardians and stay in Uldum. of the guardian force.

Theoretically, once the elemental world breaks the seal of Hela and Odin, they can appear in any corner of Azeroth, and the location of the connection depends entirely on the mood of the four kings of elements.


Sunderland's heart moved: "I heard about this area from Al'Akir when I was a child. It is said that it is one of the strongholds of the Titan Guardians?"

Sharlayan nodded: "That's true. Uldum should have been guarded by the Great Guardian Raiden, and it has a similar status to Ulduar in the north."

"However, Raiden disappeared tens of thousands of years ago, leaving only a large number of tol'vir and Anubisas guarding the Hall of Origin."

"Times have changed, and the former primitive tol'vir degenerated into mortals under the influence of the flesh curse, and established an independent civilization in Uldum without any contact with other mortal kingdoms."

"I am kind to the tol'vir, as long as you promise to accumulate strength in Uldum honestly, don't disturb the daily life of the tol'vir, and don't covet the hall of origin, they should give me a face."


Sunderland hesitated for a while with his chin in his hand: "Can I fly over the sea to have a look first? In order to avoid misunderstanding, I need a token from you."


Sharlayan took out a pocket Anubisath statue from the space package: "This is the obsidian gift that the local rulers jointly gave me before I left Uldum last time. It is unique."

"As long as you show it to the tol'vir, they will be sure that you are my friend, and they will not rashly use force to expel you."

Sunderland took the statue solemnly and put it away: "Thank you, I will set off right away. With my speed, I will be able to turn back tomorrow afternoon at the latest. I hope it is really as you said, suitable for our wind element life."


Before Sunderland left, he handed over all the wind elements to Sharlayan to take care of him. Sarlayan didn't care about it, anyway, it was just a day.

At his peak, Sunderland was one of the top fighters in the world of the four elements. His strength and influence had even surpassed Alakir, the king of wind elements, and he could wrestle with the king of the four elements head-on.

Unfortunately, after thousands of years of sealing, Sunderland's strength has seriously declined, and it will take a lot of time and absorb a lot of wind elemental energy to fill the gap.

Before that, Sharlayan would continue to persuade Sunderland not to be overheated, and he would start his action of forcing his father to abdicate after making complete preparations.

[It's true that the whole family is very filial. 】

[Father's kindness and son's filial piety is the tradition of Azeroth, it has to be tasted. 】

According to Sunderland's own prediction, even if he can find a more suitable base, he will need at least 5 years to return to his peak state.

Five years is nothing to elemental creatures with infinite lifespan, but to Sharlayan, the whole of Azeroth will probably be turbulent in the next five years, and these five years may pass extremely slowly.

After sending Sunderland away, Sharlayan stayed in a corner of Darkforge City, playing cards with Sylvanas, Liadrin and the others, while waiting patiently for Dagran and Moira to be summoned.

Stellagosa has always maintained contact with the Tower of Sunfury, and she will temporarily serve as an energy transmission coordinate, guiding the energy of the Sunwell far away in Quel'Thalas to the large teleportation circle engraved with runes below her feet .

Not long after Moira and Sunderland left one after another, Sharlayan, who was pulling Lyras to explain the ancient stone leaf solution, suddenly heard the loud cheers in the city of Darkforge.

Not long after, a female black iron dwarf with short legs and thick waist ran over panting.

Sharlayan could barely recognize the dwarf woman, one of Moira's maids, by the difference in the pattern of her braids.

...Should it be her?

"Deep Shadow...Master Marquis, ha~ha~"

Sharlayan gently pressed his palm down: "Domina, don't get excited, take a breath first before speaking."

"Did Queen Moira and King Thaurissan send you to me?"


The female dwarf Domina patted her firm chest, and finally adjusted her breathing rhythm.

"Yes, the king and queen jointly invited you, the greatest hero, to the palace to attend the celebration banquet."

Sharlayan smiled calmly and nodded: "King Dagran is indeed very capable. Since he is able to hold a banquet... it means that the chaos in the city has been sorted out, right?"

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