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Chapter 868 Reappearance of Deathwing?

Sharlayan frowned, and asked the little star who was not concentrating: "Did they say where the order came from? Where did the concept of Twilight Dragon come from?"

In the original history informed by the barrage, the birth of the Twilight Dragon was very accidental and almost impossible to replicate.

The predecessor of the Twilight Dragon was the Nether Dragon, which was a deformed product independently researched by the black dragon Queen Sinestra in Outland in the original history, and had nothing to do with Deathwing.

Facts have proved that the Nether Dragon, which has a short lifespan and an extremely unstable life form, is the product of a failed experiment.

The Twilight Dragon is the follow-up version of the Nether Dragon, a brand new dragon species born by Sinestra using the essence of the Nether Dragon and the essence of the Black Dragon.

Although the existence form of the twilight dragon is still distorted and deformed, they are at least more stable than the state of the void dragon that may collapse at any time.

The Twilight Dragon inherits some of the characteristics of the Nether Dragon, and can freely switch between reality and nothingness.

But the side effect of rashly creating new life without verification made Sinestra learn a huge lesson, and this lesson was her own life.

The early twilight dragons had low intelligence and were no different from beasts. In order to survive, they would attack all creatures that might threaten them indiscriminately, even including their nominal mother Sinestra.

In the end, Sinestra died at the hands of the Twilight Dragon, and Deathwing accidentally discovered her research heritage, and logically took over the well-researched Twilight Dragon project, and handed it over to Nai who was resurrected by him. Farian continued to delve deeper.

In the timeline where Sharlayan is, Sinestra was taken back to Dragonbone Wilderness by Onyxia before she started the experiment of the Nether Dragon, and she is still assisting the maturing Ebyssian in the Obsidian Holy Land Manage the Black Dragon Clan.

Without the Nether Dragon as a foundation, logically speaking, the Twilight Dragon should not be able to appear.

So the question is, what is the Twilight Dragon mentioned in the quest conveyed to Nefarian?

Sharlayan had guessed who had given Nefarian the order.

The only person who is qualified to command the Black Dragon Prince is Nefarian's father, Deathwing, except for N'Zoth, the master served by the rebellious black dragons.

At the end of the Second Orc War, Salayan, Valeera, Vereesa, and Ronin sneaked into Grim Batol, where the Red Dragon Queen was imprisoned. The three dragon kings who signaled all called over.

In the battle of Grim Batol, Deathwing was beaten very embarrassingly by the four Aspects who had recovered their strength at the same time.

If it wasn't for Malygos, who is not clear-headed, doing bad things with good intentions, Deathwing would have been killed by Sharlayan if he couldn't escape Grim Batol.

But there are not so many ifs in this world, failure is failure.

After the fixed body armor plate was forcibly removed, Deathwing was severely injured, and Malygos, who was entangled all the way, was torn to the middle of the sea.

Although Malygos tried very hard to kill Deathwing, the physical conditions of the blue dragons really couldn't compare with the black dragons.

In the end, Deathwing escaped. According to Malygos, who was gradually waking up, Deathwing plunged into the great vortex in the middle of the endless sea in a state of embarrassment. He once thought that Malygos wanted to commit suicide.

To this day, Sharlayan still doesn't know enough about the nature of the Maelstrom. He only knows that this thing is an abnormal product that appeared after the Well of Eternity exploded. The barrage dubbed it the navel of Azeroth.

First of all, it is certain that the maelstrom has a teleportation function, but the premise of using it is that it can resist the terrible rotation force of the maelstrom, otherwise it will only be torn into pieces by the violent water flow if it rushes into the vortex.

As the dragon king of the earth, Deathwing obviously has this capital. He transferred to another special plane through the teleportation ability of the maelstrom, and finally got rid of Malygos' stalking.

Including Wyrmrest Temple, no one knows exactly where Deathwing went. Since then, he has completely disappeared, and until today, there is no clue about him.

Although Deathwing has long been corrupted by the ancient gods, he still retains his talent as the dragon king of the earth, able to absorb the energy from the earth to repair his injuries.

Forcibly ripping off the armor plate and exposing Deathwing's torn body caused a lot of damage, but it wasn't enough to prevent him from recovering for several years.

So in the past few years, where has Deathwing been hiding, and what has he been planning in secret?

Wyrmrest Temple has been looking for the answer to the question, and Sharlayan, who has read the script in advance, can answer this question clearly.

Deathwing hid in the deep rock continent of the earth elemental plane, using the abundant earth elemental energy in the elemental subplane to repair his injuries.

Of course, just repairing the injury is not enough. Drawing on the lesson of being torn apart the armor plate last time, Deathwing decided to build a stronger covering armor for himself.

This time, he chose the source quality ore with strong strength and energy ductility as the raw material.

Just like what Sarlayan had told Stella Gosa before, source material ores would only grow in areas with extremely high element concentrations, and the Earth Elemental World was undoubtedly one of the most standard areas.

The amount of source quality ore needed to make armor is too large, and it is impossible for Deathwing to make according to the standard of source quality ingots. He does not have a territory like Sharlayan... or even the support of the entire Quel'Thalas.

At the same time that Deathwing rushed into Deepholm, Stonemother Therazane learned the news.

The uninvited arrival of the troublesome Earth Dragon King made Mother Stone very unhappy. She has been trying to drive Deathwing out of Deeprock for years, but unfortunately she has never been able to do so.

Deathwing, who had just entered Deep Rock Continent, was alone. Facing the mistress who commanded the entire earth elemental world, he could only dodge if he couldn't provoke her.

According to General Dakisas's report, Deathwing seems to have connected with one of the goblins through Nefarian.

The goblins agreed to go to Deepholm to smelt cheap, low-quality elementium ingots, which they used to forge a new suit of armor and fix Deathwing's cracked body.

With reference to the size of Deathwing, one can roughly draw a conclusion that it takes a lot of manpower, material and time resources to create such a suit of giant armor.

Since the Battle of Grim Batol, Deathwing has been dormant in Deep Rock Continent, preferring to be chased away by the Stone Mother in every possible way than to move his nest.

Bearing it for several years, Sharlayan finally heard the news about the fallen Black Dragon King again through Valeera's investigation, and it still involved the heavyweight information about the Twilight Dragon.

Sharlayan boldly guessed that the twilight dragon mentioned by Deathwing should not be the same species as the ones researched by Sinestra in the original history, but just happened to have the same name.

The word "twilight" was originally derived from Cho'gall's Twilight's Hammer clan, and it has no deep meaning in itself.

Under the operation of Cho'gall, who is good at marketing, the word twilight has been extended to "bring the judgment of twilight to Azeroth".

Contrary to dawn, which is often used by mortal races to represent hope, the word twilight represents despair, meaning that the sun will eventually set and the world will return to darkness.

As a member of the ancient god system, it is not surprising that Deathwing named the new experimental dragon species the Twilight Dragon. What Sharlayan was curious about was what special abilities the big-jawed version of the Twilight Dragon would have.

The dragon race is an immortal species, and they are not sensitive to the concept of time passing, and the connection between them will not be very close.

After General Dakisas's routine report to Nefarian is over, there should be no chance of this kind of close eavesdropping for a long time.

Valeera and Onyxia had already traveled all over the upper floors of the Blackrock Spire, and were unable to obtain any more useful information.

Right now, the two were lurking in front of the passage leading to Blackwing Lair on the upper floor of the Blackrock Spire, waiting patiently for further instructions from Sharlayan.


Sharlayan lowered his head and thought for a while: "Although I am very worried about the safety of Valeera and Oni, right now we must figure out what is going on with the so-called Twilight Dragon Project, and when Deathwing plans to officially return. "

After a moment of silence, Sharlayan firmly said to Stellagosa: "Let them continue to go deep into Blackwing's Lair, but they must be very careful."

"If you are unfortunately exposed, you must not be impulsive. Find a place to hide and try to delay the time as much as possible. I will find a way to help from the outside."

Stellagosa nodded numbly: "I'll tell them immediately, but..."

Talking about the safety of Onyxia and Valeera, Stellagosa temporarily focused all her attention here, and asked very worriedly: "What are you going to do? There should be several Only an adult dragon, relying on our current strength alone..."

Sharlayan looked up to the west of the room, as if he could see the other end of the distant sea through the heavy barriers of the ground.

"Have you forgotten? At Sunderland's flying speed, I'll be back soon after going to Uldum to scout the environment."

"Except for Nefarian himself, the other adult black dragons in Blackwing Lair are standard demigod gatekeepers."

"If Onyxia and Sunderland can cooperate unexpectedly... It is not impossible to take the opportunity to rescue Valeera and Oni who are trapped."

"Of course..." Sharlayan sighed softly, "I hope the situation won't develop to that point, but we still have to prepare for the worst, so as not to be in a hurry in the end."

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