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Chapter 887 Kaizi's Life Is Only Cautious (Fog)

It has been more than 1,200 years since the people of Kul Tiras moved from the Eastern Continent to the isolated archipelago overseas, and Pilu Lanxuan opened up their own maritime kingdom.

After thousands of years of development, Kul Tiras combined the surrounding environment and gradually developed a special profession unique to its own country, the tide sage.

The tidesages are headquartered in Stormsong Valley on the archipelago, managed by House Stormsong, one of the four great houses of Kul Tiras.

Sharlayan had some in-depth contact with the tidesages in Kul Tiras before. At first, he thought that these spellcasters with strong water control ability were shamans who specialized in water elements.

Jaina resolutely vetoed Sharlayan's speculation and gave Kul Tiras' official correct answer.

Although tidesages can skillfully manipulate the power of water elements, they are not shamans, but priests in essence.

Yes, pastor.

When it comes to priests, most people will immediately think of Holy Light.

But the priest who masters the Holy Light is only the preacher of the Church of the Holy Light, and cannot generally refer to all the priests in Azeroth.

Priest is a religious position, not limited to the Holy Light Church, other denominations will naturally have their own priests.

The tidesages are priests belonging to the Church of the Sea God. This sect is unique to Kul Tiras. All tidesages believe in the broad concept of "sea". Poseidon.

This is why the tidesages in the original history were easily corrupted by the ancient god N'Zoth.

The ancient gods were good at disguising and manipulating people's hearts, and Enzos happened to live in the deep sea, which perfectly fits the definition of the so-called "Sea God" that does not actually exist by the Sea God Church.

In addition, N'Zoth and Naga act as "God Envoys", and it is not easy to fool the tide sage who pretends to be a ghost.

However, when a large number of defectors appeared in the tide sages, N'Zoth was close to completely breaking out of prison, and its tentacles could easily touch every corner of Azeroth.

At least at this point in time, N'Zoth, who has not yet broken free from the seal, cannot cover the sky with one hand, and the tide sage has not been corrupted by the power of the ancient gods from the depths of the sea.

As the priest of the Sea God Church, the tide sage's power form is very single, that is, pure water control.

It sounds like nothing to be concerned about, but if a kind of power is studied to the extreme, the power it can display must not be underestimated.

When the ships of Kul Tiras sail, they will invite tidesages to accompany them. These priests who are extremely sensitive to currents will guide the sailors to a safe channel and avoid natural disasters such as storms.

In addition to guiding the way, as a spellcaster, the tidesage itself also has good combat effectiveness, especially in areas where there is water.

If a shaman were to fight a tidesage only with water spells, the shaman would definitely lose if both were at the same level.

Warships loaded with large-caliber artillery cannot pose enough threats to the Naga who dive into the water, and submarines have not yet been developed in this era.

Sharlayan had long planned to curb the rapid development of the Naga. For this reason, he previously made a request to the National Defense Research Institute, asking them to use their brains to develop a set of equipment that allows soldiers to fight flexibly underwater.

There are many factors that affect people on land fighting underwater, the most critical of which are water resistance and breathing problems.

Because they are accustomed to living on land with only slight wind resistance, many people feel very uncomfortable when they are active in water with high resistance, and they are unable to hold their breath for a long time without the assistance of equipment.

Barrage proposed a concept of underwater equipment called oxygen tanks, but Sharlayan didn't like the bulky tanks filled with oxygen.

Naga is not blind or foolish, such an obvious gas storage equipment, as long as they have touched it a few times, they will definitely stare at the oxygen tank attack.

Fortunately, there are magical means in Azeroth that can replace the role of oxygen tanks.

This spell is called underwater breathing, and it's just a low-level trick. High elves with arcane affinity can easily master it after a period of learning.

It has been more than a year since Sharlayan made a request to the National Defense Research Institute in preparation for a rainy day, and the researchers who are responsible for this subject finally came up with the final product after several revisions.

After many underwater tests, the researchers found that wielding weapons such as swords, axes, and hammers cannot perform optimally under the resistance of seawater, while slender penetrating weapons such as spears and rapiers are more useful underwater .

After more than a year of development and testing, the National Defense Research Institute submitted the finished product to Kael'thas at the beginning of this year.

The whole set of underwater combat equipment consists of three pieces.

One is weapons. Referring to the shape of weapons commonly used by Naga, the researchers also chose the stabbing trident.

The second is the armor. Considering the underwater resistance and buoyancy, the research institutes abandoned the bulky armor and adopted Sharlayan's suggestion. They used tough shark skin to make close-fitting water tanks, and attached them to each piece of water tanks. Enchanted with special magic that can resist the high pressure of the deep sea.

The third is the respirator, a flat pendant that can be hidden in the water.

The underwater breathing spell is solidified in the pendant, and the user only needs to continuously pour magic power into the pendant to maintain the effect of underwater breathing.

Because it's just a small trick-level spell, the magic power consumed by underwater breathing is negligible.

Even high elf civilians without any training can rely on their innate magic power to maintain underwater breathing for more than an hour.

But... this is specifically aimed at high elves who have an innate affinity for arcane arts and have been bathed in the light of the sunwell for a long time.

If it is used by the sailors of Kul Tiras, rough men on the sea without special meditation training can only last ten minutes at most.

After the successful research of underwater combat equipment, the busy Kael'thas has not let the underwater combat troops that have already completed the selection of materials and started daily training into actual combat.

In order to ensure a higher success rate of the plan, and more importantly... to save the lives of those soldiers as much as possible for Quel'Thalas, who can't afford to die, Kael'thas proposed to invite the tide sages from Kul Tiras to accompany the army Act, keep them as insurance of last resort.

Sharlayan agrees with Kael'thas' prudence, and it's never wrong to be prepared.

"I'll get in touch with Daelin through Jaina... yes."

Sharlayan turned to look at Welles: "Uncle, is the war in the Howling Fjords decided?"

Welles nodded with a smile: "Not long after you set off, good news came from Howling Fjord."

"The artillery of Kul Tiras finally smashed down the walls of Utgarde Castle. Under the leadership of King Daelin, the Kul Tiras marines with high morale rushed into the city."

"On the summit of Utgarde, His Majesty Daelin personally beheaded the Vrykul leader Ymiron in a one-on-one duel. As a result, the morale of the Vrykul collapsed. This long-lasting war finally ushered in ending."

Sarlayan had predicted the outcome of the war long ago. The national power of the two sides was not on the same level at all. As long as the defenses of Utgarde Castle could be broken, it would only be a matter of time before Kul Tiras won.

Daelin used to be the admiral of the alliance. In terms of individual combat power, even during the second orc war when the alliance power reached its peak, there were no more than one person in the human kingdoms who could compare with him.

Ymiron is the ancient king in the legend of the vrykul, and his personal combat power is also very strong. Under normal conditions, Ymiron and Daelin's strength is about the same, and once they fight, they are likely to fall into a long-term stalemate.

Unfortunately, however, Ymiron never healed from the wounds he suffered in the previous dragon-stalking vrykul infighting due to the constant harassment of Kul Tiras.

Facing the spirited Dai Lin who held the divine weapon Tide Sword in such a bad state, it was only natural that he would be defeated.

Sharlayan continued to ask calmly: "Then where is Daelin now? Has he returned to Boralus triumphantly?"


Kael'thas took over the topic and said: "Half a month ago, a grand celebration ceremony was held in Boralus Harbor, and even Princess Jaina, who was far away in Dalaran, was recalled to her hometown by Dailin who was in a happy mood. Participate in the banquet held in the palace."

"It's a rare trip home. Jaina, who has already left the army, did not return to Dalaran immediately after the celebration, but stayed in the palace of Boralus... Um, try to blame?"


Sharlayan looked at Kael'thas, who was dumbfounded, and said, "What do you mean by dumping the pot?"

Kael'thas spread his hands with a smile: "Literally, she wants her brother Tandrei who is growing up to take over the crown prince of Kul Tiras, so that she can pursue her ideals without any worries... and her lover .”

Seeing Kael'thas' playful expression when he looked at him, Sharlayan was a little embarrassed, and Valeera's needle-like gaze beside him made him shiver.

"Ah... is she too anxious? How old is Tandre?"

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