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Chapter 889 Inas' Proposition

One thing to say, in Sharlayan's opinion, his mother's performance was a bit exaggerated.

Does she really not remember what she promised Valeera?

Of course not, she just regretted that she agreed too early.

In the words of the barrage, Inas gave up the entire forest prematurely for a bright and beautiful tree.

Sharlayan: "...What kind of scumbag is this?"

【Grass! So you still have self-awareness. 】

[Evil feudal nobles! I'm so envious! 】

[Wake up, even if you can be a nobleman in the feudal era, you are not as good as Sharlayan, be careful to be squeezed dry. 】

[God TM waist, is that called exuberant vitality, okay? 】

【I'm not afraid! To die under the peony flower is to be a ghost, so let the big naphthalene drown me! 】

【Ah... You are really loyal to your desires. 】

Sharlayan's brows twitched at the barrage's unrestricted words.

"Come on, get out the fork that wants big naphthalene."

As a member of the Dragon Clan, Inas knows the habits of the Dragon Clan very well.

After many years, after reuniting with the growing Stellagosa in Quel'Thalas, Inas knew that this gentle and intelligent little female dragon could not escape her son's palm.

This is also thanks to the common sense Inas instilled in the still young Stellagosa in the early years, which made her curious and interested in Aunt Inas' son early on.

After returning from this trip, Inas was pleasantly surprised to find that Sharlayan had another reformed black dragon beside her, and it was the famous black dragon princess Onyxia.

The Dragon Clan doesn't value the so-called status, and neither Stellagosa nor Onyxia will compete with Valeera for the status of their only wife.

Just when Inas was gratified and planning to make a relationship between her son and Valeera, Gianna, who had just attended the celebration banquet and fooled her younger brother Tandre, "coincidentally" came to Unicorn Town, and returned with Inas and Valeera. Julian bumped into it.

Needless to say about the next developments, after learning the identities of this handsome and pretty elf couple, Jaina, who was worried about falling behind, certainly couldn't let go of this opportunity.

She successfully used her complex and noble identity, as well as her well-behaved and lovable character on purpose, to shake Inas' original firm determination.

Seeing Inas's dilemma, Julian, who was on the sidelines, quietly rolled his eyes.

However, because of the relationship of the younger brother in the family, as a father, Julian has no right to intervene in his son's life-long affairs, so he can only squat next to his brother and his wife to eat melons and watch the show.

Salayan stared fixedly at Julian, whose eyes were wandering.

'Dad! Why are you just watching! Help! '


Julian understood his son's eyes, grinned freely, and looked away from him without hesitation.

‘I’m sorry, son, you can wish for luck. '

Sharlayan: "!!!"

【Grass! It's definitely biological. 】

Seeing that Julian turned around and planned to return to the lord's mansion, Salayan was temporarily too lazy to care about the two guys who were still chasing and playing around, and deliberately lowered his sense of presence and tried to sneak into the house behind his father.


Inas suddenly withdrew her gaze and turned her head, beckoning to Sharlayan kindly.

"Come here, Mom has something to ask you."

The tiptoe Sarean froze for a moment, then dropped his shoulders in discouragement.

'It's over, it's Barbie Q now. '


Finally getting rid of his mother's entanglement and returning home, the exhausted Sharlayan collapsed on the sofa under the watchful eyes of others, closed his eyes and pretended to be dead without moving... Cough, rest your mind.

Sharlayan's bad premonition really came true, and Ina asked the proposition without any surprise.

"Son, these two children, which one do you like better?"

Inas didn't deliberately lower her voice. Jaina and Valeera, who were chasing each other, stopped their movements at the same time, and looked at Sharlayan, whose forehead was dripping with cold sweat.


When talking about serious matters, Sharlayan could confidently puff his chest out and speak clearly, but facing this century-old emotional problem, Sarlayan, who was used to passive acceptance, really didn't know how to answer.

After all, his mind has never been on pursuing women, and he is unbelievably immature in this regard, not at all like those nobles who are promiscuous all day long.

【This is true, every time someone else comes after Sharlayan. 】

[Is this a passive scumbag? 】

[It’s been said that polygamy was very common in the feudal era, not to mention that Sarlayan is still a dragon, so he doesn’t have to be bound by mortal moral values. 】

Sand Sculpture Netizens are still talking about it, but for such a major event related to his future life, Sharlayan really dare not casually accept their apparently lively suggestions.

In the end, Sarlayan still played Tai Chi, changed the subject while laughing, and didn't dare to answer his mother's question directly.

"Is that so..." Inas nodded thoughtfully, "I understand what you mean."

'What do you know! Just relying on this pile of meaningless nonsense literature? I obviously didn't say anything! '

No matter how violent Sharlayan complained in his heart, Inas, who had realized something, was finally willing to let him go, and with a smile on her face, she held Valeera and Jaina who were also "behaved" one by one to greet them.


Seeing Jaina and Valeera's movements and demeanor with obvious performance traces, Sharlayan felt a little gritty.

'Forget it, let you go, I will slip first. '

According to the original plan, Sarlayan planned to rest in the territory for 3 days, deal with the backlog of territorial affairs before leaving for Boralus.

The sudden return of Julian and Inas disrupted his plan, and the three-day rest period was extended to half a month by the powerful mother.

"What are you in a hurry for? Your dad and I came back with great difficulty, and you don't want to see us like that?"

With one hand on her hip, Inas poked Sharlayan's forehead with the other hand and said, "There is no end to work. You have to learn to balance your personal life and work time."

"You are the lord, and you have to do everything yourself, so why do you want the people below? Do you want to be a mascot?"

The Marquis of Deep Shadow, who is majestic in front of outsiders, smiles bitterly and cannot lift his head in front of his own mother.

"But... I'm worried that they won't be able to handle some important things."

"Hmph!" Inas confidently puffed her chest out: "Are you worried about the lack of ability of those subordinates? Then leave the important things you think to me and your father. Our ability is always enough, right?"

Sharlayan complained silently in his heart: "I dare not order you..."

Having said that, Salayan simply changed the subject and asked about the whereabouts of Inas and Julian over the past few years.

"By the way, mom, what have you and dad been doing these past few years? Backlighting Blade searched all over Azeroth and didn't find any trace of you."

Inas waved her hand nonchalantly: "It's normal if we can't find out. In the past few years, we have been operating in a city called Nazjatar under a disguise."


Inas's astonishing words made all the insiders present exclaim in surprise.

Welles turned his head to look at his brother in astonishment: "Julian, if I remember correctly, Nazjatar should be the capital of the Naga Empire located on the seabed, right?"

Julian nodded: "That's right, we followed the incomplete traces left by Chogall all the way to the seaside, and happened to encounter a small group of Naga hunting in the offshore area."

Julian took out a dark purple spherical magic item from his bosom: "We used the deceitful orb's camouflage ability to replace the two people who were alone in the hunting team."

"After the hunt, we followed the other Naga back to their hometown on the seabed—a small underwater village, and we left the village step by step to Najatar, the capital of the Naga."

Welles sighed with emotion: "Is it still for Cugall? You are really persistent."

"So, did you finally catch him?"


Speaking of this, Inas smacked her lips in displeasure: "I didn't catch it, that slippery guy left after not staying in Nazjatar for long. It is said that he doesn't like it... or dare not stay for a long time. By the side of Azshara who has a delicate heart."

Stellagosa showed a clear expression on his face: "It's no wonder that no matter whether it's playing tricks or in terms of strength, the mere Cho'gall has no chance of winning in front of the Light of Light that used to sit on most of the world."

Valeera added thoughtfully: "In order to avoid being subtly accepted as a slave by Azshara and losing autonomy, Cho'gall would rather give up the good life at the bottom of the sea and take the risk to return to land?"

Inas glanced at Valeera approvingly: "It's probably like this. When we worked hard to improve our identity and status in the Naga community, and finally had the capital to move to Nazjatar, that guy Gugall had already Run away."

"However... just when I was yelling at Cugall in the street, I unexpectedly attracted someone's attention, and thus gained some unexpected gains."

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