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Chapter 911 Fierce Underwater Battle

Even though she was a competitor with Jaina, Valeera felt very speechless to Sharlayan's straight man answer.

Thinking in another way, if she was standing in Jaina's position, she would probably be out of breath at this moment.

"Okay, put these trivial details aside first."

Valeera winked at Jaina, whose face was flushed with anger: "Let's get back to business, can you unlock that Echo Shell?"


Jaina puffed up her cheeks and turned her head: "In theory, it is possible, but we still need a few days to remove the arcane nesting matrix set by Azshara one by one."

At this moment, Sharlayan also realized that his dazed answer just now was a little inappropriate, so he hurriedly followed Valeera's words to change the subject.

"how long will it takes?"

Tina Gosa, who was hiding aside and watching the show, finally spoke: "Azshara's matryoshka structure is very complicated, with a set of rings. According to preliminary estimates, it will take at least 8-10 days."

Sharlayan nodded encouragingly and said, "Then I'll leave it to you. Valeera and I will go to the front line to see the situation, and talk to Jarod about how to use spies."

Jaina was still angry, and she waved her hands in disgust like driving away a puppy: "Go, go! Don't stay here to bother us."

"If you can unravel this multi-layer nested structure with your own strength, Tina and I will have a lot of progress in arcane skills. We don't have time to pay attention to you these days."

Sarlayan shrugged with a smile: "Okay, I will inform the waiter at the consulate to deliver meals to you on a regular basis, remember to eat on time, don't spoil your body by doing research."

"Know it!"


If the guardian of Tirisfal, which relies on external force infusion, is excluded, Azshara is undoubtedly the only one in Azeroth who breaks through to become a demigod with her own power, and of course becomes the only demigod mage.

The Well of Eternity is the energy essence overflowing from the star soul of Azeroth. With the help of this pure, flawless and endless energy, Azshara, who is already outstanding in arcane arts, can be said to be the best in the past and present.

Whether it is profound knowledge or personal strength, even Malygos, the king of the blue dragon known as the spell weaver, has personally admitted that he is not as good as this amazing and brilliant light of light.

In its heyday, Azshara was sitting on the endless energy of the Well of Eternity, and even Archimonde the Polluter, the number two figure of the Burning Legion, felt a deadly threat from her.

After losing the Well of Eternity, Azshara's strength declined somewhat, but it did not fall off a cliff like some people said. She was still at the upper level among many demigods, at least at the level of Mannoroth The enemy is not a problem.

Azshara personally set up the puzzles of Echo Bay with the idea of ​​testing, which must contain a lot of Azshara's unique arcane concepts.

Abandoning all utilitarian ideas, Tinagosa and Jaina, who are both arcanists, can gain a lot just by solving this treasure-like puzzle.

Leaving the two magical girls obsessed with research in the consulate to study on their own, Sharlayan and Valeera left the upper area where the consulate was located and headed straight for the port.

There are a large number of merchant ships and cargo ships docked at Estorante's pier. Since the invading Naga blocked the open sea, these civilian ships were unable to leave the port.

After many expansions, the port of Estorante is already very spectacular, and the port of Sunsail in Quel'Thalas cannot be compared with it.

However, due to the helplessness of a large number of ships, there was a messy scene on the pier at the moment.

A large number of ships full of cargo are crowded together, and the crew and bosses are anxiously asking the port administrator when the port will open.

The defense line built by the defense force led by Garrod is located about 50 nautical miles outside the port of Estorante.

Converting 50 nautical miles is about 92 kilometers.

Since there was no obstacle on the wide sea, Sharlayan, who had activated Eagle Eye, could directly see the coordinates of the battle between the two sides.

But he could only see the sea.

The fierce battle between the two sides was carried out below the sea surface that could not be seen, and the ship owners who were trapped in the port did not know the cruelty of the battle.

Sharlayan and Valeera wore the exclusive passes given by Malfurion on their arms. The port administrator just took a look at them and readily let them go. As a result, many ship owners were dissatisfied and asked loudly why Two people can enter and exit the dock freely.

Sharlayan ignored the shouting behind him, and when he reached the edge of the pier, he transformed into a griffin and carried Valeera away from the port.

Estorante is the territory of the night elves, and it is not uncommon to see shape-shifting Drews.

But the raptor, the Griffon, is unique to the Eastern Kingdom and has strong regional characteristics.

Most of the ship owners trapped in the port were night elves. They mainly sailed between the Borean Tundra and Kalimdor to do business, and they didn't know much about the situation in the Eastern Kingdom.

The sudden appearance of the snow-white griffin attracted the attention of many shipowners. Some well-informed night elves looked thoughtfully at the direction of Sharlayan's departure, and whispered something to their companions. .

"Look carefully, those two guys don't seem to be locals, could they be high elves from the Eastern Continent?"

"Why are the high elves who are outsiders allowed to pass, but we natives are forcibly detained? It's not fair!"

The port administrator shouted impatiently: "Shut up! Those two are honored guests of Speaker Stormrage. They came all the way across the sea to help our country. Shut up your stinking mouths! Show me some respect. !"

"If any of you recklessly causes a diplomatic dispute at this juncture... Humph! You know the consequences."

Valeera, who was looking back on the back of the griffin, sighed softly: "It's no wonder that Malfurion is so eager to solve the problem of Naga sealing the sea."

"With so many merchant ships stranded in the port, every day will cause a lot of losses to the economy of the Dark Night Republic. Over time, it will inevitably cause a series of troublesome problems."

Sharlayan nodded his griffin's head: "Unlike Tyrande, who only knows how to keep power and keep the old, Malfurion is still very capable."

"Unfortunately, subject to the inertial policy of the night elves that lasted for 10,000 years, even if he knew exactly where the current problems of the Night Republic were, he would not dare to make drastic reforms like Quel'Thalas."

【Lessons from history tell us that reforms should not be rushed. The failed shock therapy of a certain president is a lesson for the past. 】

[Not to mention other things, Malfurion does have two brushes when it comes to seeking stability. 】

The closer they got to the center of the battlefield, the more Sharlayan and Valeera could feel the unsettling suffocation.

Even across the thick sea surface, it seems that one can smell the strong smell of blood coming from the depths of the sea.

"Valeera, activate the pendant."


Valeera graciously activated the pendant in the three-piece underwater combat equipment with magical power.

The moment Sharlayan dived into the sea, the snow-white griffin turned into a killer whale with a shiny skin and a streamlined body.


Killer whales rely on their sleek heads to displace seawater, creating a small vacuum in a short time.

Valeera, who was riding on the back of the killer whale, consciously lowered her body to reduce resistance, and maintained the spell of underwater breathing to enter the water smoothly.

Just after diving below the surface of the sea, the two saw a large amount of scarlet blood floating up from the bottom of the sea.

Nagami holding tridents are densely scattered above the seabed in the distance, and some of them are attacking a green energy barrier rising from the seabed.

Hundreds of naga corpses float in the water, and occasionally a few night elves with dismembered limbs can be seen.

A quick glance shows the ratio of Naga to Night Elf damage, with an average of 50-60 Naga replacing a Night Elf.

Sound like a good deal? actually not.

Those who were sent to the front line to die were low-level cannon fodder Nagas. This kind of consumables produced a lot at a time, and it was not worth caring for Naga officers.

Due to the relationship of immortality, the night elves have a worse birth rate than the high elves.

The high elves can't afford to die, and the night elves also die one less.

That is to say, the population base of the Night Republic inherited from the Night Empire is large enough.

Having experienced many wars such as the Battle of the Ancients, the Battle of the Satyr, and the Battle of Quicksand, the total number of night elves today is far less than that of the night empire at its peak.

Even so, they were still the most populous country in Azeroth before the even more tragic Battle of Mount Hyjal.

"I saw Jarod."

Sharlayan said to Valeera using the soul link: "Just inside that green energy barrier, this thing seems to allow the night elves to breathe air underwater, similar to a large air bubble."

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