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Chapter 915: Azshara's Warning

In the next few days after returning to Estorante, Salayan and Valeera stayed in the consulate without going out again, waiting patiently for Jaina and Tinagosa to solve the riddle left by Azshara.

In mid-July, 2014, Jaina and Tina finally finished their long cracking project.

Under the expectant gaze of Sarlayan and Valeera, the cracked phonograph shells were neatly placed on the table.

"Are you ready?"

Although the decryption this time was very difficult, both Jaina and Tinagosa gained a lot in the process.

But now is not the time to settle down and absorb this knowledge.

Forcibly suppressing the excitement in her heart, Jaina put her right hand that was shining with arcane aura on the phonograph, and finally confirmed it to the three of Sharlayan.

Sharlayan nodded with a serious expression: "Okay, let's start playing."

After Jaina poured arcane magic power of a specific frequency into the gramophone shell, a moon-white soft halo began to emerge on the surface of the shell, and a feminine voice mixed with majesty came out.

"I am Azshara, Queen of the Night Empire."

"First of all, I would like to praise you, son of Elena Strasza, you have done a good job, you have successfully passed the test I left behind."

"Although I really want to immediately recruit you and your partners for my use, but it's a pity that the information that can be stored in the voice box is limited. Let's save other things to discuss in detail when we meet."

"I'll keep it as short as possible."

Azshara's originally smiling tone became serious: "I know what you are doubting, so I won't go around in circles, and give you a clear answer."

"The Naga army led by Dorothy did not get my permission, but N'Zoth bypassed my authority and directly ordered her to seize the most important legacy of the Night Empire - the pocket version of the Well of Eternity. "

With Azshara's own testimony, combined with the information previously investigated by Sharlayan and others, it can basically be confirmed that her words are true.

"I won't talk nonsense, son of Inas, with your wisdom and skills, you should have already investigated the cause and effect of the situation. Let's get straight to the point."

Azshara's tone became a little gloomy: "Ten thousand years ago, in order to save the lives of those people who sank into the sea with me, I signed an alliance agreement with N'Zoth."

"N'Zoth rescued the falling night elves, but he transformed us into twisted naga with his own goods."

"In return, I promise to help it rebuild the dark empire...the dark empire led by me."

Sharlayan had heard the barrage mentioned the covenant between Azshara and N'Zoth before.

Unlike Deathwing and Xavius, Azshara did not bow down and submit to N'Zoth's tentacles, but signed a covenant with it as an equal.

With this covenant as a basis, in terms of status, Azshara is not N'Zoth's subordinate, but its partner.

To this day, Azshara still holds a grudge against N'Zoth for tarnishing her unparalleled beauty.

That's right, this Light of Light is so self-admired.

Azshara will always treat everyone with a high profile, except for the very few who can get her approval.

Among the very few people are her most trusted personal maid, Vashj, and Tyrande Whisperwind, who is favored by the moon god Elune.

During the period when Tyrande was captured by Xavius ​​and brought back to the Eternal Palace to give to Azshara, Azshara was very interested in wanting the High Priest of the Moon God to change his subordinates, give up Elune's belief and serve her wholeheartedly .

It is precisely because of Azshara's unprecedented proactive persuasion that Vashj, who is worried about losing the queen's favor, has always held deep hostility towards Tyrande.

Azshara's inherent arrogance brought her a lot of trouble, including her contempt for Zandalari, which led to the tendency of the troll forces to rise again after the world collapsed.

However, in Azshara's own opinion, the problems caused by her arrogance may not be considered troubles, just mange diseases that can be easily solved.

Relying on the self-confidence of this old lady's natural dignity, Azshara can also maintain an equal attitude when facing the ancient god N'Zoth.

N'Zoth was really bluffed by Azshara, who could make a deal with the fallen titan Sargeras, and agreed to her covenant of equality.

But in the following years, N'Zoth, who played more and more chess pieces, began to dislike the not-so-obedient Azshara, and quietly violated the covenant and placed his eyeliner beside Azshara.

This is the original origin of the factions among the Naga who are close to the ancient gods. These hardcore ancient gods send Naga will not obey Azshara's dispatch, and N'Zoth is their only master.

With Azshara's arrogance and strong desire to control, she certainly cannot tolerate the existence of such disobedient subjects.

The reason why no elite Naga landed on land in the past 10,000 years is that the transformed upper elves are trying to get familiar with their new bodies and new environment.

On the other hand, the Naga who are still loyal to Queen Azshara and the Naga of the ancient gods are also fighting openly and secretly.

N'Zoth, who hid in the deep sea and secretly controlled the situation, originally planned to use the idea of ​​the thousand-eyed demon C'Thun to attract mortals and titan guardians, so he took the opportunity to speed up the progress of the prison escape.

For this reason, it deliberately subdued the two-headed ogre Cho'gall who had long been interested in the void side, and used him to spread the twilight belief throughout Azeroth.

At the same time, N'Zoth ordered Cho'gall to sneak into Silithus, relying on the power it bestowed to partially lift the seal of C'Thun.

N'Zoth's plan worked, but not entirely.

Knowing that C'Thun's seal was loose, the Azeroth coalition forces quickly planned the second Quicksand War under the support of Sharlayan.

It was so fast that N'Zoth didn't react at all.

When it came to its senses, C'Thun, who was not yet fully out of trouble, had been personally strengthened by the dragon kings who were eager to save their own children, and the seal would not be able to jump out to make trouble for at least tens of thousands of years later.

After working hard for most of the day, in the end it was nothing but joy, and for some reason, he exposed his existence.

Cho'gall, who carried the will of N'Zoth, was chased and beaten all the way by a dragon that changed into a human form.

Seeing that he could not get rid of the vengeful Inas tracking on land, N'Zoth could only use the dark lines he buried in the Naga to quietly take Cho'gall to the underwater city of Nazjatar without telling Azshara.

However, what a shrewd person Azshara is, Cho'gall was discovered by her on the first day she entered Nazjatar.

Azshara didn't intend to break face with N'Zoth at that time, she received Cho'gall personally, and welcomed the temporarily borrowed foreign guest as Queen of the Night Empire.

Cho'gall thinks he is very resourceful, and even a cunning and cautious person like Gul'dan has been played by him.

But in front of Azshara, who has led the Dark Night Empire for tens of thousands of years and is well versed in court struggles, Cho'gall has truly experienced what it means to fight against one another.

After only a few months in Nazjatar, Cho'gall felt like he was going to be ruined.

All the schemes he arranged were counterattacked one by one by Azshara lightly, and Cho'gall, who had always been confident, felt unprecedented fear from Azshara.

If he stayed in Nazjatar any longer, Cho'gall felt that he would be played to death by Azshara sooner or later.

After asking N'Zoth for instructions, Cho'gall quickly resigned from Azshara, hurriedly left Nazjatar and returned to the land, just in time to stagger with the Inas couple who were following them all the way, which was a blessing in disguise.

Seeing that Cho'gall, a useful chess piece, couldn't play its expected role, Deathwing was seriously injured and temporarily retired, and Xavius ​​was completely dismissed. N'Zoth, who had always been an old god before, finally couldn't sit still.

This ancient god hiding in the deep sea always feels that an invisible net is enveloping him. If he doesn't take action in time, he will be completely crushed to death in the water sooner or later by the people who plotted against him.

Driven by the sense of urgency, N'Zoth changed his previous tepidity, and radically planned to seize the secret that the night elves had been hiding—the New Well of Eternity, and get rid of the cage built by the Titans as soon as possible.

"Don't underestimate N'Zoth, who has tentacles all over the world. It has long known that the high elves hide a magic source called the Sunwell, even the Nightwell in Suramar."

Azshara reminded with some intention: "The reason why the new Well of Eternity was chosen first is because it is the most valuable of the three existing magic wells."

"If N'Zoth can benefit from absorbing the energy of the new Well of Eternity... Sharlayan Deep Shadow, who do you think will be its next target?"

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