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Chapter 919 Return of the Tide Hunter

Through the Hydraxian water elementals allied with the night elves, Jarod made contact with Duke Hydraxis far away in the Maw of the Abyss.

Due to the strong plane barrier between the material world and the elemental world, the contact time was very short, but it was enough for Jarod to explain the situation clearly in a few words.

Beginning with the attack on Molten Core, Sharlayan established initial mutual trust with the Maw of the Abyss through the water elements of Hydraxia.

The reason why the coalition forces of the Dark Iron Dwarves and the High Elves were able to successfully capture the Molten Core was due to the surprise attack on the Land of Fire by the water elemental army led by Neptulon himself.

Thanks to Neptulon, who was personally on the horse, holding Ragnaros' attention, Sharlayan and others were able to quickly clear all the flame lords in the Molten Core without Ragnaros himself.

Oh no.

To be more precise, it is the flame lords other than the former manager Exotus.

As a typical civil servant among the fire demons, Exotus's combat effectiveness is almost negligible, but his management and coordination ability is quite outstanding.

After the clone of Ragnaros was wiped out, Exetus knew that he could not return to the Land of Flames, so under Sharlayan's persuasion, he decided to take refuge in Sunderland, the Windchaser who happened to be in short supply.

If Sunderland, the prince of wind elements, can successfully overthrow the wind rider Alakir and become the new generation of wind element kings, Exotus, who followed Sunderland from a poor start, can also be regarded as the minister of the dragon.

Sharlayan and the water elemental cooperated well in the cooperation in capturing the Molten Core, which further narrowed the relationship between the two parties.

When Neptulon learned that the high elves had received the summoning of Ragnaros from the Dark Iron Dwarves, he began to wait silently under Sharlayan's promise.

During this period of time, Neptulon adjusted his state as much as possible so that he could inject more power into the clone that entered Azeroth.

After receiving the latest contact from Jarod, Neptulon immediately summoned his water elemental lords to make final preparations, and selected a few who would follow Neptulon's avatar into Azeroth High Lord.

The first to bear the brunt of course is the leader of Hydraxia, Neptulon's right-hand man - Duke Hydraxis.

Neptulon, like Ragnaros, summoned a total of 9 water elemental lords, which happened to reach the upper limit that the elemental king's summoning technique could carry.

After Stellagosa officially launched the summoning ceremony, a large number of Hydraxian water elementals who had lived in Azeroth for a long time also gathered around to watch.

These water elements born in the material world have been oppressed by Naga for a long time, and it is difficult to fight back because of insufficient strength.

Even if they form an alliance with the night elves, their battles in the sea are still more defeated than won.

This aggrieved situation that has lasted for thousands of years may be completely reversed starting today.

Under the expectant attention of thousands of middle and low-level water elements, Stellagosa, who stood at the eye of the formation, began to absorb the magic power transmitted by the five auxiliary mages.

Under the infusion of a large amount of magic power, the multiple magic circles engraved on the seabed under their feet began to shine.

A phantom was separated from each of the complicated magic circles, which floated in the air. Under the operation of Stella Gosa with a serious expression, they quickly rotated and spliced ​​together, forming a complete large magic circle with perfect fit.


After the magic circle was spliced, it entered the final step of the summoning ceremony. Stellagosa took a deep breath, and a blue-purple arcane radiance emerged from her ice-blue eyes, which represented that she had started to use her magic power with all her strength.

As a much-anticipated rising star of the blue dragon clan, even though she has not officially become a demigod as an adult, the total amount of magic power of Stellagosa is far higher than that of a mortal archmage of the same level.

The majestic magic power was injected into the magic circle along the magic power pipeline built by Stellagosa.

Under the effect of the drainage enchantment arranged by the druids, there should be no water in the underwater base.

But at this moment, high-purity clean water began to spew out from the huge magic circle. The pure water did not flow to the ground, but gradually gathered a tall and burly human figure in mid-air.


Before the human form was formally formed, a loud and excited shout came out of its body.

"It's been more than 20,000 years! The water element has finally returned to our hometown!"

"Children of the water elementals! Shout out! Your king is back!"

The corner of Sharlayan's mouth twitched slightly, watching quietly: "There are quite a lot of Neptulon dramas."

Garrod smiled silently: "No, it's good, we need this kind of passionate new force now."

Under the coordinated call of Neptulon's clone, nine smaller water elemental lords came to Azeroth from the Maw of the Abyss one after another.

Unlike the tide hunters who use pure water to condense their avatars, these nine water element lords enter the material world with their bodies.

After Neptulon and the nine water elemental lords appeared, the summoning ceremony came to an end.

Under the combined spellcasting of the ten water elementals, with the last bit of power remaining in the summoning ceremony, they pulled hundreds of high-level water elementals from the Throat of the Abyss.

And this is just the beginning.

There is a clone of Neptulon, the king of water elements, sitting in the material and world. With him as a beacon, the water element lords can continue to consume magic power to pull more reinforcements from the elemental world.

Just like those high-level fire elementals that Ragnaros filled in the Molten Core.


Somewhere on the bottom of the sea near the Broken Isles to the north of the Maelstrom, Nazjatar, the capital of the Naga Empire, remains calm.

Dorothy led the headquarters to leave and did not have any impact on the orthodox Naga Empire with Azshara at its core.

In the Queen's bedroom deep in the Eternal Palace, a female Naga with three slender tails leaned gracefully on a reclining chair made of red coral.

Even with a distorted lower body, the female naga's languid demeanor is still very attractive.

Another female Naga, whom Sharlayan was fairly familiar with, stood beside this person, reporting something to her in a low voice.


The noble woman who was lazily listening to Vaschi's report suddenly opened her eyes wide.

The majestic temperament replaced the seductive laziness of the previous moment, and the sharp gaze that made Vaschi's heart tremble seemed to be able to penetrate the palace wall of the palace, looking straight at a distant sea area in the west of Nazjatar.

"This powerful wave of water element...heh~"

The fleeting aura seemed to be just an illusion, and the woman sat back quickly, with a playful look in her eyes.

"To be able to summon the King of Water Elements, who has been isolated from Azeroth for more than 20,000 years, to Azeroth... Son of Inas, you make me more and more interested."

Vaschi, who was a little dazed because of the master's aura, suddenly showed a sudden look in his eyes.

"Your Majesty, could it be..."


The one who can be called His Majesty by Vashj is naturally the Queen of Destiny of the Night Empire, Azshara known as the Light of Light.

"That little guy was not affected by Inas and Julian's words, and still summoned Neptulon, the tide hunter, according to his original plan."

Azshara smiled meaningfully: "Vashj, who do you think he did this against? Just for a Dorothy?"

Vaschi lowered his head and thought for a moment, then shook his head with a solemn expression.

"I don't quite understand. His Majesty has already released his goodwill, so why does he insist on forming an alliance with Neptulon?"


Azshara stretched out her scale-covered right hand and touched Vaschi's chin lightly: "If he doesn't have this kind of vigilance, I will look down on him instead."

"Don't worry, my dear maid."

Azshara closed those striking golden eyes in the dark underwater palace.

"Wait patiently. He should come to Nazjatar soon to visit if he has enough confidence. You might as well ask him personally at that time."

Vashj has served Azshara for more than 15,000 years, and the Queen's mood and attitude can be judged from her movements and demeanor.

Obviously, Azshara was in a good mood at this time, but she was no longer interested in talking.

An inexplicable look flashed in Vaschi's eyes, and she lowered her head and replied softly, "I obey, Your Majesty the Queen."

‘Sharlayan Deep Shadow, I hope you can live up to the Queen’s expectations. '

‘The tragedy of Sargeras at that time cannot be repeated. As Queen Azshara’s chief maid, I have the right to guard the queen, and I will never let any crooked people have the opportunity to get close to the queen! '

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