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Chapter 924 Raise a spy for a thousand days, use it for a while (correct)

Driven by Sharlayan's efforts, the army of Quel'Thalas has officially entered the era of magic weapons.

The military factory in full swing can produce a certain amount of magic guns and magic guns every day.

The legions mainly in charge of foreign wars have been refitted one after another, and through day-to-day training, they are quite familiar with these new weapons.

The Flood Dragon Legion is a new legion established only in the era when magical weapons became popular. Of course, Sharlayan can't let them go back and fight the enemy underwater with only cold weapons.

Among the three-piece underwater combat equipment, the most ordinary is the magical-looking pendant.

In fact, this thing only solidifies an underwater breathing spell, and its only function is to ensure that soldiers can move freely underwater without being restricted by oxygen problems.

The sharkskin armor of the Flood Dragon Legion was made of very tough material, and the armor was uniformly enchanted with several defensive spells by high-level tanners.

Don't look at this piece of water because of its light and thin shape, its defense power in underwater combat is no worse than that of solid metal armor.

With a solid "shield" to consolidate defense, it is natural to have a sharp "spear" to pierce the enemy.

The tridents used by the Flood Dragon Legion don't look much different from the ones in Naga's hands, but in fact there are other mysteries in these weapons.

Under Donali's heroic order, the front row soldiers of the Flood Dragon Legion raised their tridents at a distance from the enemy, and aimed their sharp halberds at the Naga army who were desperately blocking the sea giant's advance.

" shoot!"


Lines of water shoot out from the longest blade among the tridents held by the soldiers.

Naga, who was caught off guard, had no time to dodge, and was easily pierced by these extremely penetrating rays, leaving bloodstains in the sea.

Due to the calculation and layout of Jarod and Sharlayan, even the comrades who have fought side by side with the Jiaolong Army for more than a month did not know that they still have this skill.

Suramar's reinforcements were led by one of Elisande's advisors, Lord Spellblade Aluriel.

At this moment, Aluriel turned his head to look at Sharlayan in surprise: "What is this? Your weapons can also launch long-range attacks?"

"But it's impossible."

Aluriel patted his forehead in confusion: "Except for water spells, any kind of attack spells will be severely attenuated underwater. Why can these rays have such strong penetrating power?"

Sharlayan smiled and explained: "Is there a possibility that these rays excited by special underwater magic weapons are water spells?"


Garrod gave the answer to the bewildered Aluriel with amazement: "The high-pressure water gun sucks seawater through the magic mechanism built into the trident for extreme compression, and then passes the high-pressure water through the only small outlet. Squirt out."

"Its power... You have also seen that Naga's armor and scales are like paper under the impact of the high-pressure water gun, and cannot play any defensive role."

In order to make better use of this decisive battle to defeat Dorothy's main force at once, Jarod had been holding back before letting the dragon army attack with all its strength.

And now it's finally time for Jiaolong to show his fangs.

At the same time as he broke camp and set off, Jarod also sent someone to send a message to Maiev who was ambushing in the Estorante port area.

The content of the letter is very simple, only one sentence.

"The time is right, let's cast the bait."

Under Maiev's secret operation, the Naga spies hiding in the port area to collect information "accidentally" got the latest information from the front line.

According to the information that was obtained after "several twists and turns", the army led by Garrod deliberately surrounded Dorothy's camp without attacking it, with the purpose of encircling the camp for reinforcements.

Jarod planned to eat the reinforcements sent by N'Zoth from Ny'alotha first, and then concentrate the superior force to take down Dorothy's camp in one go.

For such important news, it is worthwhile for the spy to reveal his identity and send the information back to Ny'alotha as soon as possible.

According to intelligence, the coalition forces of night elves, high elves, night children, and water elements surrounded Dorothy's camp.

The senior spy knew that in such a high-pressure environment, the information could not be transmitted to the camp, so he immediately changed his mind, risked being suspected and reported by the dock foreman, skipped work and jumped into the sea, all the way to Ny'alotha at full speed go ahead.

Not long after the spy fled, Jarod, who was in command of the central army, received a report from Maiev.

"Heh~ Well done."

Jarod confidently looked at the Naga camp that had already been breached.

"Now we don't have to worry about the future. The suspicious N'Zoth should suspend the deployment of reinforcements. He will first arrange scouts to carefully investigate the frontline battle situation."

Garald didn't know how long the hidden Naga spy had been in Estorante Port. He thought that he should have sent back a lot of useful information for N'Zoth over the years.

This last and most important time, 90% of N'Zoth will not suspect this spy who has never made mistakes.

It is not uncommon to encircle a spot for reinforcements in a war. Based on En'Zoth's understanding of Garrod, it is indeed possible for this prudent and talented commander to adopt this method of warfare to eliminate threats from the rear first.

The life form of the corrupted Naga blessed by N'Zoth has been distorted. They don't need to eat to replenish energy like other mortal races. They only need to inhale the power of the void to maintain their combat effectiveness.

As the power of the void continues to penetrate their bodies and souls, sooner or later these naga will be transformed into new Faceless Ones, aquatic ones at that.

Since the besieged Dorothy's army has no supplies to worry about, N'Zoth's first consideration is how to break the situation.

Garald and Sharlayan discussed it privately. Judging from N'Zoth's past action patterns, this "smart general" among the ancient gods will most likely choose to play it safe, delaying time and forcing the coalition forces that need to eat and replenish their energy to run out of supplies. retreat.

To put it more bluntly, Enzos, who is the weakest among the four ancient gods, has long learned the concept of "counseling".

If it is not necessary, it will not take risks to confront the enemy head-on, and will try to win the victory with the least loss.

Jarod and Sharlayan saw N'Zoth's cautious and cautious style, and deliberately used the spy who revealed his identity in advance to set up a trap for him.

With no worries, the coalition forces can fully devote themselves to the attack on the Naga camp. At least for a few days, they don't have to worry about N'Zoth's reinforcements attacking from behind.

There was a grain of truth in the disinformation that Maiev was spreading.

Dorothy's camp was indeed surrounded by allied forces, but the other three sides were surrounded but not attacked, just to ensure that Dorothy could not pass on the real information of the front to Ny'alotha.

Garald focused his breakthrough on the front, that is, the direction of the camp gate where the main force with the sea giant as the vanguard will attack with all its strength.

Sharlayan was also the first to see Naga's elite army in a naval battle.

The burly Naga warriors in heavy armor and those weak cannon fodder seem to be completely different species.

The physical fitness of the night elves blessed by the world tree can be regarded as the best among the mortal races in Azeroth.

Although not as powerful, their overall ability is stronger than the orcs who drank the blood of demons.

In the face of heavily armed night elf soldiers, the elite naga is not inferior in terms of strength at all. With more experience in underwater combat, they can divert the night elves' defense center of gravity with their powerful mobility.

At this time, the Naga spellcasters hiding behind the vanguard can calmly play the role of the fort, smashing a large number of water spells into the night elves' army formation.

If only the night elves who lacked mages participated in this decisive battle, even if Garald had the advantage in strategy and tactics, he would still be inferior to the Naga in terms of individual strength, and there was a possibility of being overturned in the enemy's point-by-point counterattack.

The addition of water elementals, high elves, and nightborne fills this loophole.

The sea giants rushing forward had rough skin and thick flesh, resisting the attacks of the Naga pioneers, and in turn forced the strong Naga warriors back.

No matter how strong they are, Naga is still a mortal species after all, unable to wrestle with titan creations like sea giants.

The spell blasted by the Naga spellcaster was blocked by the well-prepared Night Son and High Elf Mage. The unexpected high-pressure water cannon attack of the Flood Dragon Legion completely disrupted the defensive formation that Naga had originally prepared.

When the most defensive camp gate was forcibly breached by the enemy, Dorothy, who originally planned to sit in the rear and dispatch, couldn't sit still.

"How could there be iron sea giants in this era! Where did those guys find reinforcements?"

Dorothy, whose face was corroded by the power of the void, had a very gloomy expression, and her six hands tightly held the scimitar in her hand.

"Trying to eat us with a bunch of obsolete things? It's not that easy!"

Swinging the fish tail that had turned more than half into dark purple, Dorothy led several senior officers under her command to shoot out, aiming at the sea giants who were killing all directions.

A gleam of coldness flashed in the eyes of Sharlayan, who had been keeping an eye on the camp of the enemy's central army.

"Is it finally here... Don't even think about it!"

Before Dorothy's six scimitars attacked the sea giant, Sharlayan launched heroic leaps and charges one after another to reach the scene in time, blocking Dorothy's downward swinging scimitar with a sword. .

"you again!"


Relying on the advantage of strength to bounce the enemy away, Sharlayan calmly smiled at Dorothy who was frightened and angry.

"Of course it's me, Void Monster, you don't think we won't guard against your only possible comeback beheading tactic?"

"Last time you worried too much and didn't play to your heart's content, come on! Let's start our second round!"

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