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Chapter 930 Vashki's Thoughtful Arrangements

After the Naga Rebellion subsided, the waterway between Kalimdor and Northrend was restored.

When Sharlayan got up the next day and looked out the window, a large number of ships stranded at the Estorante dock were leaving the port in an orderly manner under the guidance of the port authority.

According to Jarod, Fandral Staghelm's pioneering work in the Sholazar Basin has come to a standstill due to lack of local supplies.

As one of the life guardian Freya's large-scale life greenhouses, the biodiversity of the Sholazar Basin is no joke. There are a large number of novel creatures that have never been seen outside the basin.

Even druids who are good at communicating with animals and plants are not easy to figure out the habits of these creatures.

During the pioneering process, the pioneering team led by Fandral Staghelmet encountered attacks from native creatures many times, and supplies such as medicines and food were consumed very quickly.

Fandral Staghelm is a stubborn character who refuses to admit defeat. It is said that he swore an oath in the Sholazar Basin that he would never abandon his comrades and return to the native land before completing this pioneering journey, and would always accompany them on the journey. to the end.

It has to be said that although Fandral Staghelmet has many personality flaws, he is indeed much better than Tyrande in terms of practical work. At least he really dares to deal with things, unlike Tyrande who only talks on paper like Tyrande.

After getting Fan Dahl's impassioned promise, the morale of the pioneering team, which was short of supplies, had finally stabilized.

Now that Fandral has made a promise, as his mentor, Malfurion will naturally give corresponding support.

Although the Sholazar Basin is still a barren land, the diverse ecology and resources of this basin are of high value to druids and night elves.

Leaving aside other things, the Sholazar Basin is definitely the warmest, most livable and plantable region in Northrend.

As soon as the port of Estorante was lifted, the supply fleet assigned by Malfurion was the first to leave the port and head towards the Borean Tundra.

Speaking of Northrend, Sharlayan, who dived into the sea and turned into a killer whale, felt a little uneasy.

With the end of the decisive battle between Kul Tiras and the Dragon Ravager Vrykul in the Howling Fjord, the Northrend continent that has been in turmoil for many years seems to have finally returned to calm. The transition zone has some friction with the grizzly-maw furbolg.

Loken, who was eager to try to expand his territory before, has been silent for a long time since he learned that the furnace of origin restarted for some reason.

This coward is probably worried that the restart of the Forge of Origins was written by the great guardian Raiden, and he is afraid that Raiden will return to Ulduar to question him.

Loken's worries were not groundless.

In order to investigate the reason for the restart of the Furnace of Origin, Loken successively assigned several Iron Vrykul scouts to infiltrate Uldum.

Although these scouts failed to obtain conclusive evidence under the strict protection of the local tol'vir, they did obtain an important piece of information for Loken.

There are remnants of the Great Guardian's power near the Forge of Origination.

Loken didn't know that Raiden passed part of his power to Sharlayan. He really thought that Raiden, who had been missing for many years, had returned. In the past two years, he was trembling with fear in Ulduar, and he didn't dare to do anything again.

The reason why the Great Guardian is called the Great Guardian is not only because he has the strongest management and coordination ability, but also because of Raiden's powerful combat power that only the chief manager Odin can barely match.

Loken is self-aware, even with Yogg-Saron behind him, he is by no means a match for the furious Raiden.

Loken misfired, and the underground Azronerubs were also silently licking their wounds. At first glance, Northrend seemed to have really returned to peace.

However, this is just an appearance. The Lich King, who was hiding in the Icecrown Glacier to accumulate strength, adopted Kel'Thuzad's suggestion and arranged for a large number of core members of the Cult of the Damned to go to the Eastern Kingdom and sneak into various regions of the Kingdom of Lordaeron.

Today's Cursed Sect is still in the latent development period. Once they launch with all their strength... the chaos of natural disasters will sweep across the entire northern part of the Eastern Continent.

Since history has already undergone tremendous changes, Sharlayan can't tell when the Lich King will attack.

Before leaving the coastline of Estorante for Nazjatar, Sharlayan first went to the underwater base where the water element was located, and met with the original sea giant Hercules.

As expected, after some consideration, Hercules agreed to Sharlayan's plan.

Recently, he will take his sea giants deep into the settlements of sea giants under the sea, trying to gather those compatriots affected by the curse of flesh and blood as a titan creation.

With Neptulon as a beacon, the high-level water elements of the Maw of the Abyss are still being summoned to the material world, and it is far from reaching its limit.

The avatar of Ragnaros was summoned to Azeroth more than 200 years ago. Neptulon does not need more than 200 years of accumulation. With him as the core of the summoning, it can be fully mobilized, and it can be accumulated in a few years. A group of water elemental army.

The water elementals staying in the underwater base are not confident enough, and they don't plan to expand outside for the time being.

Anyway, there is nothing to do right now, Neptulon readily approved Hercules' request to leave the team.

If a large number of sea giants can be brought back, the ultimate beneficiary will be the water element that is destined to occupy an important seat in the sea in the future.

After explaining the miscellaneous things, Sharlayan finally officially set off.

Guided by the map given by Inas, head all the way to the direction of Nazjatar at full speed.

Along the way, Sharlayan encountered many naga who were out hunting.

These peaceful-eyed Naga are completely different from the ancient gods under N'Zoth's command. They did not immediately attack Sharlayan when they saw the orca-shaped Sharlayan.

...Of course, it may also be that they think they can't beat the ferocious killer whale.

Swimming all the way to the outskirts of the deep-sea city of Nazjatar, Sharlayan was stopped by the elite Naga guards guarding the city.

"Stop! Nazjatar, the capital of the empire, is ahead. Unauthorized marine life is prohibited from entering."

Sharlayan was a little puzzled by the naga who was trying to communicate with the killer whale.

'Can these guys communicate with marine life including killer whales? '

Right now is not the time to think about this kind of biological issue, Sharlayan transformed himself from the form of a killer whale to the form of a high elf.


The guards guarding the city barrier obviously did not expect this to happen.

However, these well-trained elites quickly reacted, and unanimously raised the trident in their hands to Sarlayan, and asked with a guarded face: "Who are you? What is the purpose of coming to Nazjatar?"

Sharlayan couldn't speak underwater, so he shrugged helplessly.

Under the watchful eyes of the guards, Sharlayan took out the phonograph shell given by Azshara from the space package.

The scout handed the shell that had long lost its magic power to the leading sergeant of the city defense guard, and Sharlayan motioned for him to take the shell and look at it with his eyes.

"What's this?"

The muscular male Captain Naga picked up the shell and flipped through it in a daze.

When he saw a certain pattern on the back of the shell, his puzzled eyes suddenly froze.


The captain's attitude immediately took a 180-degree turn. He immediately ordered his subordinates to put down their weapons, and respectfully saluted Salayan with one hand beating his chest.

"I don't know that you are a distinguished guest of Her Majesty the Queen, but I would like to invite you, Haihan."

The captain of the city defense immediately got out of the way and signaled Salayan to follow him into the room.

"Ms. Vaschi has already greeted us in advance, please follow us into the city."


Vashj, who was in charge of the reception, obviously expected that Sharlayan would not be able to speak underwater.

Under the command of the captain of the city defense, one of the female Naga casters suddenly activated the teleportation technique and left. After a few seconds, she returned to the original place and handed Sharlayan a shiny pearl.

"This is the water-avoiding magic tool specially prepared by Ms. Vaschi. With its help, you can breathe and speak freely underwater."

'oh? '

Sharlayan took the pearl with great interest.

After dispelling the underwater breathing spell attached to the pendant, Sharlayan tried to inhale lightly with his mouth open.

As the captain said, under the effect of the spell solidified in the pearl, the sea water will no longer have any effect on his breathing and speech.

"Hey? It's amazing."

Sharlayan politely thanked the other party and asked, "Where should I go now? Go directly to the Eternal Palace? Or should I rest up at the hotel in the city for a night and wait for the Queen's call?"

After all, the captain of the city defense is just a vulgar person, and he is not clear about Vaschi's detailed arrangements. He scratched his head and said with a silly smile: "Please wait a moment, my honored guest. I have already sent someone to inform Ms. Vaschi. She must be very soon..."

"It came very quickly, Sharlayan Deepshadow."

A familiar voice sounded from a street corner not far away, and a beautiful snake swayed its graceful body and quickly approached Sharlayan.

[Say Cao Cao, Cao Cao will be there. 】

【I'm finally going to see that Light of Light! I'm looking forward to how good Azshara's looks are in the real world! 】

[+1, the modeling in the game is too stretchy, and it doesn't show the demeanor that Azshara should have at all. 】

'Style... huh? '

Sharlayan said silently in his heart: 'I also want to see how charming the Night Queen who can fascinate the night elves is. '

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