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Chapter 935: A Valuable Idea

It is obviously impossible to say that Sharlayan has a ready-made feasible plan.

Any plan that has not been verified must go through repeated experiments before it can be finalized. Sharlayan can only say that he has a "maybe" feasible idea, and he dare not say too much.

After sorting out his thoughts, Sharlayan calmly said to Azshara and Vashj, who looked expectant, "Your Majesty, you should have heard of Faldorei's dual form transformation, right?"

"Fal'dore?" Azshara tapped her forehead with her fingers and pondered, "You mean those spider-men in Suramar?"

"Heh~" Azshara smiled inexplicably: "When I was in charge of the Night Empire, there were not so many branch races of elves. I really don't know how you guys came up with it."

Sharlayan spread his hands with a wry smile: "I also want to know the answer to this question... but it has nothing to do with the topic we are discussing for the time being."

Azshara said noncommittally: "I did hear Vashj mention Fal'dorei's dual form transformation."

"Are you trying to say that the situation of the Fal'dorei is a reference for Naga's transformation back into a night elf?"

"That's right." Sharlayan nodded: "Although the transformation of the two forms is different in terms of energy, I think they are always the same."

The fal'dorei's uncontrolled spider-man form is the result of berserk arcane energies.

After eating Alcandor, the miracle fruit that can harmonize arcane power with the power of nature, Fal'dorei gained the ability to switch freely between the two forms.

During the battle of Azronerub in Northrend, Fal'dorei used his expertise in drilling holes and provided Sharlayan with a lot of help in the underground world.

The "blessing" of N'Zoth contributed to the forced transformation of the Naga from the night elves into this distorted and ugly form.

As we all know, N'Zoth is an ancient god, and his blessings must have the pure power of the void.

"Hmm..." Azshara seemed to have grasped some key points, and asked thoughtfully, "Do you plan to use the holy light that is opposite to the power of the void to neutralize the excess ancient god power?"

Sharlayan hurriedly shook his head: "No, no, that would be too intense."

"Still using Fadore as an example, the key to re-harmonizing the energy in their bodies is not the evil energy corresponding to arcane power, but the more gentle and neutral force of nature... that is, the power of life."

Azshara's eyes moved slightly when she heard the words: "I understand. Compared with the force of death, which is also a neutral force, the form of expression of the force of life is more gentle and controllable. In theory, it can reconcile the two sets of order and chaos, light and shadow. Different power systems."

The six forces of the Azeroth universe face each other in pairs. Order and chaos correspond to arcane and evil energy, and light and shadow correspond to holy light and void. These four groups of force all have very typical camp biases.

Although the barrage has always said that power has no distinction between good and evil, it is the people who use them that determine good and evil.

But in the worldview of Azeroth, it is an indisputable fact that people who use fel energy and the power of the void are more easily bewitched by the power itself.

After all, people like Illidan who are so strong-willed that even evil energy is hard to corrode are only rare after all, and cannot be regarded as a common example.

In contrast, the corresponding forces of life and death are less intense in their forms of expression.

From the perspective of some barrages, they believe that death is also an evil force.

But in fact this concept is not accurate.

Birth, old age, sickness and death are inevitable processes that mortals will go through in their life. The power of death itself does not have any camp bias, it just silently operates in accordance with the existing world rules.

Therefore, compared with light and shadow, order and chaos, Sharlayan called the pair of forces of life and death a neutral force.

Judging from Azshara's words, she...or the academic theory of the Dark Night Empire period seems to think so.

Although life and death are both neutral powers, Naga, who needs to reconcile the two powers, is still alive after all, and it is obviously inappropriate to use the power of death.

Then the final conclusion is obvious.

Referring to Arcandor's design principle, use the gentle life force to reconcile the excess shadow power in Naga's body, so that they can freely switch between the dual forms of Naga and night elves.

Of course, this plan is only an idea proposed by Sarlayan for the time being, and it will not be so easy to realize it in the end.

But for Azshara and other Naga who have been groping in the darkness for thousands of years, this idea of ​​showing them the way forward is already precious.

Azshara patted her forehead dumbfounded: "Yeah, why didn't I think of that."

"Since Faldorei can use Alcandor to reconcile the excessive arcane power in his body, it makes no sense that Naga can't do it."

"In the final analysis, there is no decisive difference in the principle of the two being changed. At best, there is a difference in the power used to change the form."

Having figured out the most critical question, Azshara looked at Sharlayan with fiery eyes.

"Son of Inas, I always thought that your mother's praise for you was exaggerated, but now it really have the ability to be worthy of her praise."

"In the name of Queen Azshara of the Night, I invite you to join my royal court and become my most important advisor. Are you willing to accept this invitation?"

Vashj, who was standing sideways beside Azshara's throne, had a flash in his eyes, revealing a vague expression of as expected.

'The Queen really has a crush on Sharlayan... No wonder, there is no such outstanding junior among the Naga, and it is normal for the Queen to favor him. '

Salayan and Azshara didn't know what Vaschi, who was in love, was thinking about next to him. At least at the moment, Salayan and Azshara didn't think in that direction at all.

Azshara desperately wanted to lead her people out of the ugly and twisted Naga form, and she hoped that Sharlayan would stay and preside over this possibly lengthy experiment.

Under Azshara's expectant gaze, Sharlayan smiled and shook his head: "Queen Azshara, please forgive me for refusing."

"The change of Naga's form and position is indeed a key part of my next plan, but this should not be the focus of my work."

Sharlayan spread his hands and explained calmly: "I am not a scholar, so I can only put forward a broad idea. How to realize it will be left to those professionals to decide."

"Besides, Azeroth is about to enter a turbulent era again, and I can't stop at this time."

"In order to eliminate the many hidden dangers that Azeroth is facing today, and to protect my homeland and my family in the coming turmoil, there are many things that I need to deal with one by one."

After searching for an answer for many years, Azshara was unavoidably agitated once she got a relatively reliable solution from Sharlayan. Half of the invitation to Sharlayan came from sincerity, and the other half was from impulse.

After all, Azshara wasn't the kind of stunned young man who would let her emotions control her thoughts for a long time. After hearing Sharlayan's explanation, she quickly calmed down.

"The wind is mean the Burning Legion and the Old Gods who are about to move?"

Sharlayan nodded solemnly: "Not only on the side of chaos and shadow, but also in the shadow world on the death side, there are people coveting Azeroth. Now is far from the time to relax."

"The Shadow Realm..."

Azshara said thoughtfully: "More than 12,000 years ago, I entered the Shadow Realm by chance and met some people there."

"Are those four leaders still the leaders of the four sanctuaries of the dead in the Shadow Realm? I remember...the Queen of Winter, Denathius, Gristia, and the Lord of Arms, right?"


Sharlayan sighed softly: "Unfortunately, the military master disappeared many years ago. According to the signs I have investigated in the Shadow Realm, his disappearance is related to Denathrius and the trapped Maw. Warden Zovall is involved."

"And this Zovar is what I call the one who covets Azeroth."

Azshara frowned slightly: "The warden? Zovar? I have never heard of this name."

"However, since he was able to conspire with Emperor Denathius to assassinate a powerful military master, it is by no means an easy one."

"Such people are also eyeing Azeroth..."

Azshara rubbed the center of her brows with some headaches: "What in this world we live in is worthy of their attention? Is it because of the far immature star soul of Azeroth?"

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