Sharlayan hadn't planned to visit New Sandara during his trip to Northrend. His earliest plan was to teleport directly to Dak'Saron Fortress, allowing Lylas to complete the handover of duties with Vereesa as soon as possible.

But as the saying goes, plans cannot keep up with changes.

Before teleporting from the Tower of Sunfury, Kael'thas suddenly sent Welles an update.

Sharlayan has always attached great importance to the movements of the Scourge. When he learned that Zuldak had a strange species that appeared to be "zombies", he immediately thought of the undead creatures of the Scourge.

The more detailed information provided by Haytham confirmed Sharlayan's guess, which showed that Ner'zhul, who couldn't bear the loneliness, made a small move outside of the plan made by Kel'Thuzad.

There is one thing to say, trolls are indeed a very high-quality source of soldiers for the undead.

The troll's physical fitness is very good. Even if it loses its characteristic regeneration ability after being transformed into an undead, its physical ability alone can surpass the undead soldiers transformed from humans.

Moreover, the Drakkari troll is at the door of the natural disaster's lair, and it is still engaged in border friction with the grizzly-throated furbolg for countless years, so it is not so easy to attract attention with fewer people.

Ner'zhul may have thought that as long as he was careful, Azerothians who didn't know the Scourge would not find out what he was doing.

While it was intentional for Ner'zhul, a restless Legion pawn, to attract the attention of the Tricksters, Sharlayan would not tolerate Ner'zhul's petty maneuvers around New Sandarra.

The undead is a species that pays attention to gathering less to make more.

Once they let them snowball, it may be too late to rush to stop them at that time, it is best to kill Ner'zhul's attempt in the cradle.

Just like the underground war where Sharlayan decided to fully aid the Nerubians.

Although he failed to completely annihilate the Nerubian Kingdom, Ner'zhul still enjoyed a lot of sweetness in the early battles, and his subordinates did have an extra nerubian army, led by the lord of the undead crypt, Anubrekhan.

In the last battle of that underground war, Sharlayan united with the magisters to temporarily cut off Ner'zhul's remote telecontrol, causing chaos among the nerubian legion, including Anubrekan himself. The Nerub Kingdom won this crucial battle.

Perhaps Ner'zhul learned the lesson through this lesson. According to the information provided by Haytham, he did not try to remotely control the group of troll zombies again, but arranged for some Cursed Sect officers with the ability to command troops to go directly to the scene Command in battle.

This has been confirmed by the Northland branch of the Backlighting Blade, who indeed saw some members of the Cult of the Damned in black hooded robes behind the troll zombies.

Sharlayan turned his head thoughtfully and looked at Lailas who hadn't figured out the situation yet.

"Fortunately, you're lucky. You just got a chance to make a contribution when you came to take over the shift. This will help you quickly stabilize your position in the Ranger Troop of the Northland."

Lyras: "Huh?"


Sarlayan has always believed that logistics and intelligence are of the highest importance in war.

In the words of the barrage, a war has actually begun before the official start. To some extent, this can be regarded as a decisive victory thousands of miles away.

Lyras, who had little experience in commanding a large army in combat, hadn't realized this yet, and only after Salayan made a roll call in front of Haytham did he show an expression of sudden understanding.

"It turns out that this is what you said the Scourge is doing. These guys really don't stop."

As long as Lyras stayed in Northrend for a day, he would inevitably have to deal with the local lords for a long time due to logistical problems.

Sharlayan also wanted to take this opportunity to stand up for Lyras and let Haytham know that the young Windrunner commander was under his cover.

Haytham was no longer stupefied. He quickly understood Sharlayan's intentions and offered to provide logistical and intelligence support to the Northland Ranger troops on an expedition with both quality and quantity.

Dealing with smart people is convenient. The three of Sarlayan only sat in the lord's mansion for half an hour before hurriedly leaving.

Sharlayan had already told Lailas about the characteristics of the Scourge.

It is impossible for him to teach Lailas how to fight, and this aspect is not his strong point. The next step is to see Lailas' own performance.

After leaving New Sandara, Sharlayan transformed into a griffin, carrying Lylas and Onyxia to fly at full speed to Dak'Saron Fortress.

Ten minutes later, Sharlayan landed smoothly under the guidance of the flight controller at the top of the fortress.

The young flight master was wondering why the griffin had no reins, and Sharlayan, who had suddenly turned alive, nearly knocked him into cardiac arrest.

Vereesa was ready for the handover at this time, and was waiting for the arrival of Sarlayan and Lailas in her office. The abnormal movement on the roof caught the attention of Vereesa who happened to have nothing to do.

When Vereesa brought a few officers to the roof curiously to check the situation, the flight controller was holding a broom with trembling hands, pointing at the helpless Sarlayan and loudly questioning what kind of monster he was.

Vereesa rolled her eyes angrily: "Sergeant! Don't pass on your ignorance and ignorance to others! Put away your weapons!"

"Ah! General Windrunner, this man..."

Vereesa frowned slightly and stopped: "Don't talk back! Haven't you heard of the druid's animal transfiguration?"

"De... Ruy?"

The young flight controller was stunned for a moment, and then he patted his head suddenly.

"So, this is the druid who can change animal forms?"

Although Sharlayan introduced the Druid heritage to Quel'Thalas years ago,...

How should I put it, it was unexpected and reasonable.

It is true that some high elves who could not go too far on the way of arcane switched to the way of druids.

But most of these people chose the balance system with spellcasting as the main means of combat, and occasionally some people chose the healing system.

The Guardian and Claw systems, which mainly fight in animal form, couldn't find a few reliable apprentices. The reason was that turning into an animal and biting the enemy was too rude. This nonsensical reason made Sharlayan very helpless.

To this day, the druid's ability to shapeshift remains a small circle in Quel'Thalas, with little knowledge of it by the general public.

Today's unexpected encounter made Sharlayan make up his mind. After returning this trip, he must popularize the druid's transformation ability.

Not to mention forcibly recruiting apprentices from the Claw Department and the Guardian Department, at least let most of the Queldredruids learn the three general transformations of flight form, aquatic form and travel form.

It's not elegant to go to OO, the most important thing is to survive on the battlefield, who cares whether you are elegant or not.

Shooing away the flight controller who made a joke because of his lack of knowledge, Vereesa strode up with several senior officers around him, and first gave a warm hug to Lailas who hadn't seen him for several years.

Vereesa pampered her younger brother's hair: "Little guy, not bad, you have grown to the point where you can take over my position in just a few years, sister is proud of you."

Lailas, who felt that he had grown up already, was very displeased with her sister's hug, and struggled to break free from Vereesa's arms.

"Third sister, I'm not a child anymore, at least save me some face in front of outsiders!"

Vereesa smiled indifferently: "You are still very early."

"By the way, let me introduce you."

Vereesa introduced the capable officers around her to Lailas: "These will be your deputies for the next few years, and also my friends. They are all experienced ranger officers."

"Don't put on airs if you don't understand anything, just ask them bravely."

Lilas greeted each other politely with several officers, and then curled his lips and complained to Vereesa: "Of course I know, during the few years you were away, I learned a lot from that lazy Halduron , you just wait to admire me."

"Heh~ brat."

Vereesa ignored Lailas, who had already begun to have a relationship with her future colleagues, and turned to look at Sarlayan and Onyxia who were aside.

"Yo~ Sharlayan and Oni, I haven't seen you for a few years, how are you doing?"

Sharlayan shrugged with a smile: "It's not bad, but I still can't relax."

Onyxia also smiled and waved to Vereesa: "This guy is enjoying himself, swinging back and forth between the two beautiful girls, but... Judging from Inas's recent actions, it should be too soon. Let's find out."


After all, Vereesa is still a young girl, and her desire for gossip is inherent.

After hearing Onyxia's joking revelations, she immediately approached the Black Dragon Princess and urged her repeatedly: "Tell me in detail! What's going on?"


Sharlayan interrupted the interaction between the two with some embarrassment: "Let's talk about private matters later... Vereesa, shouldn't you go through the final process first?"

Re-examination of fasting blood sugar, 7.86, Barbie Q.

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