Live Streaming: Azeroth

Chapter 959 The entertainment method of the Dragon Clan?

The appearance of Alcandor has very important enlightening significance for the elves of Azeroth.

Its existence proves that the use of gentle life force can reconcile those unruly and dangerous energies, and it is not limited to violent arcane power.

Taking this as an opportunity, a large number of derivative studies of Arcandor have been carried out one after another, and some of them have achieved good results.

The method that Sharlayan proposed to Azshara to use the power of nature to neutralize the void power in Naga's body is still essentially derived from the follow-up in-depth research on Alcandor.

Fandral-funded research teams have pioneered the study of harnessing the forces of nature to harmonize the forces of the Void.

But applying the results of research on Arcandor to humans is a whole different field.

Even if AcandorΩ's research team joins in, it will still take a lot of time and consume a lot of resources to get the final results of the Naga transformation experiment.

The Naga Empire sits on the entire sea, and the consumption of resources is not a big problem for Azshara. As long as she can see the hope of leading to a bright future, the demigod Azshara, who has an infinite lifespan, can afford to wait.

During this trip to the Sholazar Basin, Sharlayan and Fandral just happened to get what they needed.

Fandral, who is not afraid of anything, will stand for the druid research team called by Orfa. In return, Sharlayan needs to help him settle all the troublesome things in forming the Arcandor Ω network.

For Sharlayan today, he doesn't need to personally come forward for this matter, it just needs to let people around him go to some departments to say hello in his name.

After persuading Fandral, Sharlayan, who had nothing else to do for the time being, planned to return to Quel'Thalas to take a good rest.

In the past one or two years, Valeera, Stellagosa and others have complained that his workload is too intense.

Sharlayan's mother, Inas, was also a little dissatisfied with this. This kid runs around the world all day long. When will she be able to give her a cute little grandson (daughter).

Before setting off to Northrend, Inas gave Sharlayan a death order. After this official business run, unless there is another big event that he has to face in person, he must be honest for at least a year. in Quel'Thalas.

Coincidentally, Inas planned to formally finalize the marriage of Sharlayan within this year, and judging from her well-planned appearance, it seemed that she already had some plans.

In the next week, Salayan fulfilled his promise to Vereesa and accompanied her to enjoy the beautiful scenery of the Sholazar Basin.

By the way, Vereesa, who is changing her career as a Beastmaster hunter, actually plans to tame a Devilsaur as an animal companion.

Under the persuasion of Sarlayan, Vereesa reluctantly gave up the plan temporarily.

Leaving aside Devilsaur's violent temper, the problem of containing such a large monster is difficult to solve.

Sharlayan can guarantee that if Vereesa really leads a Devilsaur back to Quel'Thalas, it will immediately cause panic in Fengxing Village and even the entire southern part of Eversong Forest, and may even radiate to people including Silver Dragon. The northern part of Eversong Forest including Moon City.

Vereesa is not an unreasonable person, but she still felt a little reconciled to returning empty-handed.

In the end, with the help of Sarlayan's animal comforting skills, Vereesa successfully tamed a pterodactyl king, the largest and strongest pterodactyl in the entire Sholazar Basin, and officially joined the flying mount club .

Having just received her new toy, Vereesa rode directly on her pterodactyl companion, which she named Air Force One, on the way back.

Even though he knew it was a coincidence, the bullet screen was still laughing because of Vereesa's name.

[Old Kideng expresses strong objection, we never use biological planes. 】

[He objected to a fart, but don't hold back the big one when you get nervous. 】

Sharlayan didn't quite understand the jokes of the barrage, but he had long learned to ignore the memes he didn't understand, and only absorbed information that was useful to him.

Accompanied by Saray, who had transformed into a storm crow, Vereesa, who was a little stumbling at first, quickly became familiar with how to control the pterodactyl mount, soaring happily in the blue sky, all the way to the Dragonbone Wilderness.

When Sarlayan and Vereesa returned to Wyrmrest Temple together, Onyxia had already completed her mission, and now she was bored in Wyrmrest Temple to deal with some... trolls.

Because of Deathwing's perverse behavior, the black dragon clan has committed a lot of crimes in the past ten thousand years, and there should not be too many dragons who have enmity with them.

Even though they knew that the establishment black dragons such as Onyxia and Ebyssian had already parted ways with the crazy Deathwing, some dragon clans were still upset.

The establishment black dragons such as Abyssian and Sinestra know this well. Before defeating Deathwing and re-righteousing the name of the black dragon family, they usually will not take the initiative to go to Wyrmrest Temple to find them unless there is something important that cannot be avoided. scold.

As for Onyxia... this entertainer wishes for more people to perform something interesting for her.

It's a pity that these giant dragons who have enmity with the black dragon let her down.

It's not that the language system of the Dragon Clan is not rich enough, but that their swear words are far inferior to those of ordinary people living at the bottom of society. It's just a few sentences that make Onyxia drowsy.

Instead of listening to these stupid dragons babbling, Onyxia felt that she might as well just find a slum in a mortal city, their cursing tricks would definitely be much more exciting than these stupid big guys in front of her.


Onyxia's indifferent attitude further angered the dragons surrounding her.

If he didn't know that he couldn't beat her, the whole martial arts might have already started in Longmian Temple.

The other giant dragons around were also very bored, and some people were still gloating at the fire, including a bronze dragon that turned into a little dwarf.

"You... what are you doing?"

Sharlayan looked at the little dwarf jumping up and down with question marks in his head. One second, this guy was provocative in front of Onyxia, and the next second he jumped in front of those troublesome dragons with uncertain faces and made another pose. A set of rhetoric.


This little dwarf was an acquaintance of Sharlayan... barely an acquaintance.

She is Chronom, the ambassador of the Bronze Dragon in Wyrmrest Temple, commonly known as Chromie, this generation of dragon incarnate demon king, Inas's successor (correct).

Onyxia was already very familiar with Chromie's nature of fear of chaos, and she didn't even bother to pay attention to this restless little thing.

Chromie, who was sowing discord, immediately became embarrassed when he saw Sharlayan.

It's not that she's afraid of Sharlayan. An underage dragon doesn't deserve too much attention from a senior dragon like Chromie. She's worried about a certain "senior" behind Sharlayan.


Chromie scratched her head with a dry smile: "It's just a joke with my old friend Oni, isn't she boring anyway?"


Onyxia, who was used to maintaining her human form, finally stood up from her seat, walked to Salayan with her slender waist twisting, and took Salayan's arm very naturally under Vereesa's playful gaze. .

"My man is here, I won't waste time with you, see you later~"

"As for you... Kronom."

Hearing Onyxia calling out her full name on purpose, Chromie immediately jumped up and made a fuss: "How many times have I said that! Don't call me by that name! My name is Chromie! Read it after me! Chromie ·rice!"

Onyxia responded with a half-smile: "Okay, Kronom, no problem, Kronom, goodbye, Kronom."

"I the fuck..."

Before Chromie's emotions exploded, Onyxia smirked and pulled Sharlayan towards the blue dragon Athoregus who was watching.

Sharlayan looked back at Chromie who was still yelling, and complained to Onyxia dumbfounded: "You guys are boring enough, can't you find something meaningful to do?"

Onyxia shrugged nonchalantly: "The lifespan of dragons is too long. We have tried almost all the entertainment methods you can think of."

"If you do too much of anything, you will get bored, so you have to find something new to stimulate yourself."

Sharlayan rolled his eyes: "It's fine, as long as you have a sense of proportion."

"calm down."

Onyxia smiled and put her soft body on Sharlayan's body completely: "The big deal is a fight, which has long been a habit for the Dragon Clan."

"Anyway, neither Chromie nor I have the confidence to completely win the other party. There is a high probability that the fight will end in a tie and end peacefully."

The corner of Vereesa's mouth twitched, who was silently listening to the gossip: 'You call this peace? '

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