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Chapter 961 The Imminent Battle for the Throne

In the original history, Terenas, the king of Lordaeron, should have lived until his filial son Arthas returned from Northrend, and was killed by his own son, "Father is kind and son is filial piety".

Due to the butterfly effect caused by Sharlayan, Terenas, who fell ill due to rage, was not as good as before, and had been bedridden since the year before last.

Although he managed to recover from his illness for a period of time, he no longer had the energy to take care of government affairs at that time.

During the period when Prince Arthas was ordered to shut himself up for his decision-making mistakes, most of the state affairs were handled by Princess Calia.

When Terenas, who was rarely sober, realized that Calia had developed a competitive mentality that he shouldn't have, he was exhausted and unable to turn the situation around.

Of course, Quel'Thalas, headed by Sharlayan, was secretly contributing to this.

Compared with Alsace, who was raised as an heir since childhood, Calia, who was temporarily in power, was relatively weak.

Although he won over many dovish officials in the country with his outstanding performance in the Battle of Alterac, it is still a bit short of competing for the heir to the throne with Alsace, who is on an equal footing.

After all... There is an old saying in another world, that political power grows out of the barrel of a gun, if you don't get enough military power to protect yourself, in the end, it is very likely that you will end up with nothing.

Arthas was the orthodox heir designated by Terenas long ago, and more than half of Lordaeron's regular troops chose to follow him justifiably.

But surprisingly, Lordaeron's ace troop, the Knights of the Silver Hand, who were supposed to stand firmly on Alsace's side, seemed a little hesitant.

You know, Uther Lightbringer, the current head of the Knights of the Silver Hand, is the paladin mentor of Prince Alsace.

Of course, Uther did not take a clear stand on Jialia's side, but chose to remain neutral between the two heirs.

According to him, the Knights of the Silver Hand will only be loyal to their duties and the people, and will not be loyal to a specific member of the royal family.


When he heard the news from Valeera, Sharlayan frowned suspiciously: "Uther is known as the Bringer of Light, and he has always been unselfish and devoted to his duties."

"It stands to reason that he would support his disciple Alsace as a matter of course... Could there be some conflict between these two?"

Valeera nodded and replied: "We still have to start with Arthas's willful attempt to be hostile to Quel'Thalas."

"When he made this decision, Uther clearly stood up and expressed his opposition, and accused him as a mentor that he should not disregard the national interest for personal feelings."

"Heh~ So it started here... and then? It shouldn't be just because of this incident, right?"

Valeera: "Yes, after Alsace was released by Terenas, Uther felt that he lacked in the cultivation of his character in the past, and further strengthened the education of Alsace's character."

"But you also know..." Valeera spread her hands sarcastically: "The young Prince Alsace is now in the rebellious period of youth, and the more Uther says he can't do anything, he just wants to do the opposite. Do it the way you want."

"As time went by, the relationship between the master and apprentice, who were originally close, became worse and worse. Uther began to doubt whether Alsace was ready to take over the throne from Terenas."

"In addition to the senior officers of the Silver Hand, Tirion Fordring, Iselion, and Alfred Abedis, who also questioned Alsace's ability and character, as the head of the group, Wu Searle cannot ignore the opinions of these colleagues."

Sharlayan nodded thoughtfully: "The backbone of the Silver Hand, headed by the five first-generation paladins, is mostly pure-hearted... At least on the surface, it's not surprising that they can't understand Alsace's reckless behavior."

"And Alexandros Mograine? What does he think of the two heirs to the throne?"

"I was going to talk about him."

Valeera nodded her forehead with some doubts: "Mograine made outstanding contributions in the Second Orc War and has a very high prestige in the army of Lordaeron, but he is a regular official of Lordaeron. The rare Calia faction in the army."


Sare'an asked slightly surprised: "He is clearly on the side of Calia? I remember that Backlight Blade didn't seem to have sent anyone to contact Mograine, right?"

"Yes." Valeera said affirmatively: "No, indeed, our people have devoted all their energy to running Nathanos Marris, and there is no extra energy to do Mograine's work. "

Nathanos Marris, Sylvanas' human ranger apprentice.

After joining Sylvanas, Nathanos felt confused about his future.

He wanted to continue serving in Quel'Thalas, but as a foreigner, Nathanos would always be ostracized among the ranger troops full of high elves.

People who are not of my race must have a different heart. This sentence is not only effective in the different world where the barrage is located. Most intelligent creatures will instinctively reject existences that are different from themselves.

As the saying goes, there is no place to stay here, but there is a place to stay. Nathanos, who has a good combat power, thinks that he can find a job in Lordaeron that can display his abilities.

It's a pity that Lordaeron has never established a long-range army dominated by rangers or hunters. Nathanos can't be reused even when he returns to his hometown.

As a friend of Nathanos, Sharlayan showed him a way.

Take refuge in Princess Calia.

Most of Lordaeron's traditional army chose to be loyal to Alsace. Only a few senior officers, including Mograine, chose Calia, and more people planned to sit on the fence temporarily to see the situation.

To put it nicely, it is Uther's set of rhetoric, not to be loyal to a specific member of the royal family, but only to responsibility and the people.

The sudden emergence of Nathanos did not hesitate to swear allegiance to Calia, vowing to dedicate all his abilities to her.

For this reason, Sarlayan secretly sent Calia a personal letter through the channel of the Defense Intelligence Agency, in which he gave her a detailed introduction of Nathanos' life, character and ability without reservation.

After some "interviews" in person, Calia affirmed Nathanos' ability, and used the resources at her disposal to fully support Nathanos in forming a new hunter team.

Once the new army is formed, this force will be the first ranged-dominated army in Lordaeron's history.

For Nathanos, who is in a period of confusion, it is the two Bole, Sharlayan and Calia, who give him the motivation and hope to move on.

Of course, Nathanos will unswervingly stand on Princess Calia's side and assist her in competing with Prince Arthas for the throne.

Although the strengths of the two sides in the military are still somewhat unbalanced, thanks to Jialia's steady style of acting as an agent of government affairs in the past few years, more than 65% of the officials in the civil service group have quietly turned to Jialia and abandoned her. The sentimental Prince of Arthas.

Alsace and Calia had a good relationship since they were young, and their rivalry hadn't risen to the point of life and death.

However, driven by civil and military officials from two different camps in the country, there will inevitably be only one winner in the battle for the throne between the two. The siblings each have their own obsessions, and neither of them will give in.

When Terenas was still there, no matter how weak his body was, even if he was just lying on the hospital bed, the fight between the two could still be restrained.

As the saying goes, a country cannot be without a king for a day, and now Terenas finally can't support his death. Under the instigation of the two major domestic groups, the battle between the two will really enter the stage of bayonet redemption within a month at the latest .


Sharlayan, who was thinking about the problem, subconsciously tapped on the table with his fingers. After a while, he said to Valeera again: "In the next month, Lordaeron is destined to become turbulent."

"Mobilize the thieves from Backlight Blade, let them work closely with the National Defense Intelligence Agency that has already ambushed in Lordaeron's royal city, and monitor the movements inside and outside the palace at any time."

"Especially... the deployment of the troops on both sides."

Valeera's face moved slightly: "Do you think the siblings will fight in the end?"

Sharlayan nodded with a calm expression: "Some things can't be explained by words alone, let alone there are powerful interest groups standing behind each of them."

"In a battle for the throne of this scale, if you retreat a little, you may die. At this point, there is no room for both sides to turn back, and there is a high probability that it will eventually develop into an armed conflict."

"Also..." Sharlayan narrowed his eyes slightly: "Let Backlighting Blade not relax its surveillance of the Cursed Sect because of the battle for the throne. Lordaeron is in chaos, and the group of bone sticks will definitely take this opportunity to make further progress." Grow your influence."

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