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Chapter 966 Sharlayan: Opening up the pattern

After several years of hard work in the political arena, the current Calia is no longer what she used to be, and she is no longer the vase princess that Terenas regarded as a marriage tool in the past.

Since the farewell that year, Calia has never seen Salayan who pushed her behind her back and gave her a new meaning in life, but in the past few years, she has been maintaining remote correspondence with Salayan contacts.

Jia Liya, who intends to inherit the throne, cannot leave the royal city of Lordaeron for a long time, and can only learn about the world outside of Lordaeron through the information of others.

Although Terenas explicitly prohibited Quel'Thalas' newspapers from entering Lordaeron when Terenas was still in power, but as the saying goes, there are policies and countermeasures.

The people below will not strictly abide by the prohibition issued by the superior king. As long as the local nobles and lords are not serious, they can still obtain newspapers from Quel'Thalas through various channels.

For ordinary people who have been living in an information-blocked environment for many years, newspapers are a novelty and the only channel for them to learn about information outside their own narrow world.

As a matter of course, this brand-new "entertainment method" quickly won the favor of people from all over the world in Azeroth.

Except for Kalimdor, which is far away on the other side of the sea, which cannot be published temporarily due to high transportation costs, the entire Eastern Kingdom, including Kul Tiras, Northrend and the Broken Isles, which are relatively close, can get a half-weekly publication in time. The Quel'Thalas "Weekly".

Since the cabinet and the Sun King did not know enough about newspapers as a sharp tool to control public opinion, they still had reservations about their investment in this area. Movable type printing technology and new cheap paper manufacturing technology had not yet officially rolled out the assembly line.

As a result, the production capacity of the Quel'Thalas weekly newspaper is not enough, and it can only be published once every half a week, and the timeliness is also lacking.

Sharlayan is scheduled to stay in Quel'Thalas this time for more than a year, or even longer.

With the preliminary results brought by the Quel'Thalas weekly report, he has sufficient time and confidence to persuade Kael'thas and the cabinet to increase investment in the emerging industry of the latest media, and strive to change the weekly report to a daily report as soon as possible.

However, it is not so easy to achieve this goal.

There is no need to worry about technical problems, Quel'Thalas with advanced magic technology can always find a solution.

The biggest headache for Sarayan and the newspaper executives was the issue of distribution channels.

Terenas is old and refined. Not long after the new product of newspaper came out, he immediately realized that this thing is an out-and-out tool for guiding public opinion, and reacted quickly to ban Quel'Thalas' newspaper from the official level. Lordaeron.

At the same time, Terenas, who was inspired, also wanted to start his own news media department.

It's a pity that Terenas, who was bedridden and not as energetic as before, could do nothing but leave this problem to his favorite successor, Alsace, because his technology was not up to standard.

Compared with the old and strong Terenas, Prince Alsace is obviously too young.

After the lingering illness of Terenas passed away, Alsace, who was busy fighting for the throne, failed to realize the importance of the media industry in guiding public opinion in time, and put most of his energy into the battle with Calia.

In contrast, Calia, who has been in correspondence with Sharlayan for a long time, has learned a lot from communicating with him, and also realized that Lordaeron must create its own newspaper to counter the offensive of public opinion from Quel'Thalas.

Unfortunately, due to the same reasons as Alsace, Calia temporarily did not have the time and energy to pay in-depth attention to this issue.

Through the long-term relationship with Sharlayan, Calia's vision and layout obviously surpassed Alsace who was still only staring at the three-acre land of Lordaeron.

Under Sharlayan's deliberate guidance, she had already begun to focus on the entire Azeroth, and even the wider universe.

In Sharlayan's view, the current Azeroth is definitely one of internal and external troubles.

Outside, there are many big bosses including the Burning Legion and the warden Zovar, and there are also ancient gods sent by the Void Lord to parasitize the planet in advance.

However, even in this precarious situation, many countries in Azeroth are still thinking about how to grab more benefits from other countries to strengthen themselves, fighting endlessly all day long.

This is obviously what Sharlayan does not want to see. He wants to shape a more visionary and cohesive Azeroth.

Guiding Calia was one of his attempts.

As the most powerful country in the Eastern Kingdom, Lordaeron's words and deeds are watched by countless people and countries.

There is an old saying in a different world that what is good at the top is good at the bottom, and this is the origin of the idiom that the top acts like the bottom.

If Lordaeron, under the leadership of Calia, can take the lead in restraining its aggression against neighboring countries, and turn its attention to the threat from outside the world like the Burning Legion...

Sarlayan did not say that other countries will definitely follow suit, but at least they will be affected to some extent.

As long as they can reduce their coveting of neighboring countries and pay more attention to the safety of the entire world, Sarlayan's goal will be achieved.

After so many years, Sharlayan's personality has become much calmer, but the rebellious nature in his bones still hasn't disappeared.

This characteristic is often revealed unconsciously between the lines when communicating with Calia.

Calia, who regarded Sarlayan as her life mentor, was unknowingly influenced by him. Regarding this point, Earl Ansel, Nathanos and others who had followed Calia for a long time had some opinions. aware.

But from their point of view, it is not a bad thing for Calia to gradually become resolute.

As the king of a country, he must show decisiveness when necessary, so as to avoid the embarrassing situation of swaying left and right and changing orders overnight.

Calia had understood the situation a long time ago, and she realized earlier than Alsace that this battle for the throne could not end peacefully.

That being the case, Calia intends to imitate Sharlayan's principles of dealing with affairs and cut the mess quickly.

Launch it before Alsace is fully prepared to win this internal struggle at the least cost, and avoid causing too much harm to the country and the people.

Seeing that Jialia had made up her mind, several high-ranking and powerful female noble officials immediately led her away.

Since the completion of Terenas' funeral, the atmosphere in Lordaeron on the eve of the storm has been very depressed recently.

Everyone in Lordaeron knew that something big enough to be recorded in history might happen in the near future. Some people were looking forward to it, while others were worried, but right now they could only silently wait for the arrival of the last moment.

As Calia's forces took the lead in taking action, the dark clouds hanging over Lordaeron finally began to rain heavily.

Just when Earl Ansel and others left the palace of Lordaeron, Alsace, who was still angry in his bedroom, received relevant information.


Alsace opened his eyes slightly, and muttered in his mouth: "She really intends to strike first? No way?"

Alsace had a good relationship with Calia, who was a few years older than him, since he was a child. He thought he knew his sister who was gentle and not good at fighting.

Many counselors who bet on Alsace have persuaded him to give up chances and prepare for the worst.

But Alsace always had doubts, and he was unwilling to take the step of fighting with his sister.

"His Royal Highness! We can't wait any longer! We must launch it as soon as possible, otherwise there will be no hope of winning!"

Under the persuasion of a large number of anxious courtiers, Alsace finally came to his senses.


Rubbing between his brows with a gloomy face, Alsace waved to them in a low mood and said, "As you wish, act...Leave me alone for a while."


The current situation is imminent, and the officials who are crowded in the Alsace bedroom to discuss major issues are scrambling to leave the palace and return to their posts, preparing to start the final battle for the throne.


At the same time, Sharlayan also received the latest information from Nathanos.

"Have you finally started moving?"

In the office of the Duke of Deep Shadow, Sarlayan put down the briefing in his hand with a solemn expression, looked up at the huge map of Azeroth hanging on the wall with a complicated expression, and set his sights on the location of King City of Lordaeron .

"Sure enough, it was Jia Liya who moved first, and finally my persistent teaching was not in vain."

In terms of military strength, Calia is still inferior to Alsace.

That being the case, we can only act first to seize the opportunity, and catch the opponent by surprise with mental calculation or unintentional.

Of course, it's impossible for Alsace to just be beaten passively. As long as they can survive the difficult situation in the early stage, this infighting that has officially entered a fever may still have to fight.

"Continue to pay close attention to the situation in Lordaeron."

Sarlayan solemnly said to Valeera who was in charge of delivering the information: "No matter what I was doing at the time, as soon as there is any latest development, please submit the news to me immediately."

Valeera also nodded solemnly: "I understand, but... for now, let's allocate some energy to prepare for the banquet first."

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