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Chapter 974 The Rivendell Family with a Long History

The Rivendell family has been guarding the frontiers of the Kingdom of Lordaeron since the long past, and built the majestic border city of Stratholme on the land of East Weald.

Thanks to the developed local agriculture and animal husbandry, Stratholme became more and more prosperous in the more than 2,000 years after the end of the Troll War, and gradually became the grain production base of the entire Kingdom of Lordaeron.

According to the barrage, the reason why the Kingdom of Lordaeron in the original history was so easily infiltrated by natural disasters was the plague grains transported from the Stratholme region to various parts of Lordaeron.

In order to better control the future direction, Sharlayan needs to find out the position of the newly appointed Baron Rivendell in advance.

According to the information provided by the thieves of Backlight Blade, the current Baron Rivendell is the second son of the former old baron. His elder brother unfortunately died when he was a few years old, so he was raised as the heir of the family since he was a child.

Maybe it's because the sky is high and the emperor is far away, or maybe it's because the simple ideas are different.

The old baron of the previous generation was very dissatisfied with Terenas and Alsace's policy of treating Quel'Thalas as an imaginary enemy. He wrote many times to ask the king to change his mind, but he never got a positive response.

As a neighbor of Quel'Thalas, the Stratholme region has frequent trade exchanges with Quel'Thalas.

It is no exaggeration to say that after Quel'Thalas lifted the country's lockdown policy and opened up to the outside world, at least half of the generous business taxes that the Stratholme region receives every year are related to Quel'Thalas.

It is a matter of family interests, so it is no wonder that the old Baron Rivendell tried his best to maintain a good relationship with Quel'Thalas, and spurned the "wrong" policy set by the Central Lordaeron.

This is the normal state in the era of feudal aristocracy. It is unrealistic to expect all powerful aristocrats with territories to put national interests first. The quality of human beings has not yet evolved to such a selfless level.

For the Quel'Thalas hardliners headed by Terenas and Arthas, the old Baron Rivendell's stance annoyed them very much, but there was nothing they could do about him.

The Stratholme region provides considerable tax revenue to the kingdom every year. Even Terenas did not dare to turn against Quel'Thalas rashly.

Humans don't live as long as the high elves, they will change a lord every once in a while.

The old baron is already 63 years old this year. In the human kingdom where the living conditions are generally relatively backward, this age is already considered a long life.

After confirming that the heir had grown enough to support the entire territory, he freely gave up his position as the lord, and retired to take care of his life with peace of mind.

During the time when the old Baron Rivendell was in power, the Duchy of Deep Shadow had maintained good relations with the Stratholme region.

There is a common saying that one emperor has one courtier, and the same is true for aristocratic territories completely governed by the lord.

Since he had been busy running around the world before, Sharlayan hadn't had time to confirm the position of the new Baron Rivendell.

However, in the past few months since he took the throne, Stratholme has still maintained normal contacts with Quel'Thalas as always, which at least means that the new baron does not intend to radically change the basic policies formulated by his father.

Considering that the Baron Rivendell had defected to the Sect of the Damned early in the original history, in order to take precautions, Salayan planned to meet him personally to confirm.

During the Troll War, the then head of the Fire Eagle Legion fell in love with a young human woman from the Arathor Empire.

Although this relationship ended without a problem due to various reasons, the love that sprouted in the flames of war quickly narrowed the relationship between the two families, and it remains the same even after thousands of years.

The human woman who fell in love with the high elves was a member of the Rivendell family. The Rivendell family also won the territory awarded by Emperor Thoradin because of their outstanding performance in the troll war, and it has continued to this day.

For the "young" human civilization, the Rivendell family with a history of more than 2,700 years has profound qualifications.

Because of the disagreement with Central Lordaeron, the title of the Rivendell family, which was disliked by the royal family of Menethil, has been descended from marquis to the lowest baron.

However, this did not affect the influence and size of the Rivendell family.

Relying on Stratholme region, which is known as Lordaeron's grain production base, even in Lordaeron's heyday, Terenas did not dare to completely ignore the opinions of the Rivendell family.


Hearing Salayan's request, Mathis was stunned for a moment, and then he showed a look of surprise.

"It's just a bridge to build a line, it's a small problem, but..."

Mathis hesitated for a moment, and finally chose to speak out his concerns.

"The Duke of Deep Shadow..."

Salayan waved his hand and interrupted him: "Don't be so polite, we are also the same age, just call me Salayan."

Mattis, who had received strict etiquette education from his family since childhood, was still a little unaccustomed to Sharlayan's informality.

"Okay, Sharlayan."

Since the other party intends to turn over the small conflict in the past, of course Mathis will not foolishly reject the olive branch offered by Sharlayan.

After shaking his head and laughing, Mattis' expression became serious again.

"Let me just remind you, this should be information that even the Backlight Blade has not been able to collect."

"You also know that the Flaming Eagle family has always maintained close ties with the Rivendell family. We have received some uncertain news through special channels."

"The newly appointed Baron Rivendell... seems to have close ties with a strange sect of unknown origin."

Sharlayan's eyes flashed, and he was prepared to ask: "Is it the Sect of the Damned? Or use their own name... the Sect of Immortality?"

A look of astonishment appeared on Mattis's face: "You already know? Then I won't say more."

"I sent people to investigate this mysterious sect that suddenly sprang up in various parts of Lordaeron. The advice given by my family elders is...don't have any contact with them."

Immortality, this concept is particularly attractive to short-lived species like humans, and the high elves with a lifespan of 3,000 years don't care so much.

Taking a step back, even if the high elves want to obtain a longer lifespan, why should they resort to such a strange organization of unknown origin? It is better to further study arcane arts by themselves, and maybe they can come up with some more reliable results.

This is the inherent thinking mode of most high elves, the arrogance unique to the elves.

Sharlayan smiled confidently and thanked Mathis for his kind reminder: "I have been paying attention to the Sect of the Damned for a long time, and they can't fool me."

"I'm more concerned about..."

Sharlayan rubbed his chin thoughtfully: "Why does the new Rivendell have close contacts with the Cult of the Damned? He should be very young, what does he want to gain from the Cult of the Damned?"

Mathis spread his hands and said, "It depends on your definition of youth. The new Baron Rivendell is 35 years old this year. Even by human standards, he is not old. There is really no need to start planning for immortality so early. .”

"I will use the communication channel between the Flaming Eagle Family and the Rivendell Family to notify Titus. If he responds, I will send the news to you as soon as possible."

Titus Rivendell is the full name of the contemporary Baron Rivendell.

Sharlayan: "Then please, if you need help, you can send someone to Unicorn City to find me at any time, or contact Valeera and Stellagosa."

Watching Salayan swing his cloak and turn away freely, Matis sighed softly.

"A descendant of the dragon clan? No wonder the two generations of Sun Kings tried their best to win him over. Fortunately, they didn't turn against him because of some conflicts back then."

"in addition……"

Mathis Yanying frowned and looked to the south of Silvermoon City: "Eternal life... no, the sect of the curse."

"It actually allowed Sarlayan Deep Shadow, a person with a world in mind, to follow up and investigate in advance. What is the origin of this mysterious organization? What is their purpose?"

"Could it be that this little cult might threaten the safety of Azeroth?"


As expected, Mathis kept his promise. Not long after Salayan returned to his lord's mansion, the Flaming Eagle family gave a response from Baron Rivendell.

The other party readily agreed to Sharlayan's meeting request. According to him, he had long wanted to find an opportunity to meet and chat with the legendary Duke of Deep Shadow. Unfortunately, because Sharlayan was away for a long time, Always on one side.

"Have you longed to see me?"

Sharlayan smiled noncommittally: "If that's the case, let's set the meeting place at the capital of the territory of the leader, the Flaming Eagle Family."

Stellagosa frowned slightly: "In other words, Qingfeng Village?"

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