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Chapter 984 You call this the Holy Fire? !

The emergency teleportation rune is the same type of magic item as the escape scroll on Sharlayan. Its only function is to teleport the user to a random location within a certain range, so as to get rid of the predicament in front of him.

The escape scroll on Sharlayan was made by Stellagosa himself. He is well aware of the cost and difficulty of materials required to manufacture this instant space teleportation item. Mass production of this luxury is simply impossible.

Sharlayan didn't believe that Gardin could continuously obtain emergency teleportation runes from Ner'zhul. This kind of precious magic item was not easy for the Scourge, which was still in the expansion stage and urgently needed resources in all aspects. from.

Although Kel'Thuzad didn't say it clearly, it can be vaguely seen from his hasty delivery of information to Sharlayan that the relationship between Kel'Thuzad and Gadin, who are both high-level psychics, is not good.

Kel'Thuzad is Sharlayan's spy in the Scourge. Of course, he hopes that Kel'Thuzad will always be the most trusted chief subordinate of the Lich King.

That being the case, Gading, who may affect Kel'Thuzad's status, must be excluded.

But right now, Sharlayan and Valeera need to find a way to subdue the mad Alonsus Faol first.

After Sharlayan put down her back collar, Valeera simply tidied up her clothes, looked at Faol who was standing there and screamed and frowned and asked, "What's wrong with him? What did Gadin do to him before?" ?”

"Undead rampage."

Sharlayan sighed softly: "This is a spell developed by Kel'Thuzad. The original intention is to put those irrational low-level undead cannon fodder into an overloaded state of fighting, and enhance their combat effectiveness in a short time."

"It seems that Gadin should have made some personal modifications to this spell so that it can be applied to undead with self-awareness."

"However, Faol's willpower, that is, the period of time when he is just awakened and his consciousness is not so clear, will be affected by the rage of the undead."

"As long as we control him, with the continuous recovery of consciousness, this former saint should be able to return to normal soon."

As Sarlayan had discussed with Danmaku before, Faol's just awakened subconscious hadn't realized that he was already dead, and still called for the help of the Holy Light according to the past habit.

Instead of "purifying" Faol's undead body, these holy lights automatically repaired some of the ossified flesh and blood on his body that had been damaged by being buried in the soil for a long time.


Sharlayan smiled meaningfully: "The power of the Holy Light really has no rhythm. No matter what species or camp the caller is, as long as the will is strong enough, it will respond equally."

Sharlayan boldly speculated that, in addition to the void-side creatures that are opposed to the power of light, in theory, as long as certain standards are met, even demons can get the response of the holy light.

Watching an undead swaying the fiery and powerful holy light, Valeera felt a sense of ruin.

"...Starting today, I will change my view of the so-called 'holy' power of Holy Light."

Sharlayan smiled and patted Valeera's head: "What nonsense are you talking about? Didn't you already know how Liadrin and the others used the holy light? Why did you just wake up now?"

Valeera rolled her eyes angrily: "Although the way of using it is different, the holy light is still holy in the hands of Liadrin and the others. How could I think that even the undead can get the holy light?" approval?"


After standing still and struggling for a while, Faol, who had his head in his hands, let out a strange roar that didn't sound like a human voice, and finally stared at Valeera and Sharlayne, who were standing leisurely at the side, with their scarlet eyes that were affected by the spell.

"It's coming, the joke ends here."

Sharlayan, who had already turned back into a human form, did not take off the Valaghar twin swords on his back, but instead took out a section of green tree branch from the space package.

The purpose of Sharlayan and Valeera is to subdue Faol who has temporarily lost his sanity, to delay the time as much as possible, and wait for his sanity to recover, instead of tearing him into pieces, there is no need to use Valla who is open and closed. Gal War Sword.

This seemingly inconspicuous branch is the body of the "staff" presented by Fandral Staghelmet to thank Sharlayan for his help in the Sholazar Basin. It is a twig of the World Tree Nordrassil .

This kind of twig can't be taken out casually.

The world tree Nordrassil has been bathed in the energy of the new Well of Eternity all year round, and has been blessed by the three dragon kings, its growth has almost stagnated.

Every 3,000 years, Nordrassil would grow a twig as short as Sharlayan's hand.

Moreover, the twig in Sharlayan's hand was preliminarily processed by Fandral, and it possesses a strong affinity and extensibility of life force.

Logically speaking, Sharlayan's help in the Sholazar Basin was not enough for Fandral to offer such a precious thing in return.

However, Fandral is a man who can get along with him. He has never taken the so-called equivalent exchange between friends.

As long as it was a friend he recognized, Fandral didn't bother to care if it was worth it, and he would give it if he wanted.

Sharlayan has dual professions of Warrior and Thorny Whisperer. The Warrior has the extremely handy artifact Valagar dual swords that he has long used, but the Thorny Whisperer profession has always lacked a handy booster.

Considering the different understandings of Thorn Whisperer and Druid on the way of balance, Fandral did not present the Druid's usual finished spell-casting medium to Sharlayan, but gave him this precious raw material that had been preliminarily processed.

As long as Sharlayan can find another precious material that is suitable for carrying the power of death and is at the same level as the twig of Nordrassil, and find a master who is good at making staffs, magic wands and other spell-casting mediums, he will be able to Acquire an artifact-grade spellcasting medium best suited to the Thornspeaker class.

Coincidentally, when Sharlayan was busy in the Shadowlands, he obtained a precious material that could carry the pure power of death from the Winter Queen who wanted to repay him.

Unfortunately, Sharlayan has yet to find a master who can help him turn the materials into finished products.

After Inas's "foot ban" is over, he plans to take some time to go to Kalimdor and ask whether the mother and son Medivh, who are still living in seclusion in Dustwallow Marsh, have this skill.


Holding the twig of Nordrassil, Sharlayan's whirlwind spell was blessed to a certain extent, trapping Faol, who was about to cast the spell, in the high-speed swirling airflow from bottom to top without warning.

In front of Archbishop Alonsos Fao was a legendary priest who had almost reached the peak of mortals. Although he temporarily lost his mind, his instincts were still manipulating his body subconsciously.


The whirlwind spell only trapped Faol for less than two seconds, and the pure and almost materialized holy light forcibly scattered Sharlayan's spell.

After Faol, who was wearing a golden egg shell, broke free, his hands flickered with the light of spells at the same time.

"Huh? This is..."

Sensing the rapidly gathering scorching power in the surrounding air, Sharlayan and Valeera didn't have time to communicate, and jumped out separately to one side.


Two beams of light soared into the sky, illuminating the Tirisfal Forest in the early morning, and this dazzling pillar of holy light could be faintly seen even as far away as the King City of Lordaeron.


After standing still again, Sharlayan couldn't help but burst out.

"This OO is the holy fire, right? Why is the scale so exaggerated?! Two spells can be used in parallel, it's too foul!"

Valeera clenched the weapon in her hand with a wry smile: "Otherwise? You don't think that Alonsus Faol is called a saint just because of his loving character?"

"Under the high-handed rule of Terenas, who has a strong desire for power, Archbishop Fao can lead the Church of the Holy Light to break through, strength and will are indispensable."

Sharlayan sighed helplessly: "Trouble, he made too much noise. The monastery not far away will definitely send people to check it out. I hope the archbishop can regain consciousness soon."

"If the priests of the monastery discover that Faol has revived from death, and use the holy light freely in the body of the undead... I am afraid that the teaching foundation of the church of the holy light will be destroyed."

"Think about the terrifying number of believers in the Holy Light Church in the Eastern Continent. We cannot afford to take the blame."


Valeera took a breath, and she also realized the seriousness of the problem.

Not only the kingdoms of human beings, but even Khaz Modan Kingdom has many believers who believe in the Holy Light. If they are offended by this matter... the consequences will be disastrous.

"Indeed, it seems that we can't take advantage of the fish and keep our hands. It's better to fight for a quick fix with the injury."

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