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Chapter 989 Preliminary Cooperation Intent Reached

I met Jia Liya again after more than a year. Compared with the last time we parted, she looked obviously a little tired. It seems that she must have been very busy recently.

However, perhaps because of the fact that her long-cherished wish has been fulfilled, Jia Liya's spirit seems to be quite excited.

In order to get a chance to interview Sharlayan, Calia rearranged today's schedule with the help of the personal lady.

Even so, because of the mountains of complicated affairs in the Kingdom of Lordaeron, she could only spare half an hour.

Calia thought that Sharlayan would come to meet her alone, but she didn't expect that he would also bring a female attendant who seemed very close.

After the courteous exchange of greetings, Sharlayan noticed the look in Calia's eyes, and introduced her: "Princess Calia, this is Valeera Sangunar, my childhood sweetheart who grew up with me. , and one of my right-hand men."

Valeera raised her brows slightly when she heard this, she didn't expect Sharlayan to admit her relationship with her so openly.

Although the term childhood sweetheart is somewhat ambiguous, at least it can be seen that Sharlayan did not intentionally conceal their relationship in front of Calia.

Calia, who was already sensitive, immediately understood the hidden meaning of Sarean's words, her face became stiff for a moment, and she sighed secretly in her heart.

'That's right, such an excellent person, how can there be no chasers around him, it's a pity...'

With Jia Liya's status as the queen who is about to ascend the throne, it is almost impossible to choose a partner according to her own heart, and there are too many factors to consider.

Saray Angui is the powerful Duke of the neighboring country Quel'Thalas. From the very beginning, Calia knew that he could not give up his foundation in the motherland and marry Lordaeron, but she still had a little illusion in her heart.

Valeera's appearance completely shattered the luck in Calia's heart. Fortunately, she had made psychological expectations in advance, and finally she did not lose her composure in front of Salayan and Valeera.

Valeera, who had been paying attention to Calia, saw Calia's change of expression at that moment. She squinted her eyes and glanced at Sharlayan with a half-smile.

"Heh~ Sure enough, as I expected?"

Sharlayan didn't answer Valeera's jokes in the Soul Link channel, and he didn't intend to keep Calia's attention on her relationship issues.

Having just experienced a battle for the throne, there are still many issues to be resolved inside and outside of Lordaeron, some of which will inevitably involve Quel'Thalas, who is next door, and now is not the time to take care of their children.

Ignoring Valeera's teasing, Sharlayan directly turned the topic to the main topic.

"Princess Calia, on behalf of the Sun King Kael'thas Sunstrider, I hope to reach a preliminary consensus with the new Kingdom of Lordaeron in terms of diplomacy, economy and trade."

Talking about state affairs, Jialia, who was a little distracted, quickly adjusted her state, and said to Sharlayan seriously: "I would like to hear more about it. I don't know how the Sun King hopes to cooperate with Lordaeron."


Valeera originally thought that this reunion of "old lovers" might spark some sparks, so she made up her mind to guard against death.

But it turned out that she underestimated the ambitions of Sharlayan and Calia.

From the very beginning, Sarlayan didn't think he could combine with Calia. He always regarded Calia as a pen pal and fellow ally, and never developed any romantic relationship with her at all.

Although Calia, who is just beginning to fall in love, has some thoughts about Salayan that go beyond the scope of friends, she is very clear about her identity, responsibilities and ideals.

Unless she is willing to voluntarily give up the throne and propose marriage to Quel'Thalas as a princess, this relationship is destined to be nothing but a dream in the mirror.

After all, Sharlayan was not a professional diplomat, and as the crown prince, Calia would not be able to discuss the details with him directly, otherwise, what would Lordaeron raise such a large group of officials for?

As the king, Jia Liya only needs to control the general direction of the country's development, and the details will be assigned to officials at all levels to deal with.

This is also the concept that Sarlayan taught her little by little in the correspondence between these years.

But...that being said, even Sharlayan himself was unable to perfectly divide responsibilities.

He has a strong sense of responsibility and always wants to handle all the important things by himself.

However, this is obviously unrealistic.

A person's energy is limited, and Sharlayan doesn't know how to use both distractions and dual-use skills. When two things happen at the same time, he must make a choice according to the priority of the matter.

The discussion between Sarlayan and Jialia is only a preliminary cooperation intention between the two countries, and the detailed issues will naturally be discussed in depth by people from the Ministry of Commerce and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The result of this intentional discussion did not exceed Sharlayan's expectations. Calia is not the domineering Terenas and Alsace. She hopes to get along with neighboring countries in a more gentle way, mutual benefit and win-win .

On the premise that both parties were interested, Calia and Sharlayan quickly reached a consensus that Lordaeron and Quel'Thalas would try their best to put aside their previous grievances and deepen their cooperation in the coming threat from outer space.

If it was before the demonic turmoil that shocked the entire Lordaeron, Calia might not be able to convince some stubborn officials with a conservative stand.

The lessons learned from the past are close at hand. The officials, princes and nobles who are resident in the King City of Lordaeron have witnessed the rampant demons with their own eyes, and have the most basic understanding of the Burning Legion, the ancient enemy of Azeroth.

There is nothing to say, the other party is riding on Lordaeron's head and domineering, and it's over.

Calia had long known the truth about the orc invasion through correspondence with Sharlayan, and those crazy evil orcs were instigated by the demons of the Burning Legion.

With the help of the big battle that the demons caused in the King City of Lordaeron, Calia easily convinced the high-ranking officials and nobles of Lordaeron that the events related to the devil should be given the highest priority, and it is necessary to cleanse the King City from being destroyed by the king. Shame on scale invasion.

According to the latest information sent back from the Blasted Lands by the Kirin Tor Council, the Dark Portal is still irreversibly and continuously activated, and will open again within half a year at the latest.

Although it is impossible to be 100% sure who is repairing the Dark Portal on the other side of Draenor, it must be related to the Burning Legion.

Vereesa also readily accepted Kael'thas' order because she was worried about the safety of Aurelia who stayed in Draenor, and took about half of the ranger troops to the Fort Watch to monitor the movement of the Dark Portal at close range.

"Half a year..."

Calia rubbed the center of her brows with some headaches: "I'm sorry, in just half a year, Lordaeron may not be able to send large-scale reinforcements to Fort Watch."

"You also know that Lordaeron has been infiltrated by the Burning Legion for several years. We need to clean up the demons and followers in the country first, and we also need to consider the cursed sect that has been hiding in Lordaeron sneakily. It is really indistinguishable sent the troops to the cursed land."

Sarlayan smiled understandingly: "Things have to be done one by one, so take your time."

"The threat of invasion by foreign enemies is imminent. We must at least take the lead in putting aside our disputes and adopt a consistent external posture, so as to set an example for other countries that have not yet realized the seriousness of the problem."

Jia Liya nodded solemnly: "It's just right, I plan to take the opportunity of this enthronement ceremony to invite representatives from various countries to gather together to discuss issues related to the Burning Legion."

Speaking of this, Jialia sighed softly: "Because of the legacy of the past, countries have too much prejudice against Lordaeron. I originally wanted to hold a summit meeting, but unfortunately..."

The showy operations that Terenas engaged in basically offended all the major countries in the Eastern Kingdom.

The cause of the day before, the result of the day after, the mess left by Terenas can only be resolved by the new king Jialia. The mutual trust between countries cannot be rebuilt in a day or two.

That's all for now on state affairs, and Calia has less than 10 minutes of free time left.

Sarlayan didn't want to waste time, so he changed the topic and mentioned Archbishop Alonsus Faol, who had passed away a few years ago.

Calia was a little puzzled by Sharlayan's sudden topic change, but she was keenly aware that what Sharlayan was going to talk about next should be related to Faol's sudden disappearance of the body.

Although the relationship between Calia and Salayan is unusual, the theft of Saint Faol's body is an internal scandal in Lordaeron, and it is inconvenient to disclose it to outsiders. With sloppy eyes.

"Archbishop Fao? Of course I still remember him. In name, he is still my priest career enlightenment mentor."

"However, as early as a few years ago, Archbishop Fao passed away and was buried. Why is his name suddenly mentioned today?"

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