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Chapter 994: Triple Legion or Duality?

Facing Jaina's question, Sharlayan smiled and nodded.

"If the nascent alliance can really be impartial in dealing with the disputes of the member states, and strive to mediate the contradictions among the countries, and promote the economic and trade, political, military and diplomatic cooperation among the countries, Quel'Thalas will rejoin What's the matter."

The Burning Legion's patience with Azeroth's layout is limited. Now that the Scourge, the pawn of the Scourge, is secretly active and accumulating strength, Kil'jaeden can bear it.

But sooner or later, Ner'zhul, a rebellious boy, will show his ambition to break away from the control of the Burning Legion. At that time, the Burning Legion will definitely change their previous attitude of sitting on the mountain and watching tigers fight, and begin to personally intervene in Azeroth affairs.

For the Burning Legion, the Draenor Expeditionary Force that is opening the Dark Portal is nothing more than a partial division, mainly used to consume the vitality of Azeroth.

As long as legion commanders at the level of Archimonde and Kil'jaeden can enter Azeroth through some medium, before the demigods of the wilderness have been revived on a large scale, the game can basically be declared over.

Of course, this was the plan of the Burning Legion, and Sharlayan never thought that the arrival of Archimonde represented the end of the world.

It is true that the polluter Archimonde is powerful, and has already reached the threshold of breaking through the demigod advanced to the true god.

Even compared with the Eternals in the Shadow Realm, he is not much worse in terms of combat power, especially the two who are at the lower end of the Eternals.

But if Archimonde alone wanted to kill Azeroth, then the Burning Legion had a great idea.

In the War of the Ancients 10,000 years ago, the main reason why the Burning Legion was so strong was the ownership of the Well of Eternity.

The Well of Eternity, which should have been dominated by the Azeroth side, was shared with the Burning Legion, allowing them to continuously summon demonic reinforcements from the Twisting Nether, and finally even pulled in the demon king Sargeras.

With the support of almost endless reinforcements, the Burning Legion insisted on relying on human sea tactics to pile up and kill several wilderness demigods.

Coupled with Deathwing's rebelliousness, the dragon's reinforcements were greatly reduced, and Xavius ​​and other insiders were desperately trying to sell them. All kinds of factors combined to cause the tragic battle of the ancients.

Now that the Well of Eternity has long since ceased to exist, the new Well of Eternity and the Sunwell created by using the water from the Well of Eternity are far from being able to compare with the original Well of Eternity, let alone the Nightwell.

It is almost impossible for the Burning Legion to use a large source of mana to summon endless reinforcements.

In the original history, Kel'Thuzad, who proposed to use the energy of the sunwell to summon Archimonde, was a spy placed by Sharlayan in the Scourge, and he could not let this happen again.

In order to let the distant relatives fall from the mid-air above other mortal races and get back on the ground, Sharlayan planned to use a trick of disaster as a last resort.

Kel'Thuzad will try his best to evade the Burning Legion's request to summon Archimonde. If it can't be pushed... then use the news of the new Well of Eternity and the world tree Nordrassil to lure them to Kalimdor.

After all... a dead fellow is not a poor daoist.

The reason why the night elves can maintain a lofty attitude towards other races is that the dragon kings gave Nordrassil the blessing of eternal life.

Only by losing their privileges over other mortal races can the night elves truly descend from the clouds and re-establish diplomatic relations with other races on an equal footing.

It remains to be seen what happens with the new Alliance, and with the new Horde...

In the original history, Goel, the leader of the new tribe who led the re-emergence of the orcs, was still studying in the Frostwolf clan deep in the Alterac Snow Mountains.

Recently, he entrusted Taresa, who often went out to buy supplies, to send a letter from Steinbrad to Unicorn City. The letter described his progress in learning arts and what he had seen and heard in the Frostwolf Clan in the past two years.

The Frostwolf clan, which has been avoiding war since entering Azeroth, is considered to be the most gentle clan among the orcs. Even so, Go'el is still worried about the warlike nature that the clan members occasionally show.

Although Go'el is the only son of the former chief Durotan and the legal heir of the Frostwolf clan, at least so far, he has not been fully recognized by the clansmen.

It is precisely for this reason that the aging Drek'Thar will guide Go'el to the way of shamanism.

Shaman priests have a very high status in the traditional cognition of orcs, and the chief shaman is equivalent to the chief in status. One is responsible for leading the development of the people, and the other is responsible for guiding the souls of the tribe.

Goel was originally born noble, and if he can be recognized by the elements of Azeroth to become a shaman priest, he will be able to take over the position that should belong to him logically if Drek'Thar intends to step aside. Chieftain of the Frostwolf Clan.

As Guy's life gradually gets on the right track, his "fate" will find him sooner or later.

However, unlike the prophetic predictions in the original history, this time, it was the fate arranged by Sharlayan for him.

In order to counter the attacks of the Burning Legion and the rising Scourge at the same time, Sharlayan hoped to integrate as many of the forces available on Azeroth as possible.

The new tribe orcs dominated by Goel are also counted among them.

Sharlayan is not sure now whether the new tribes on this timeline can reach the heights of the original history.

As a member of the Eastern Kingdoms, Quel'Thalas had only two options when it came to picking a side.

One is to join the nascent alliance and cooperate with many countries in the Eastern Kingdom to deal with various crises that will come in the future.

The second is to lead the establishment of a brand new organization, including all races and countries that are still in a neutral state, including night elves and tauren.

Option 2 seems to be very good. The new organization can step in between the new tribe and the new alliance, forming a relatively stable three-legged situation.

But one more force means that there may be one more conflict.

Leaving aside how to persuade the night elves with their noses up in the sky to join, this new organization destined to be dominated by elves has one of the biggest shortcomings.

Can't afford to die.

We can't let the viable races such as tauren and furbolgs go ahead and die every time. Once or twice is fine. If this happens for a long time, it's no wonder that the races that are used as cannon fodder don't feel resentful.

Moreover, once Quel'Thalas, which is based in the Eastern Kingdom, joins the new organization, it can be said that it will be cut off from the Eastern Continent to a certain extent, and it will be impossible to maintain close cooperation with the alliance countries in all aspects as before.

Sharlayan and Kael'thas have discussed this matter many times. The two options have their own advantages and disadvantages. The specific choice depends on the subsequent development of the situation.

If Arthas wins the battle for the throne of Lordaeron, rebuilding the alliance will naturally be out of the question, and Kael'thas will immediately start the process of creating a new force.

Conversely, if Jialia won the victory, it would be a safe choice to build a new alliance with the help of the established framework.

What? Balance of power between Alliance and Horde?

That thing has nothing to do with Saray's business, and it's not playing a game. Who said that the two camps must be balanced in strength?

Jaina, who had learned about the content of the meeting in advance, could not make up her mind, and immediately informed Daelin, who was teaching her son in the palace of Boralus, the important news.

Kul Tiras is isolated overseas, and its connection with the mainland depends entirely on sea transportation.

If there is a choice, they certainly hope to further strengthen trade with countries in the Eastern Continent.

However, the alliance led by Terenas really disappointed Daelin. He still has doubts about whether Kul Tiras will join the new alliance, so he has reservations for the time being.

Sharlayan was not surprised by Daelin's choice. After all, the new alliance hadn't been written off yet, and even Quel'Thalas hadn't made up his mind yet.

The final choice should be adjusted flexibly according to the changes in the situation. Kael'thas generously handed over the decision-making power to Sharlayan. He believed that the Duke of Deep Shadow would continue to make the right decision in favor of Quel'Thalas.

When teleporting back to the Kul Tiras embassy that night, Jaina unexpectedly learned from the embassy that Arthas hadn't stayed in the embassy to wait.

After failing to find Jaina who was out in the morning, he turned and left with a preoccupied expression, and never appeared again.


Jaina's expression became serious, and she shared this information with Sharlayan without hesitation.

"Oh?" Sarlayan tapped his fingers on the table lightly with great interest: "It seems that Alsace has already been biased... Kel'Thuzad, do you think he will accept your offer?"

Kel'Thuzad, who happened to be visiting on behalf of Baron Rivendell, was sitting opposite Sharlayan. He spread his hands and said, "Until the moment when the final result is announced, I can't guarantee it casually. I can only say... According to his Judging from the degree of volatility, the confidence is still relatively large.”

Kazakhstan tipped a "knife edge".

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