"Where's Miss Lily? Wasn't she by my side just now?"

One of the psychics was very puzzled.

"I don't know, Lily, this girl, why doesn't it make you worry?"

"Just now I saw her looking around, not saying any lines, and just walking forward without saying a word. I don't know what happened to this girl.

Everyone thought it was weird.

At this moment, Liu Yuezhen, the founder of the World Supernatural Research Organization, who had been silent on the show, suddenly spoke up.

He is a nearly seventy-year-old old man, and has now withdrawn from the World Supernatural Research-Research Group.

But after retirement, the research in this area has not stopped.

Even though he was idle, he did not completely waste his time, but continued to devote himself to research work.

Before filming in the basement, I knew that he couldn't fight such demons, so he chose to protect himself and didn't care about other people.

In this episode of the show, he changed his previous personality and spoke more.

Originally, he came to participate in this show, and it was purely for entertainment after retirement. I didn't expect to encounter the real thing.

This really makes Liu Yuezhen more and more excited!

Originally everyone's plan was to go to the cemetery, but because of Zhou Lili's disappearance, the plan was temporarily changed.

Some people are already hesitant to call the police.

However, it was only the staff who hesitated, because the psychic mediums who participated this time, those incompetent magic sticks have long since retired.

The rest are all a little bit of skill, so they decide to find out Zhou Lili.

Among them, there are people dressed like Taoist priests, who have already begun to open their tents.

There were even a few people who were holding the witch's account and began to babble and chant incantations.

However, everything they did was in vain. The resentment here is too deep, and Zhou Lili's breath has been completely covered.

Chen Changshou did not expect that such an accident would occur. But he knew very well that Zhou Lili was actually still alive, in this amusement park.

Just heard Huang Mengmeng say that this amusement park looks fun. Chen Changshou also had an idea temporarily, it is better to auction off this amusement park.

Of course, it is not to use the method of moving mountains to move the entire amusement park away for auction. Instead, the Illusion of Resentment will be auctioned.

The resentment is too strong, and it has formed a replica existence that surpasses the amusement park.

It can be said that it is a subspace, but it is related to the amusement park.

All he has to do now is to think of a way to collect the illusion that the whole grievance has turned into. This is also his next auction!


Thinking of this, Chen Changshou did not hesitate to lead his younger brothers to the gate of the amusement park.

"Chen Xianshi! Chen Xianshi!"

"Wait for you! Everyone is here waiting for news, don't act alone!

"It's dangerous for you to act alone like this.

They all remember the tragedy that happened in the basement at that time.

Chen Changshou is in their hearts, but he is a pillar. If something happens to Chen Changshou, what should they do?

Everyone knows that this amusement park is not clean, and it is not good to go in like this.

You must call him back for a detour!

However, Chen Changshou went to answer,

"Zhou Lili is inside, I'll find her to hook."

"Wait here for those who are afraid, we'll be fine. 99

After he finished speaking, he went inside.

This time, whether those people who were doing it outside, or those who were dancing around with sticks, all stopped. Instead of letting them wait here, let them go in with them.

0.... Flowers...

If they leave the backbone of Chen Changshou, they will be a piece of loose sand. If there is another thing like a demon, it is estimated that the entire army will be wiped out.

Thinking of this, everyone hurriedly stopped their work and quickly followed in the footsteps of Chen Changshou.

"This plane is flying so high, I really want to go up and turn around!

"Wow! Hello hello!"

"Hey, your windmill is so fun."

Along the way, Huang Mengmeng and the other two little Huang Wen were very excited.

Twin girls are even more open-eyed like curious babies. Because in their eyes, it is not just a ruined playground, but a colorful playground with plenty of electricity.

It's just that what these children said, it's really hard for other people who can't see the truth to understand.

After all, in their eyes, this place is just a ruin, and there is nothing at all. I don't know what these people are excited about.

Is it Wei Yi doing a show in front of the show photographer?

No, they've caught people's lives before. There's really no need for a show.

The group walked for a while and finally stopped.

Sure enough, I saw Zhou Lili in a place where the rapids were advancing bravely.

The rapids, as the name suggests, is to let tourists sit on a car similar to a roller coaster, pass through the top of the long track slide, and then rush down from the track.

In the process, water will splash all over the body, so it is called torrent.

The whole circle is not very long, only a few minutes, but the degree of stimulation is no less than that of other entertainment facilities.

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