Live Streaming Bringing Goods: The Opening auction of Wong Tai Sin!

Chapter 230 Squeeze the head! The visual impact is too strong!

Chen Changshou shook his head and sighed,

"Okay, I can save him."

"But I don't save people in vain, you have to promise me a condition.

——"What conditions? As long as I can do it, I will promise you~!

Chen Changshou replied,

"I haven't thought about it yet, you just owe it. When I use you, I will naturally contact you! 99

Zhang Cuilian immediately nodded her head like pounding garlic,

"Good good! I promise you, I will never break my promise! 13

Chen Changshou nodded, and then led the group towards the well in the backyard.

In fact, he didn't intend to touch the things in the well, because that thing was underground after all, and the water from the well wouldn't run into the river.

But the reason why Chen Changshou moved to kill the things in the well was not only because he promised Zhang Cuilian to save people, but also because he felt the strange light at the bottom of the well.

That's the alien scale shards!

When he collects more and more fragments, his sense of other fragments will also increase.

And just when Lu Sijian went crazy, he suddenly felt a familiar purple light beneath the well. That's the shard he was looking for!

Chen Changshou brought the group to the well in the backyard.

At this time, there was a gust of gloomy wind by the well, and the wind blew up the remnant leaves, adding a desolation to the whole uninhabited village.

It's strange to say that they didn't feel so cold when they came in before, but when they arrived in this backyard, they felt a bone-breaking cold.

The coldness is like the feeling of a knife on the face, which can freeze the jaw in minutes!

"Could there be a ghost in this well? Could it be Sadako..."

"What time is it, are you still in the mood to joke? It's very gloomy here, and the whole yard of Yu Xu is full of ghosts."

"No, I'm timid, you can scare me.

Chen Changshou just heard the conversation of these people, and he directly admitted,

"Yes, the whole yard is full of ghosts. There are always hundreds of them."

"At night, these ghosts scattered in the village will gather in this tall mansion, which is the location of the backyard."

"You guessed right, the reason why this yard is so cold is because it is crowded with ghosts.


When Chen Changshou said this, everyone was stunned.

But after all, the only one among them with natural yin and yang eyes is the pair of dark Lolita twins, Bi Luo and Bi Xi.

In this episode, neither Bi Luo nor Bi Qian participated. The two little girls said that they had something to do temporarily and would have to wait until the next episode.

And then there's that witch, Yeris. Ye Lisi was seriously injured before and has been staying in the hotel to recuperate. It is hard to say when she will be able to continue participating in the show.

Therefore, among them, there are no contestants with innate yin and yang eyes. However, there are people who can open the eyes of Yin and Yang the day after tomorrow.

That is Master Yuanji.

But Master Yuanji's ability is very limited, and he only has the trick of opening the eyes of Yin and Yang the day after tomorrow.

In other words, he has the ability to make himself see ghosts, but he has no way to deal with ghosts.

Of course, Master Yuanji doesn't believe it. Even if this place is very gloomy, it's not like there are hundreds of ghosts in this courtyard, right?

This yard is so small, dozens of them are struggling to stand up, how can they hold hundreds of ghosts?

Master Yuanji thought so, and took out a small bottle from the bag.

The bottle was filled with dew soaked in willow leaves and blessed by his chanting.

He poured out a little of the dew from the small bottle on his hand, and then smeared it on his eyelids.

0... ask for flowers ·

When he opened his eyes again, the scene in front of Master Yuanji was completely different from before.

At this time, Master Yuanji only had the word "regret" in his head.

Why did my hands take so long? What yin and yang eyes did I open to myself?!


Master Yuanji screamed and fainted...

"What happened to Master Yuanji?!"

"Isn't he alright just now? Why do people feel dizzy when they say dizzy..."

Everyone swarmed up, patted the people, pressed the stomach, and hugged the thighs of the thighs. I tried all kinds of soil methods, and finally woke up Master Yuanji.


Master Yuanji opened his haunted eyes, and his face was haggard. But he hated having to wake up.

Because the moment he opened his eyes, he saw a yard full of ghosts!

That's a yard full of ghosts!!! There must be hundreds of them at first glance!

This small yard is very reluctant to accommodate even dozens of people, if it wants to accommodate a hundred ghosts, and they are all ghosts in human form. How would it be squeezed?

You can make up your mind, that person is next to each other, and people are crowding people, their heads are squashed, and their bodies are squashed crooked.

The scene was extremely spectacular, and every ghost was in the state of death, the head lost, the intestines exposed, the lips everted, and the terminally ill, covered with rashes...

Master Yuanji can't stand this.

The visual impact is too strong!

And when he woke up, the heads of the ghosts were all looking at the side of the well. Seeing that he seemed to be able to see himself, the ghosts were all in unison, and the clucked heads turned around.

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