Live Surgical Broadcast

Chapter 1125: Benign mass with stones inside

When the benign tumor of the stomach wall is removed, Wang is ready to stare at the equipment in his hand and not be polluted.

If it is contaminated, it must not touch other locations to avoid the transfer of tumor tissue.

This kind of operation is actually very good. It is usually taken from the midline of the abdomen. After the abdomen, the abdominal cavity is first examined.

After the tumor is found, it is cut along the normal stomach wall around the tumor, and the tumor is removed together with the whole stomach wall. The extent of the resection depends on the size and shape of the tumor.

Originally thought to be this simple minor surgery, but after watching it for a minute, Wang was silent.

He found that he had guessed the wrong type of surgery... Zheng Boss did not choose to cut the "big" wound along the stomach wall and then suture it.

Zheng boss cut the stomach wall tissue near the "tumor", but only to the serosa layer, and then began to dissociate.

This requirement for surgical skills is simply too high!

Zheng Ren changed a small hemostasis pliers and carried out other people's stunned operations. Seeing this time, everyone is guilty. Zheng boss has to wait for the equipment, it is not for the sake of force, but the equipment of others is more suitable for this operation.

If it is a normal device, it is not impossible, but it increases the risk. However, the equipment in Zhengren's instrument box is more suitable. It is very handy, separating the serosa layer and the muscular layer, and changing the awkward and bold operation style before.

Overall... Wang always does not understand, this style of surgery seems to be like embroidering, extremely fine. Even so, the operation was carried out very quickly, and there was no delay in more time due to delicate and delicate.

3'15′′, the entire “tumor” was peeled off, wrapped in a layer of white gauze and thrown into the pathological basin. There was a hint of red on the gauze, but not much. Wang knew that the whole operation process There is very little bleeding and it is too beautiful.

All the equipment that may not be contaminated was put aside, and Zheng Ren asked for a warm saline gauze to cover the surgical wound.

"Send a pathological biopsy." Zheng Rendao.

The roving nurse immediately took the pathology pot and walked out.

For an operation, it is now the easiest time. The surgeon wins the game, the results of the frozen pathology on the stage, etc., driving the car, licking the yellow section, watching the little nurse blush... that was more than a decade ago.

Now on the operating table, the little nurse drives the car and can be embarrassed to say the surgeon.

"Zheng boss, is it a tumor?" Wang is more concerned about this.

"Consider not." Zheng Ren said slightly at this time. Although he did two operations in the system space, he proficiently dissected the "tumor" at the same time. It was certain that there were stones and no tumor tissue was found.

But to give a positive conclusion, it is still necessary to wait for pathological returns.

The waiting time will not be very long, and there will definitely be a conclusion within half an hour.

Not in a hurry.

"Zheng boss, your surgery and this set of equipment is really very good." Wang always said a sentence.

"Fortunately." Zheng Rengan said dryly. The topic of the terminator, worthy of the name, even if Wang wants to talk a few words, do not know what to say.

"Zheng Zong, this set of surgical instruments is really good, that..." Director Sun also remembered the surgical instruments, but he forgot the name of Dr. Charles. After a vague discussion, he continued: "Why give it to you, it is standard." What?"

Wang always sighed in the heart, and the old director of the small place couldn’t evaluate it. Why would you send Zheng Boss surgical instruments? Of course, people have done a good job of surgery. Is this still asking?

As for the standard, can you still see it with your eyes?

However, out of respect for Sun’s director, Mr. Wang did not speak, looked down at the hemostasis pliers in Zheng Ren’s hand, and his heart was envious.

“At the Mayo Clinic, Dr. Charles discussed the local anatomy of the liver. They did not recognize the way we segmented and lobed, and they argued a few words.” Zheng Ren said faintly: “The device does not seem to be a standard. Dr. Charles said that this is what he has ordered in the past few years, and he has slowly accumulated it."

Sure enough, Wang always sighed in his heart. I used to know that Zheng’s surgery was so powerful, but I didn’t expect it to be so powerful.

Is it good for the blunt separation of the people? There are several flaws in the anatomy.

With such a skilled operation, how many general teachers can feed it.

Director Sun listened to Zheng Ren and said, he smiled and sighed softly. "Zheng Zong, after you left, my little grandson will occasionally talk about you. If you can stay in Haicheng, how good it should be." ”

When Zheng Ren listened to Sun’s half-truth, he just smiled.

"After you left, no intervention was done in the intervention. Many patients went directly to the provincial capital." Director Sun did not know what happened. Today, there is a lot of emotion. "You don't feel anything when you are there, but you are gone. I feel that the hospital has lost a big chunk."

"No." Zheng Rendao: "The director told me that the operation was not done by one person, and the hospital would not go bankrupt because I left."


"Director Sun, your little grandson is still okay~ Zheng Ren asked.

"You can do surgery by yourself, can you recover after surgery? Now think about it, Lao Liu really blinked and made trouble. As a result, he was sick."

Speaking of Liu Tianxing, Zheng Ren’s heart is moving.

"What about Director Liu now?" Zheng Ren asked.

"Reluctantly maintains embarrassment." Director Sun sighed again, and the feelings between the old directors of the group said how deep, but a lie. But after all, working together for so many years, I saw that Liu Tianxing was losing weight, but I was still uncomfortable.

"Zheng boss, you also know that we are not familiar with the old guys and the people involved. Lao Liu is looking for the surgery done by the director in the provincial capital, and the postoperative results are just the same."

"If Director Liu wants to, he can go to the emperor to find me." Zheng Ren looked at Sun's eyes, without any mood fluctuations, said indifferently.

The past is right and wrong, just go. With the advancement of technology, with the improvement of the horizon, Zheng Ren did not have much entanglement in the previous things.

If there is still a little tangle in the past, it is because it is not strong enough. Like a little beast, when you encounter a strong beast, you will involuntarily scream.

Thinking of the operation, Zheng Renwei smiled. Looking back now, the level of Professor Yu Yu is so different, not necessarily higher than his level of general surgery.

What's more, the strongest one is not the usual surgery, but the intervention!

Interventional surgery, he is the king!

After 20 minutes, the operation was frozen and rewarded, with a benign mass and stones.

Suture the wound of the stomach wall, remove the gallbladder, and the surgery is over.

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