Live Surgical Broadcast

Chapter 1143: Strong

When I came to the interventional department, I was no longer chilling. Even Hu Hai was quiet, and Zheng Ren began to watch the film.

Looking at the standing in front of the reader, Zheng Ren, who is watching the film, Liu Xiaojie got a little up.

The professor around the corners is as cautious as a student, and from the back can be seen a kind of respect from the bottom of my heart.

This Zheng boss, there is indeed a saying, Liu Xiaojie thought of it.

While watching and communicating, from time to time, the family members of the patient pointed at the door and whispered something.

Liu Xiaojie listened to the ear, and it is probably talked about that the professor of Haigui is the professor of the world's number one hospital.

Then there are some words that you can't listen to, for example, the doctor watching the film looks young, it is the maintenance of others, in fact, it is already over seventy years old.

No matter what, as long as it is spread out, what it will eventually become, even the parties can't recognize it. Liu Xiaojie really wants to ask the person who talks, how to maintain in the 70s can be like more than twenty.

Zheng Ren not only watched the film, but also looked at the results of various inspections.

Gao Shaojie is very familiar with Zheng Ren’s habits. All the inspections are ready. As long as Zheng Ren needs it, he will report the value casually and will not even look at the test.

This is how much preparation work has been done. Liu Xiaojie feels. Even if you are an intern in the clinic, you will not have to pass all the test sheets down the next day.

However, this high professor can actually do this step. It is obvious that there is more respect for Zheng boss, and it can even be said to be awe.

With only 6 patients with TIPS surgery, Zheng Ren quickly finished watching the film and the test sheet. Gao Shaojie's work is very meticulous, and Zheng Ren has nothing to pick from. After looking at the patient, after confirming the correctness, send the first patient to the operation.



Emperor, 912, Interventional Department.

Zheng Ren is not here, or just returned from abroad, his bed is rarely empty.

Chang Yue is very boring and walks east, eyes from time to time aiming at the patients in other people's homes walking around the corridor, seeing her meaning really wants to catch a chat.

"I said, you will be really good at sitting down." Su Yun despised Chang Yue's move. "There is time to read a book, what to study, and there is no future for undergraduates."

"The future?" Chang Yue turned around and helped the glasses, and looked at Su Yun very seriously. "Are you drinking a big drink every day, and the people who play the game tell me the future?"

"Hey, what is drinking big wine?" Su Yun said unhappy.

"Right, not drinking big wine. Just the amount of your slag, I was stopped last night, and you drank too much."

"Not last night, it was early this morning, 4 hours ago." Su Yun corrected it very seriously. "And I am still far away from drinking. You see how much I am awake now."

"In my opinion, it is true that you have time to read the book. The Emperor's Cardiothoracic Surgery is the star of tomorrow, and it is the death of Zheng. You can't lose it?"

"I have my arrangement, I want you to manage." Su Yun grinned, at the same time, the phone rang.

He took out his mobile phone, connected the phone, and hurried away.

Chang Yue looked at Su Yun and changed clothes to leave the hospital. He took a sigh of relief. Zheng Ren and Xiao Yi were absent for these few hours, and Su Yun drank two meals.

This kind of goods, especially what is the mixed character of eating and eating, telling what the future is.

The salary of 912 is quite high. I have been very comfortable and very satisfied. This is the best future. Is there anything else? Chang Yue thinks that contentment is always happy and does not need it at all.


Su Yun changed his clothes and hurriedly left the 912 hospital.

Did not take the car, take the path to the back of the hotel, touch the small restaurant that makes pig liver, the tricks.

"Wait, wait, don't break the door." The chunky, chunky boss wiped his hand with his apron and hurried over and opened the door.

"Cloud brother, how are you so violent?" The boss did not know when and Su Yun had become familiar with it, a cloud brother, called especially happy.

"What about it?"

"I have it for you, Yun Geer, I saw the pig that I killed myself in the morning. I took the liver. I said that your doctor is not said to have experimented with mice? How come I am going to find the liver?" ?"

"You don't understand when you say it." Su Yun smiled and looked at the boss. He said: "You may need some in a few days. When you open the price, you will be able to open it."

"You see what you said, a fresh pig liver, I am trying to open something."

"I don't buy it, I will be responsible for introducing it. Anyway, I will earn income. You are willing to earn money." Su Yun took a plastic bag from a thick middle-aged man in his forties, and said with a smile: "Old Zhang, you are in this plaid, and you are strong."

"Hey." The middle-aged man smiled slyly, his hand touched the back of the head, and he also had some blood.

Su Yun did not talk to the boss and the buddy. He took the fresh liver and called the car directly back to the home of Golden Palm.

Two black stretched out his tongue, Hashiha, and he rushed up, and he was intimate with Su Yun.

"Hey, I will cook for you to eat." Su Yun touched the head of the black.

When Erhe understood the words of Su Yun, he sat down on the ground and did not go to trouble. Su Yun smiled and put the pig liver on the cutting board, but did not take the kitchen knife, but took it out of the bedroom. Zheng Ren said that it was left alone for use as an anatomical handle, and took a blade and a pair of sterile gloves. .

Ignite a cigarette, lick it with my mouth, put on sterile gloves, and start anatomy.

"233 dollars, it is really expensive." Su Yun said to himself.

When I saw Zheng Ren doing the anatomy not much trouble, all the details Su Yun also determined that they all saw and will.

Zheng Ren and Xiao Yi people ran back to Haicheng, and they were bored, just doing anatomical exercises.

Although I decided to see it myself, and I was able to surpass the vast majority of people, Su Yun did not dare to say that it was definitely better than Zheng Renqiang.

That enchanting, Su Yun licked his mouth, but also know what it is, is this a surgical dog should do?

I have inquired with Wang, knowing that Zheng Ren has not been idle, and has done many operations. This product knows to do surgery, and the other really does not know anything. However, surgery and anatomy are really good, Su Yun has a faint sense of crisis.

I have always been the object of admiration by others. Since I met Zheng Ren, it seems that I am getting used to his power. This is not right.

The strongest person should be right, Su Yun blinked his eyes, his head slightly sideways, and the smoke was in his mouth. The hand is very stable, the anatomical movement is very delicate, and half of the fresh pig liver is dissected by a little bit of sputum peeling.

It is not an ordinary anatomy, but the kind of anatomical means that Zheng Ren showed during the teaching class.

If you only look at the knife work, even Zheng Ren will be a little surprised, this should be done by himself.

Who can think that Su Yun, who has never done an anatomy at a time, has already approached Zheng Ren’s level. Must exceed the goods, Su Yun concentrated on doing anatomy, thinking of his mind.

The movements on Su Yun's hand were very soft, and the eyes unknowingly picked up. The cigarettes had already burned to the bottom, and the ash was still naked, steady, like his hands.

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