Live Surgical Broadcast

Chapter 1150: I am not in a hurry, I am thinking about it.

Su Yun did not help Zheng Ren at all, let him go to sleep in the mess, and went to sleep after washing.

Zheng Ren tossed for more than an hour before planting the flowers and seeds, and then washing them after watering. After all, it is not professional. Zheng Ren looks at the bare flower pots, and he is a little embarrassed. I don’t know if I can grow beautiful roses according to my own ideas.

This night, I slept very, very fragrant.

Early the next morning, I had breakfast and went to the hospital. At the entrance of the ward, Zheng Ren saw that Lin Jiaojiao was waiting for herself.

"Zheng boss?" Lin Jiaojia surprised.

"Sister Lin, is there something?" Zheng Ren asked.

"Scientific research has something to look at." Lin Jiaojiao said with a smile: "I have found a few old relationships in the past. In fact, it is mainly the name of your Nobel Prize candidate. This quickly took down a national research project. ”

"Is there a look, or has it been taken?" Zheng Ren asked.

"The meaning is similar." Lin Jiaojiao felt that Zheng boss was not right. This kind of thing was thrown to Su Yun to deal with it, but today he noticed a small loophole in his details.

She smiled and said: "Scientific research project, the project is simple, but it is difficult to get the money. Anyway, we are not prepared for the poor research funding."

Zheng Ren nodded.

"You are back, the patient is coming to the hospital today?" Lin Jiaojiao asked.

"Well..." Zheng Ren hesitated, and Lin Jiaojiao stunned.

This project is Lin Jiaojiao has been optimistic for a long time. If you can catch Zhengren's sailboat, it is certain to ride the wind and break the waves.

That is a blue ocean, and other people are starting to compete, and the pots that they have earned early on are full.

However, if Zheng Boss refuses to agree, it is hard to get up to the matter. Auditing, queuing, these are all done with the name of the Zheng Boss Nobel Prize winner.

"Zheng boss, don't scare me, what is the difficulty, you just say." Lin Jiao Jiao said.

"It is not difficult to operate, but tomorrow Dr. Mehar of Sweden is going to see a doctor and do a second-stage operation of a heart stent." Zheng Rendao: "There may not be time in the near future."

Lin Jiaojiao took a sigh of relief and smiled softly: "I was almost scared to death. Zheng Boss said nothing, I have already been more than forty, and the heart is not good."

“Hmm?” Zheng Ren glanced at it. The background color of Lin Jiaojiao’s system panel is green and full of vitality.

Nothing, it is estimated that it is playing, Zheng Ren thought.

"Then I said with Changyue, the patient first received it. Preoperative examination, surgery, when do you have time, when to do, do not worry." Lin Jiao Jiao said.

"Scientific research?"

"The director of Kong is responsible, and Yun Geer said that he does not care about this matter." Lin Jiaojiao said: "Dr. Shen came to manage this, do you think it is appropriate?"

"The patient waited a little, just to lose weight, not to tighten. This matter I calculated, just a phase of clinical surgery, it is estimated that there will be a lot of complications. Don't worry, Lin sister." Zheng Ren finished, greeted, It is necessary to enter the ward.

"Zheng boss, wait a moment." Lin Jiaojiao quickly called Zheng Ren, the focus of this conversation has not been said, Zheng boss how to go?

"What else?" Zheng Ren was strange.

"Money, Zheng boss." Lin Jiaojiao took out a document and showed it to Zheng Ren. She knew that Zheng Ren had less time and explained directly: "With Yun Geer, you have a look. There are two modes. , one is..."

"Lin sister, this is the same for you and Su Yun. He has the final say." Zheng Ren knows that Su Yun is much stronger than himself. The system does not have an actuary system. The estimated calculation is not only Lin Jiaojiao. Kind of mall veteran.

Lin Jiaojiao was helpless. See Zheng Ren walked into the ward and watched his back smile.

If there is a chance, she does not want to deal with Su Yun. Although the look is indeed eye-catching, but the guy is really better than the monkey. When I started the account, I was exhausted by my exhausted efforts.

I really don't know what this Su Yun grew up to eat, and even the mentality is so fast, and there is no flaw in doing things. All the places that I want to opportunistically are blocked.

It’s also rare that Zheng’s boss is so reassured by Su Yun that this person is really...

Lin Jiaojia smiled and turned away.


Zheng Ren took part in the morning shift. After seeing the patient, he went to the general surgery with Su Yun. For this kind of surgery, Su Yun is not interested. But for this patient, Su Yun pays special attention.

After all, the incident of Miao’s director has not been resolved. If Zheng’s boss makes another moth out of it, the consequences are unimaginable.

When I don't say anything else, the whole 912 and even the medical team of the Imperial City are afraid that morale will be sluggish for a long time.

The beard is like a dream, sitting on a small white stool next to the bed and looking at the family of the patient who is visiting.

Yesterday, the "master", did not expect that the doctor of the 912 hospital, it seems that the status is quite high. I came here, and a professor in his forties turned his lover into it.

Although the required deposit of 50,000 yuan was not available, the phone was not collected after one night, but he saw hope after all.

This is to stop selling blood now, if you can... it seems like a **** drain, and you can't afford a hospital deposit. The beard is a little bitter, looking at the woman who is still having a fever, licking her split lips, wondering where to get the A row of doctors came in, the head is a hair is white The old director, followed by a group professor.

The director only asked patients in other groups for a simple history, and there was little intervention in diagnosis and treatment.

When I came to the neighborhood, the professor last night introduced: "This is the case that Zheng Boss called last night and received a patient. There are abnormalities in the organs, watching the film, and the shape of the intestine behind the retroperitoneum is wrong."

"Zheng boss?" Director Wei asked.

"Well, I don't want to accept it either." Professor Feng said with a smile: "Zheng boss said that he will do 64-row CT three-dimensional reconstruction of the patient this time. Although the intestines are not very clear, it is necessary to clarify whether other organs are not. There is a deformity."

"When is the surgery done?"

"Be prepared to do surgery today after completing the reconstruction."

"So urgent?"

“The patient had a appendectomy at a local hospital 1 month ago and is now suffering from severe peritonitis.”

"Tell me when I was on the surgery, right, is Zheng boss on?" Director Wei asked.


"That tell me in advance, I will start from the beginning of the lap." Director Wei said: "When I took the stage a few days ago, Zheng Boss finished the liver and spleen resection. It is really a pity. This surgery is not difficult, I am not difficult. Take a look."

After a few words, no one said that he would continue to see the next patient. The beard is a little dazed, who is Zheng Boss? Was it the "master" of last night?

It sounds like a very powerful person, but he is so young, is it possible? It should be that you understand the mistake and you may be wrong.

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