Live Surgical Broadcast

Chapter 1161: Unable to look directly at Spiderman

In the ICU, Zheng Ren looked helplessly at the aunt who was in his fifties and asked: "Why are you?"

"A few days ago, some people in the community publicized that the lack of normal biological metabolic enzymes in the human body led to various diseases, including cancer." Auntie is still a bit stunned now, she was damaged by Su Yun, and she also understood What?

A red face, a white face, Zheng Ren and Su Yun are also tacit understanding. In a few words, I said the aunt in front of me and knew how much mistake I made.

"And then? They said that they can cure the juice with a little juice?" Zheng Ren asked very seriously.

If someone promotes this, Zheng Ren plans to call the police. This is similar to poisoning and killing.

"No, they sell a kind of propaganda. I wonder if it is a fake. How do you say that it is also a new generation of middle-aged and old people who have undergone reform and opening up? How can you get this?" Auntie smiled while lying on the bed. Zheng Ren is helpless.

"and after?"

"I began to ponder over. But if it is a lie, three points, seven points. If it is a lie, their health products can not be sold out. So I just want to make up for it." "If you eat vitamins, there is no enzyme, then you can click directly. Is the effect better?"

"And then you go to the community to calm the juice?" Zheng Ren still has no way to straighten out the aunt's thoughts.

The hospital is actually a window of society. Like the police, we can see all kinds of people. It is basically impossible to enter and understand other people's thinking.

And this kind of thing can't think too much, or else it will definitely split the personality.

Zheng Ren is even the kind of person who can feel empathy, but he can't understand the aunt's thoughts.

At the very beginning, she was still very logical to talk. At the very least, I didn't believe those liar. This is quite right.

But the latter analysis and the way to solve the problem... Zheng Ren absolutely does not agree.

Fortunately, early in the community hospitals, because they are facing old neighborhoods, the age is relatively large, so habitually reduce the drip speed to below 40 drops / min.

There was a part of the liquid remaining in the dropper, and when she added the juice, she was discovered by Zheng Ren, so she returned a life.

Zheng Ren is also a coincidence. When she saw that she used advertising paper to block the drip bottle, she felt that something was wrong. Moreover, I saw a flocculent precipitate in the drip bottle. At first, Zheng Ren believed that it was a drug reaction, which was caused by the non-standardization of dosing in community hospitals.

But whoever thinks that this aunt is so courageous, even directly add juice to the vein.

What a really special thing is amazing! Zheng Ren recalled the test list, and now it is fine. But who can guarantee that a drop of juice does not go in?

If it's okay tomorrow morning, then you can be sure.

But it is really dangerous, it is a step.

Zheng Ren did not continue to reprimand the aunt who gave her a little juice, but calmed her two words, shot a very happy Su Yun who was chatting with the little nurse, and turned away.

As soon as he turned around, Zheng Ren felt that his eyes were like murder on his back.

Hey, Su Yun, this troublesome goods, can't you miss the girl? I just don’t eat it, it’s really in the middle of the flowers, and the leaves don’t touch the realm.

I don't know what he is for the girl. He knew him for half a year, and he didn't see which girl he was close to.

"Boss, go to the movies at night after dinner?" Su Yundao.

"the film?"

"Spiderman released, you are not at home a few days ago, this is very busy, have no time to see." Su Yun complained.

"I am not at home, you go out to drink the bar every day."

"Social is also a job." After Su Yun was exposed to the truth, there was no embarrassment. "Are you not interested in Marvel's film?"

"The Hulk is still okay, but there are some problems in choosing people at the beginning. But Spider-Man can't really look straight." Zheng Rendao: "Do you know how spiders progeny?"

"I go, the boss, is a movie that has changed. Do you think so much?" Su Yun obviously knew, but before Zheng Ren said this, he never thought of it. (Note 1)

"You look at his various postures, isn't that harassment? If you change to a person..."

"Don't say it, let you say this, I don't want to see it." Su Yun quickly stopped Zheng Ren.

"Then change the subject, you are sure that this aunt is fine." Zheng Rendao.

In fact, Zheng Ren did not see any diagnosis of diseases such as bacteremia in the aunt's system panel, and I also confirmed this.

As usual, it is enough to leave the aunt in the emergency department. But after all, it is a big thing to calm the juice, Zheng Rening killed the mistake and pulled it directly to the ICU.

The emergency room observation room is not very careful. ICU is good here.

Although it costs a little more, it is the aunt who pays the tuition. In the future, don't make such a moth, Zheng Ren thinks so.

"I rarely hear you ask such a question, do you have any thoughts in your heart?" Su Yun sighed, and the black hair floated in front of his forehead.

"I feel fine, I will confirm with you."

"Nothing." Su Yundao: "You found out early, I think this aunt is still a big life. But then, How did you find out?"

“Enriched clinical experience.”



Leave the ICU and find Director Kong and Sun Ming. Sun Ming’s face is still so white, like a piece of paper.

Zheng Ren appeased him two sentences to explain the basic situation. After face-to-face understanding, Sun Ming is better.

“Does the community not observe these things?” Su Yun suddenly asked.

"What is it?" Sun Ming is still a bit embarrassed.

"In the emergency department, I have seen a middle-aged man who went to the nitrazole every other time and said that it was a toothache." Su Yundao: "There was a little nurse who felt strange, toothache so frequent, why not go to see a doctor, instead Do you often run it? Is it also addictive to tinidazole?"

Zheng Ren already knows what Su Yun is saying.

"Even everyone was too bored. After the end, use the hemostatic forceps to tear open the iron seal on the bottle and see how many needles are on the rubber cover."

Sun Ming was dumb, what the patient added to the pill bottle, I really don’t have to think about it.

"Then no one dared to accept him anymore. After a while, this person did not come to the emergency department. I don't know where to go." Su Yundao, "You really have no clinical experience, so many years, nothing. Really lucky."

Su Yun said this sentence, deep into Zheng Ren’s heart.


Note 1: There are things about the reproduction of spiders. It is also an asterisk to write more. If you are interested in Baidu, you will know. Anyway, when I saw Spider-Man's young and childish face, I always felt that he was a pervert. Wow~~~

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