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Chapter 1508: No shoes on the left foot

He talked with Director Luo and Director Du. It was not early, and they dispersed.

"You drop the trolley, let's go back directly." Zheng Rendao.

Su Yun took the phone and fiddled with it twice, suddenly stunned. Then he laughed and said: "Boss, luck is just too good."


"I came across the big money and played." Su Yun raised his mobile phone and smiled. "Rolls-Royce Gust, more than 5 million cars, running."

"Oh..." Zheng Ren can't understand this kind of thing.

Su Yun took the time to complete the operation, and then said: "It is said that on the weekend of Emperor Wangfujing, there is a Porsche 911, which will appear when the wind and rain add up, and it will take one person away."

"Listen like a bridge in a ghost film." Zheng Rendao.

"It's a boring life. If you don't have surgery, it's useless." Su Yun said: "The core values ​​of socialism, do you want to study hard?"

"I am falling back." Zheng Ren said with a blank expression.

"Boss, this is the taste of life." Su Yun sighed, and the black hair floated in front of the forehead. "There is nothing to do. When you find someone else needs, just pick someone you don't know and don't know." Where is it, don't you think this kind of thing is romantic?"

“I don’t think.” Zheng Rendao: “A Porsche 911, oil money is more expensive than the romance you said. 95# gasoline seems to be 7 more liters, wake up, who is okay to drive 911 to take you Take a ride."

"The big brother is driving a car and picking people home. It is a legend in the emperor. I will have money in the future... mainly because I have spare time, I will do the same." Su Yun does not care about Zheng Ren’s ridicule, world view. Different from the outlook on life and values, this kind of thing can't be said together.

"Do not worry, before the age of 60, you will certainly not have leisure." Zheng Ren said with certainty: "Is there any time to do two operations?"

“There is always time to be tired.”

"I judge your real thought is to go to the school gate, put the pulse on the car cover?"

"Boss, that was the practice ten years ago. Now you try, no matter what car you drive, as long as the boys and students have a hot head, they will give you a slap." Su Yun said with a smile: "And you need this I don’t need it at all. I smoke a cigarette at the school gate and there is a sister who talks to me."

"Don't talk nonsense, this time, you might as well think about how to give me a good puncture when I puncture the old man." Zheng Ren looked at the traffic and looked for Rolls-Royce Gust.

This car belongs to the entry level of Rolls-Royce, although the price is not as good as Zou Wei's car in the Imperial City - Rolls-Royce Phantom, but because it is much cheaper, the retention rate is higher than the Mirage.

It is said to be the fastest-growing model of Rolls-Royce.

Haven't seen Rolls-Royce Gust, Zheng Ren is slightly curious, in the end, who is all right to drive this kind of luxury car to run?

Su Yun just wanted to talk and the phone rang.

"Hey, Zou Wei, what happened?"

"No, just dropped a car."

"Ha, it's also Rolls Royce, don't open your phantom every day. In the evening, you can find a meal yourself, don't want to go home to cook."

"Hang up."

After that, Su Yun hung up the phone and smiled and said: "Zou Yu still wants to go home to eat rice, beautiful her."

"Go, don't miss a mouth." Zheng Ren said very casually.

Su Yun observed Zheng Ren’s expression and thought that he did not ridicule himself and had to sigh.

It’s really boring to meet someone who is bent on technology and who doesn’t want to be distracted to do other things.

Soon, a black Rolls-Royce Gust stopped nearby.

The car is very eye-catching.

The license plate is also good, and I saw it at a glance.

Su Yun squatted on the mobile phone, and waved his hand, and Zheng Ren walked over.

Opening the door, Zheng Ren feels slightly different.

The owner’s gaze is like a knife, looking at Su Yun. That kind of gaze is very direct, there is no cover at all.

Zheng Ren stunned, and he did not feel hostile in his eyes.

He felt the appreciation, praise and greed in his eyes.

However, it has nothing to do with himself, Su Yun called the car. What is this coming? Do you want to kill your own guns?

Probably this means.

Zheng Rengang wanted to get on the bus, but he was caught by Su Yun.

Su Yun’s hand is like a tongs, as if he had encountered any unknown danger, and the whole person was very tight.

"What's wrong?" Zheng Ren asked.

"Change the trolley." Su Yun said coldly, then picked up the phone and gave the order back.

"Little brother, what's wrong?" The driver's seat came down, elegantly said.

It is a woman of about 50 years old. It is very delicate and looks less than forty. The figure is very good, if you wear a hat, cover half of the face, roughly look like a woman of about thirty.

As for the figure, it can be said to be hot.

Su Yun blew his breath, and the black hair floated in front of him. He didn't talk, but picked up his mobile phone.

"This can be a bit polite." The woman said with a smile.

"Sorry, we just have friends passing by, we will not take your car." Zheng Ren said with a smile.

She glanced at Zheng Ren, and her eyes fell on Su Yun.

Zheng Ren’s heart laughs It is a wise move to let him deal with the troublesome female patient.

"Little brother, Rolls-Royce Gust, how can it be considered a luxury car?" The woman gently patted the body with a certain rhythm, "Meeting is fate, why bother to pick up friends?"

"No." Su Yun's face was blue, and he saw the black phantom in the distance, raising his hand high.

"What car." The woman looked back and frowned.

Phantom and Gust... It’s so smart.

She had some regrets, but she didn't say anything more, just sighed.

I want to go back to the car, but when I look at Su Yun, I still have a hard stop, and the visual phantom opens.

"Cloud brother, I have to go." Zou Yu down, smiled and said hello to Su Yun.

The woman saw Zou Yu walked down from the phantom and his face finally became extremely ugly. She immediately returned to the car and went away.

Su Yun finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"What happened?" Zheng Ren asked.

Zou Yu also found the Rolls-Royce Gust, who seemed to understand what it was, and the smile on his lips was more intense.

"She didn't wear shoes on her left foot." Su Yun's expression was cold and he got into the car and said nothing.

What is this stalk?

Zheng Ren is not very clear, but thinking about it should be a little bit more.

It seems that Su Yun said wrong, what legend, that is only a minority. Good luck is an illusion.

Zou Yu smiled very happy, looking at Su Yun Tieqing’s expression all the way, and Zheng Ren’s faint words.

Back to Golden Palm, Zou Yu did not want to go to the meal, leave to leave.

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