Live Surgical Broadcast

Chapter 1655: 1 point misdiagnosis

"This time, I have been eating carbamazepine?" Su Yun asked.

"Eat, but the effect is not very good." The chunky boss said: "It may be that the body is resistant, I am going to go to the mental hospital to open him."

There is no other good way, Zheng Ren sighed.

This kind of thing, for the honest and honest Liu, it is really possible that I will not be able to go out for a lifetime.

A rib in the head, recognize the dead.

"I knew that Liu was so willing to drink, I went to spend a few times with him, and persuaded him." Su Yun was a little sorry.

"When Da Liu was in his hometown, he was a pound of wine a day, drinking like this all the year round." The chunky boss said: "Come here to work, he knows that drinking is wrong, and drinking a few nights every night, meaning."

Zheng Ren, sweat, drink a few two, is it a solution?

The chunky boss’s cell phone rang, he connected the phone, and after a few words he hanged up.

"Come back, take a look." The chunky boss said.

"You too, don't look for me early, what is the use of looking for me at this time." Su Yun complained.

"I am wrong in my heart, I want to find someone to talk. Yun Geer, you said that I am doing my best, and Liu’s younger brother has been grinding my money." The chunky boss is also very upset.

This kind of dead, Zheng Ren and Su Yun have no way to solve.

When I thought of going back to my hometown, Da Liu would be sent to a mental hospital. Both Zheng Ren and Su Yun were depressed.

"I will go back first if I have nothing." Zheng Ren whispered.

The chunky boss is a little surprised. Su Yun said: "My boss is like this. If you can't solve it, you don't want to see it.

Zheng Ren patted the shoulder of the chunky boss, did not speak, walked down with his head down.

On the face, a wheelchair is pushed in.

Zheng Ren glanced at it, but saw the bright red system panel and different diagnoses.

Subacute subdural hematoma!

He looked up and looked at him carefully.

That's right! There is a cerebral hemorrhage.

Zheng Ren immediately walked to the side of Da Liu and said: "I will come."

There are two or three people around the wheelchair. One of the young people looks a little like Big Liu. It is estimated to be his younger brother.

"What about the boss?" Da Liu’s younger brother said: "My brother is mentally ill, and he must be oppressed. In order to earn hard-earned money, make my brother into what it is now! Capitalists, all are special evil! people!"

Zheng Ren was a little bored, and his heart was anxious. He took the wheelchair and quickly pushed into the emergency room.

"Go." Su Yun saw Zheng Ren pushing the wheelchair into the rescue room. Somewhat strange, said: "There is nothing to look at."

"Inspection, I always feel that Liu is in a wrong state." Zheng Ren said in a hurry.

Big Liu was sitting in a wheelchair, his hands and feet twitching and whispering in his mouth.

"Zhou, the patient is back." Zheng Ren entered the rescue room and immediately greeted: "Is blood pressure measured?"

Zhou Litao just finished busy, looked at the big Liu, said: "Measured, 120/80, heart rate seems to be 90 times / min."

"I use a flashlight." Zheng Rendao.

Zhou Litao handed the phone to Zheng Ren, saying: "The light reflection is a bit slow, nothing else."

"Do you have a head ct?"

"I want to give him one, but the patient's family does not agree." Zhou Litao is also very upset.

"My brother is not injured, you just want to check to make money! I know, you have to check the commission!" Da Liu's younger brother said in the back: "The emperor, there is no good person!"

Zheng Ren did not take care of the younger brother of Liu, but took over the flashlight and began to see the pupil of Big Liu.

As Zhou Litao said, the bilateral pupils are weak against light, while the left pupil is slightly larger.

"Weird, I haven't seen the pupil dilated." Zhou Litao wondered, "Is it a subarachnoid hemorrhage?"

"Not necessarily, first go and do a ct look." Zheng Rendao.

"it is good."

Zhou Litao promised cleanly and immediately flew to open the list.

Da Liu’s younger brother is still holding a chunky boss and talking about money.

Soon, Zhou Litao took the ct list and handed it to the chunky boss.

"You pay the money, I am looking for someone to send it for inspection." Zhou Litao finished, shouted the inspection and another doctor sent Da Liu to check.

"What to do check, spend money." Da Liu's younger brother grabbed the ct application form, shredded, said: "Make one after another, and finally it is not the same. My brother is you to make this together! ”

This is the most basic noisy. Zheng Ren has seen more in Haicheng, and he has never been surprised.

Zhou Litao said very seriously: "Patients, that is, your brother now considers that there may be cerebral hemorrhage. Do not do ct, if people have something, you have to bear legal responsibility. This is intentional murder!"

"You..." Big Liu’s younger brother still wants to argue.

"There are cameras, we have a record. If you don't agree, your brother has something to do, you will definitely be thrown into jail, this is intentional murder!" Su Yun deliberately nonsense, scare the younger brother of Liu .

Listening to Su Yun said that his momentum suddenly collapsed. Pretending to be a fierce stare at Zhou Litao and Su Yun, then the fingers swayed and pointed two times, and even the words did not say turn and left.

Zhou Litao did not care, went back and opened a list, handed over to the chunky boss, and went to do ct. In addition, the emergency doctor who deliberately went to the hospital directly sent neurosurgery if there was bleeding.

After leaving, the emergency department was temporarily quiet.

Because the doctor in the emergency department gave Da Liu an examination, Zhou Litao was responsible for the visit.

This time, it is not very busy, there is a doctor inside, and Zhou Litao is not needed for the time being.

"Zheng boss, Yun Geer, how do you have time to come down?" Zhou Litao asked.

"The patients we know, the chef in a restaurant that always goes to eat." Su Yundao: "Whoever wants to have a cerebral hemorrhage."

"It's better than mental illness." Zheng Rendao.

"Fortunately, Zheng boss came down, or he almost missed it." Zhou Litao was a little scared and smiled. "When I came, I checked my body. I really didn't have a dilated pupil. And the patient has no history of trauma and blood pressure is not high. Did not consider the cerebral hemorrhage."

"Know." Zheng Rendao: "The subdural hematoma can be seen occasionally in patients with minor trauma. The emergency department wants patients to stay and is worried about this problem."

"Three days to three weeks before the symptoms ~ ~ 唉." Zhou Litao sighed, the emergency department is difficult to do, it is reflected here.

The examination was much longer, the patient's family was not happy, and the patient was less. The patient suddenly changed his symptoms and immediately pneum.

Like Big Liu, according to the chief complaint, it is very obvious that alcoholism and epileptic seizures occur. With the diagnosis of a mental hospital, the family refused to do head ct, the possibility of misdiagnosis has soared to the sky.

If it wasn’t for Zheng Ren’s glance, I’m afraid that Liu will soon have a cerebral palsy.

When the surgery is finished, the effect will be much worse.



Note: When the emergency department is out, the family members of the patients who refuse to check are often encountered. I also have a slight obsessive-compulsive disorder. When I encounter this kind of thing, the pessimistic emotion spreads after the patient leaves, for fear of an accident. Very... torment...


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