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Chapter 2183: Pigeons that will watch the film

He smiled and watched the food and drink, watching Su Yun and Chang Yue like drinking water like a cold water, and he had already opened a flower in his heart.

"I am a friend, luck is good," said Ringer. "There is a thermal imaging interactive experience room. Like other tourists, my friend enters the house, waving his arms with his children, watching his own image. Appears on the screen."

"Director Lin, this is not very good at the end." Su Yun sipped the bottle of wine, half of the ear heard, then turned back and said.

Linge smiled and looked at Su Yun, behind him a pile of Maotai wine bottles.

This is the fifth bottle or the sixth bottle. They all drink like this. If you just say something, you can know the ending.

Cloud brother is not simple, no wonder it can become the assistant of Zheng boss.

"Is it a problem with thermal imaging?" Lin Yuan also drank a few mouthfuls of wine, apparently overwhelmed with alcohol and some dizzy.

"Yeah." Linge said. "She looked at the photos after going home and saw that there were different red spots on her chest. It was strange. Later, I showed it to me, I was terrified, and went directly to the gland department. Checked out. A look at the results, early! After surgery, it is estimated that nothing."

"Well, luck is good." Zheng Ren nodded.

"Is the thermal imaging in the black box game? What is the name?" Chang Yue asked.

"It should be that thing." Su Yundao, "The sensitivity of thermal imaging to tumors is not high, so the boss will say that luck is good. It is even more unreliable. In 2011, Time magazine named the top ten medical breakthroughs of the year. "Dog dogs smell cancer" is on the list."

"It can't be said that it is not reliable. Later, in 2014, an Italian study showed that the urine of cancer patients and the gas that comes out of breathing have a special taste.

The sniffer dog sniffed cancer against 677 urine samples with an accuracy rate of 98%. Malignant tumors that can be "smelled" include breast cancer, lung cancer, bladder cancer, ovarian cancer, prostate cancer, and colorectal cancer. ”

Zheng Ren took the hand of the Xie Yi people and said leisurely.

"What dog is the sunspot?" asked the Xie.

"Search and rescue dogs, and the sniffer dog is somewhat different, but not big." Zheng Ren guessed.

"Can the sunspot do it?"

"Ira, the sunspot has been hurt like that, how can you bear to let it go to training again." Su Yun drank the wine, habitually smashed.

For a moment, Su Yun felt a sharp look toward himself, the same knife.

Wine, I woke up halfway.

"Does the dog is not reliable, or the pigeons are reliable." Su Yun's transfer of the topic is extremely fast. The boss is angry, Su Yun is not afraid to be hard.

"Well, that's it." Zheng Ren smiled slightly. "The Journal of the Public Library of Science has published research saying that trained pigeons can distinguish cancerous and healthy breast tissue samples like humans."

"Yes, the training time is short, the effect is quick, recommended!" Su Yundao.

"Oh..." Ringer is surprised. "Is the training time short? Do the pigeons use the smell, or do you use it?"

"Look at the film."

"..." Ringer is speechless.

"You said, the pigeons will watch the film... Chang Yue, I don't think you have a pigeon to see."

Zheng Ren felt that Su Yun was a little excited to drink today.

He has already begun to be unscrupulous. Is it the reason for being too tired recently? It is possible.

Chang Yue took out two bottles of Maotai, and Zheng Ren quickly opened the subject.

“The pigeons have been trained for two weeks and can successfully distinguish cancerous tissues with an accuracy rate of 85%. In addition, they can learn to interpret mammograms and find microcalcifications. This is one of the manifestations of early breast cancer. The rate is said to be higher. Researchers say that early breast cancer can be more accurately identified than ordinary people who have been trained for two weeks."

Ringer shook his head and smiled, or did he raise a group of pigeons in 912?

Zheng Boss and Dr. Su are also considered powerful. No matter what topic, as long as they say it, they can always go to the horizon.

I said a thermal imaging, and immediately the dog and the pigeons came out.

[They said to write one soon...]

Director Kong’s words were interrupted by Zheng Ren’s cell phone ringtone, and Zheng Ren apologized for picking up the phone and took a look.

"Haicheng's phone."

“Director?” Su Yun asked with a smile.

"No, it is the Zhou Ge of the orthopedics." Zheng Ren was strange, but he quickly picked up the phone. "Chou Ge, hello."

"Oh? What is the disease?"

"How are you doing now?"

"Then give me the call of Professor Tian, ​​I will ask him."

"No, the disease is not necessarily the same. If you have a thoracotomy, you will be in trouble."

After that, Zheng Ren hung up the phone.

I am glad that I am happy in my heart.

I don’t have a cup of greed today. I really didn’t drink a lot of wine. I didn’t dare to dare. I was afraid that I couldn’t get it when I was afraid of something. The twins in the first class of Haicheng City are like the sword of Damocles, hanging over the head of Laohe.

Yun Geer advised the wine, he said that he had already quit, or else he would be fined by his wife.

Look, all the care will be rewarded, open the thoracic surgery, this is not coming.

"What disease?"

"It is said that it is a compression fracture of the lumbar vertebrae, and it is complicated by pulmonary embolism." Zheng Rendao.

The three words of pulmonary embolism seem to have a huge magical power, directly letting the atmosphere in the private room stagnate.

"Director, let me take a look."

"Well ~ go out to the consultation and slow down." Director Kong finished, intentionally or unintentionally glanced at Ringer.

"I said that Teacher Tian and their medical office contacted our hospital." Zheng Ren has stood up. "You eat first, I will take a look."

"Zheng boss, I will go with you." Laohe please.

Su Yun hesitated and said: "Will you come here today?"

"Well, let it go," said Director Kong. "You drink alcohol here, don't go to the stage."

"Director, rest assured." Su Yun said with a smile. "It will definitely not. I just went to see it. After all, there is a pulmonary embolism. I don't look at my heart."

Director Kong knew Su Yun's temper and smiled.

The winery is over.

The Xie Yi and Chang Yue went home, and there were sunspots at home, lonely and lonely. Although she also wants to see it, if she can come to power.

But in the end, I thought about it or forget it.

"Zheng Ren, slow down." Xie Yi shouted.

"Do not worry, I guess it will not be a big deal." Zheng Ren said with a smile.

"Hey, where are you coming from?" Su Yun's sorrowful muzzle can pick up a tornado from the second floor. "The bone cement solidifies in the pulmonary artery. The subsequent thrombus is big, it is small, big. You can't take it out with a bolting catheter."

"What if I can take it out?" Zheng Ren smiled slightly and said nothing.

Su Yun stunned for a moment, did not dare to respond to this sentence.

Others can't do it, but it doesn't mean that their boss can't do it either. What bet, Su Yun has stopped thinking about it since the last time he lost.

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